No clearer way to evaluate whether or not you’re alive.
现在 很复杂
Now, complications.
A reason to fight: Somebody different.
Difference creates dispute.
Dispute is a reason to fight.
现在 打架是想感受痛苦 生活充满痛苦
Now, to fight is a reason to feel pain. Life is pain.
所以打架 是有原因的…
So to fight, with reason…
is to be alive with reason.
最后分♥析♥ 打架:活着的理由
Final analysis. To fight: A reason to live.
Problems and contradictions: I am an anarchist.
我深信不该有规范 只有混乱
I believe that there should be no rules, only chaos.
打架呈现出混乱状态 而我们打成一团时 就是了
Fighting appears to be chaos, and when we slam in a pit at a show, it is.
但当我们为了理由而打 像俗咖之类 就有了机制产生
But when we fight for a reason, like rednecks, there is a system.
为了我们所支持的而打… 混乱 但打架是个体制
We fight for what we stand for… chaos. But fighting is a structure.
打架是为了建立权威 权力就是政♥府♥…
Fighting is to establish power, power is government…
and government is not anarchy.
政♥府♥是战争 而战争是打架
Government is war, and war is fighting.
The circle goes like this: Our redneck skirmishes…
are cheaper versions of conventional warfare.
War implies extreme government…
战争总因强迫实施规范理想 甚至自♥由♥而起
because wars are fought to enforce rules or ideals, even freedom.
But other people’s ideals forced on someone else…
甚至某些东西象是自♥由♥ 仍然是种规范
even if it is something like freedom, is still a rule.
Not anarchy.
85年秋天 这种矛盾对我来说越来越清楚
This contradiction was becoming clear to me in the fall of ’85.
甚至早在我的第一个趴 我怎么这么爱打架?
Even as early as my first party, why did I love to fight?
我承认 但我仍不明白
I framed it, but I still don’t understand it.
与我成为真正无政♥府♥主义者的理想相违背 但就是如此
It goes against my beliefs as a true anarchist, but there it was.
比较 斗争 资本主义…
Competition, fighting, capitalism…
政♥府♥ 整个机制
government, the system.
It’s what we always did.
俗咖排挤庞克仔 庞克仔排挤摩登族…
Rednecks kicked the shit out of punks, punks kicked the shit out of mods…
摩登族排挤光头族 光头族找上金属仔…
mods kicked the shit out of skinheads, skinheads took out the metal guys…
the metal guys beat the living shit out of new wavers…
新浪潮人啥都没做… 他们是新一代嬉皮
and the new wavers did nothing… they were the new hippies.
重点是什么? 总结是?
What was the point? Final summation?
给我点时间 我就要关门了
So I’ll just close up if you guys give me a second.
老哥 她是 象是 责任 你懂吗?
Dude, she’s, like, responsible, you know?
她是个生意人 有自己的店
She’s a businesswoman. She owns her own store.
She’s making a contribution to society.
叭咘 她在卖♥♥人头 叭咘
Bob, she owns a head shop. She sells bongs, Bob.
不不不 又不是你在卖♥♥ – 是是是
No, no, no. It’s not what you sell. – Blah, blah, blah.
你何必这么愤世嫉俗? 你干嘛不学着成熟点?
Why do you got to be so cynical? Why don’t you grow up?
You bitch!
嘿 马克 – 嘿 上周的趴很不赖
Hey, Mark. – Hey. Great party last week.
正是我们要的 – 禽兽
We aim to please. – Animals.
I’ve always loved animals.
It was a little violent at the end.
暴♥力♥ 你听你说了啥鬼 Mr. NRA
Violent. Look who’s talking, Mr. NRA.
你在做啥? – 事实上 我来跟你们说我要闪了
What are you doing here? – Actually, I came by to say I’m off.
你要闪去哪? – 我要去迈阿密
Where are you going? – I’m going to Miami.
去啥鬼迈阿密啊? – 啥鬼就在迈阿密
What the hell is in Miami? – Hell is in Miami.
别担心 我会回来的 你大可放心
Don’t worry. I’II be back. You can always count on that.
你怎么会想回来这鸟地方啊 兄弟?
Why would you ever come back to a place like this, man?
这跟其他鸟地方没两样 叭咘… 居民 房♥子 道路 车子
It’s like any other place, Bob… people, houses, roads, cars.
What else do you think is out there?
自♥由♥ – 没错
Freedom. – Yeah.
It’s not out there.
Freedom is another way of saying “death.”
Know what I mean?
你真♥他♥妈♥的诡异啊 兄弟 你了吗?
You’re pretty fucking weird, man. You know that?
我闪先 – 好 兄弟 再会啦
I’m off. – All right, man. See ya.
嘿 马克 如果你觉得寂寞…
Hey, Mark, if you ever get Ionely…
or if you ever need someone to talk to…
叭咘永远都在 – 嘿 史弟
Bob’s there for you.
去你的! – 这是我们最后一次看到他
Fuck you! – And that was the last we saw of Mark.
就在也没从佛罗里达回来了 如果他真的去了那里
Never came back from Florida, if that was where he was going.
Rumor flew around…
说他死于空难 早该死的空难
that he had died in a plane crash like he was supposed to all those years ago.
不管怎样 这就是盐湖城 人们来来去去
Anyways, that was Salt Lake. People came in, and they went out.
喔 不
Oh, no.
Fuck you.
所以 翠许 等下我们去走走?
So, Trish, are we hanging out later?
我会跟你说 叭咘 跟我一起
I’ll tell you what, Bob. You’re coming with me.
跟你一起? – 没错
I am? – That’s right.
我拥有你了 – 是的没错 正是如此
I own you now. – Oh, yeah. That’s right.
我忘了跟你说 我把我自己已36块卖♥♥给翠许
I forgot to tell you. I sold myself to Trish for 36 bucks.
三十六块 哇 翠许 这行情还真好
Thirty-six bucks. Wow, Trish, that’s a good deal.
Salt Lake City.
Land of the dead sea.
锡安 摩♥门♥教♥徒这么称呼
Zion, as the Mormons call it.
It really is the holy land.
掰啦 史弟
See you, Stevo.
你供不起的 老头
You can’t afford me, old man.
最近如何? – 还不赖啦
How are things going these days? – Not so bad.
女人们怎么对待你的? – 女人?
How are the ladies treating ya? – The ladies?
我告诉你 这城里的女人超悲惨的…
I tell you, the women in this town are so miserable…
我愿意拿我的所有 换取离开这里的机会
I’d give anything to get the hell out.
知道吗 你抛弃了我妈 先生
You know, you gave up a good thing in my mother, sir.
Maybe so.
所以 有个好消息
So, good news.
The world is coming to its end.
比那还好 – 喔 狗屎!
Better. – Oh. Ow, shit!
比这还好? 人们会十分受不了耶
Better than that? The people are revolting.
你… – 怎么?
You… – Yeah?
已准许… – 嗯?
Have been invited… – Uh-huh?
To attend Harvard Law School.

老爸 我们要好好搞清楚你我对于好消息的定义
Dad, you and I really gotta work on your definition of good news.
史蒂夫 这当然是好消息 你早就通过法学先修班了
Steven, this is great news. You’ve already gone through pre-law.
何不继续完成 以最好的方式?
Why not finish the process, and in the best possible way?
真好笑 因为 天啊 父亲大人…
That’s so funny, because, gosh, Father…
don’t even remember applying to Harvard Law.
我帮你申请的 – 你说的是你签了我的名字?
I applied for you. – You mean you signed my name?
没错 – 嘿 恭喜啊 老头!
Yeah. – Hey, congratulations, old man!
Hope you enjoy your second tour of Harvard Law School.
史蒂夫 你想要闲晃一辈子吗?
Steven, are you going to walk around like this forever?
你上过课 拿了好成绩 还有什么?
You went to school. You got great grades. What else is there?
我作弊啊 老爸 我大学全都在作弊
I cheated, Dad. I cheated all through college.
喔 是啊 是的 你作弊 但为了什么?
Oh, that’s right. Yeah, you cheated. But why?
You obviously cared enough about your grades to do well.
我了解你 史蒂夫 你就像我一样
I know you, Steve. You’re just like me.
我像你 或许吧 但并不完全是
I’m like you, maybe, but not completely.
那为何上法律先修班? 干嘛不学人文科学?
Then why pre-law? Why not liberal science?
Why go at all?
I studied law ’cause I wanted to learn…
how completely full of shit your life’s ambition was.
太夸张了 你明白吗
That’s crazy. You know that.
我明不明白? 我认为你已经成了个法♥西♥斯♥了
You know what I think it is? I think you’ve become a fascist.
法♥西♥斯♥? – 你是纳粹
A fascist? – You’re a Nazi.
我是犹太人 怎么可能会是纳粹?
I’m Jewish. How can I be a Nazi?
这才是最糟的 老爸 看仔细点 这是什么车?
That’s the worst. Dad, look at this. What kind of car is this?
This would be a Porsche.
A Porsche that you bought at a Volkswagen dealership.
是吧?对于大众 是谁设计的?
Right? For the people. Who designed it?
谁使他成为可能? 给你个提示 阿道夫希♥特♥勒♥
Who made that possible? Let me give you a hint. Adolf Hitler.
只是台车 好吗? – 毫无疑问
It’s just a car, okay? – Absolutely.
