The judge agreed to move up the trial. We’ll be in court in a couple days.
真的 这么快
Really? That soon?
再过48小时 你就是自♥由♥的人了
In 48 hours, you’re a free woman.
哦 那太好了
Oh, that’s great.
是的 太好了
Yeah, that’s great.
怎么 你不谢谢我吗
Hey, well, don’t thank me or anything.
不不 谢谢你 对不起
No, it is. No, thank you. I’m sorry,
是的 谢谢你
I’m sorry. Thank you.
好的 再见
Yeah. All right. Bye.
好了 你希望的事情要发生了
Well, seems like your prayers have been answered.
再过一个礼拜我就要走了 要离开这儿了
Gonna be out of here in a week. I’m leaving.
-你要走了 -是的
– You’re leaving? – Yeah.
-那我们俩都要走 -你什么意思
– That makes two of us. – What do you mean?
I have submitted my resignation to Monsignor O’Hara. Privately.
I’ve asked to be relocated as soon as possible.
But why?
I must go where I can be of use.
But there’s still so much to be done here.
-要是我的缘故 我正好要走了 -确实是因为你
– Look, if it’s about me, I’m gonna be gone. – Indeed.
你在这也就呆了几个星期 可我在这儿呆了多少年
And after how long? A few weeks? I have been here for years.
可能太久了 我变得太守旧了
Well, too long, I suppose. I’ve become somewhat obsolete.
But you don’t have to continue being obsolete.
Look, everything that’s happening here is a good thing.
Sister, you can still be part of it.
是哪一部分 你知道吗
Part of what? Mary Clarence, it is one thing to rabble-rouse,
你把这儿搅浑了 你就进城去休假
to sweep into town and declare a holiday.
你对修女们的期望太高了 你让她们大开眼界
You’ve raised the sisters’ expectations. You’ve excited and confused them.
你把她们搞糊涂了 她们把周围的工作看得太简单了
They imagine this neighbourhood to be some sort of delightful ongoing bake sale.
Now, you and I know things are not so simple.
以后她们会失望 会惊讶
There’ll be disappointments and rude shocks.
And you will have vanished. How fortunate.
跟你说 变化是我开始的
Look, I just got things going.
你是位令人敬佩的女人 你可以把这种变化继续发扬下去
You are a formidable woman. You could keep this going.
我行吗 恐怕心有余而力不足
Could I? Even if I wanted to, no.
我担心我太守旧了 不讨人喜欢
I fear I am a relic. And I have misplaced my tambourine.
-再见 玛莉 克拉伦斯 -可是 修女
– Good day, Mary Clarence. – But, sister…
Good day.
Good day.
别说话 别偷看
Don’t peek. Ready?
疯女人 你们在干什么 这是什么
Crazy women. What have you done? What is this?
-这是冰淇淋 -我知道 可是
– It’s ice cream. – I know that, but…
Well, it’s a great big cuddly bear hug of a thank-you from us to you.
别谢我 别谢我 应该谢谢你们 什么时候做的
Not thank you to me. Thank you to you. I mean, when did you do this?
这是罪恶 这是邪恶的纵容
This is a sin. It’s a wicked indulgence.
Didn’t they have any butter pecan?
-但愿别让院长嬷嬷撞见我们 -是的 我们小点声
– Hope Reverend Mother doesn’t catch us. – Yeah, let’s keep it down.
-有没有果汁的 -玛莉 克拉伦斯
– Is there any syrup? – Mary Clarence,
今天作祷告时 我感谢上帝把你带给我们
this morning in prayers, I thanked God for bringing you to us.
你来后一切都变了 我们的唱诗班一下出了名
Since you’ve come, everything has just happened. Our choir is famous, for one.
我们可能会灌唱片 我得学吉他
We could cut a demo. I could learn guitar.
是的 什么都有可能
Yeah, anything is possible.
-上帝真让人琢磨不透的 -说的对
– God works in mysterious ways. – That’s true.
You know, anything could happen.
可能某个时候我们中的 某人突然离开大家
I mean, any one of us could be transferred out of here at any given time.
Are you leaving us?
不 怎么可能
No. Come on, no.
你在说什么呢 我们会永远在一起
What are you talking about? No, we’re always gonna be together.
That’s what Diana Ross said.
-她们是三重唱 我们是四重唱 -真的
– Listen, that was a trio. We’re a quartet. – It’s true.
没遇到他 索瑟刚出去
Just missed him. Souther just stepped out.
他得在这上面签个字 没他的签字不能发出去
I need his signature on some things. This stuff can’t be processed without him.
放在这吧 他回来后我让他签
Well, just leave it here, Henry.I’ll make sure he signs it when he comes in.
授权人 埃迪·索瑟
We found her.
干得好 修道院的地址
Beautiful work. What’s the address?
It’s Church Street at 29th in San Francisco.
-我还以为你走了 -我忘了带车钥匙
– Thought you were gone. – Got all the way to the car, no keys.
塔特让我把向 修道院捐款的收据给他
Tate said to leave the money vouchers with him.
He said you’d sign them later.
小子们 我们走漏风声了 先把他关起来
Here’s our leak, boys. Plug him up!
-把他带走 -走吧
– Get him out of here. – Let’s go, Tate.
教皇明天来 我紧张死了
The pope. Tomorrow. Oh, my gosh, I’ll be so nervous.
-我忘了歌♥词怎么办 -你会下地狱
– What if I forget the words? – You’re gonna go straight to hell.
-我开玩笑的 -快来 五分钟之后排练
– I’m kidding. I’m sorry. – Come on, sisters. Rehearsal in five minutes.
-我要去排练 我马上来 -好的
– Go to rehearsal. I’ll be there in a minute. – Right.
1 2 3 跳 1 2 3 跳
One, two, three and slide. One, two, three and slide.
1 2 3 跳 开始
One, two, three and slide. Sister, take over now.
1 2 3 跳
One, two, three, together.
1 2 3 一起跳
One, two, three, together.
-进来 -迪劳丽丝在哪
– Oh, come in. – Where’s Deloris?
-有什么事吗 -她已经暴露了
– Is something wrong? – They know she’s here.
她在楼上 跟唱诗班在一起
Oh, my goodness. She’s upstairs with the choir.
-迪劳丽丝 -嗨
– Deloris. – Hi.
文森知道你在这了 我们得马上离开
Look, Vince knows you’re here. We gotta get out now.
I can’t. We sing for the pope tomorrow.
如果你不肯离开 恐怕你就只能给上帝演出了
You’re gonna be singing for Saint Peter if you don’t get your ass out of here now.
But I…
我不能走 这么走好像把她们抛弃一样
I can’t do this. I can’t leave. It’s like I’m deserting them.
Hey, I think they’ll understand.
不 你不明白 她们需要我
No, you don’t understand. They need me.
一群修女需要你 要你做什么
They need you? A bunch of nuns? What for? Moral guidance?
-指导她们谈恋爱 还是教她们化妆 -我跟你说
– What, makeup tips? – Let me tell you something.
教皇要来了 这件事对她们意义重大
We are talking about the pope. This means a great deal to them.
And they have worked very hard for this and they deserve it.
Where are you going?
-你去哪儿 -我要去盥洗室 你怎么不明白
– Where are you going? – I am going to the little nuns’ room, nosy!
你在这儿呀 我们到处找你
There you are! We’ve been looking for you.
-排练要开始了 -嘘 我们走
– Rehearsal’s about to start. – Okay. Let’s go.
-没想到吧 -猜猜我们是谁
– Surprise. – Guess who.
-排练应该往这边走 -嘿 迪劳丽丝
– Rehearsal’s this way, sister. – Hey, Deloris.
-他们是谁 -里诺来的流氓
– What? Who are they? – Reno scum.Come on, man!
Get in the car!
-上车 快点 -好了
– Come on, come on, let’s go. – All right, all right.
-我们这是去哪 -去演个特别的节目 修女
– Where are we going? – Your sister here’s got a special command performance.
是的 就在月光厅
Yeah, back at the Moonlite Lounge.
你们放她走吧 她与这事没关系
Look, why don’t you just let her go? She doesn’t have anything to do with this.
放走她好去报♥警♥ 你想得美
Oh, yeah, sure. So she can run right to the cops, huh?
听着 你要见机行事
Look, you just go with the flow, okay?
Relax. You do what I tell you.
-她跑了 -你根本用不着担心她
– She’s getting away. – You don’t have to worry about her.
-你们该抓的就是我 -她说的对 走吧
– You got the one you came for. – She’s right. Let’s go.
-你没事吧 我是警♥察♥ -玛莉 克拉伦斯被人绑♥架♥了
– Are you all right? It’s okay, I’m a cop. – They’ve got Mary Clarence and guns.
-她被带到哪去了 -月光厅
– Where are they taking her? – The Moonlite Lounge.
-别站在路中间 -好
– Come on, get out of the street. – Okay.
-你是说她被人绑♥架♥了 -是两个男人 他们拿着枪
– You mean they kidnapped her? – Yes, two men. And they had guns.
-他们为什么绑♥架♥修女 -他们是天主教♥徒♥吗
– Why would anyone kidnap a nun? – Were they Catholics?
她不是修女 她是在舞厅唱歌♥的
She isn’t a nun. She’s a lounge singer.
真名叫迪劳丽丝 范凯蒂
Her real name is Deloris Van Cartier.
她目击一桩杀人事件 所以被藏在我们修道院
She witnessed a vicious crime and has been hiding in our convent.
-她不是修女 -她骗了我们
– She isn’t a nun? – She lied to us?
But she was such a wonderful nun.
Look what she did with the choir.She made us sing beautifully.
Should guess this.
我不管她是谁 可是 没有她 我们不唱歌♥
– Well, I don’t care who she is. We can’t sing without her!
-她启发了我们 -院长嬷嬷
– She’s our inspiration. – Reverend Mother.
我知道您和玛莉 克拉伦斯
Please, I know that you and Mary Clarence didn’t always agree,
-经常意见不一致 可我们得救她 -我们得救她
– but we’ve gotta help her, please. – We must save her.
We can’t leave it up to the feds.
安静 安静 玛莉罗伯特
