And you will face that danger head-on.
As if I could stop you.
-你不会阻扰我们的 -我完全支持你们
– You couldn’t. – You have my complete support in this matter.
不管你们怎么帮助 周围的人都是件好事
Anything you can do to revitalise this neighbourhood would be a blessing.
你为什么不 爱上她
Don’t you just love her?
Yes, the failing convent at Saint Katherine’s has truly come alive…
…thanks to the efforts of its popular choir.
What an amazing turnaround story.
This convent was once alienated from its surrounding neighbours.
-现在你们看它的大门敞开了 -文森 你快过来一下
– Now, as you can see, its doors are open… – Vinny, get over here.
establishing facilities like a daycare centre and a food kitchen for the homeless.
-事实上 -你快过来看一眼呀
– As a matter of fact… – Vin, you gotta see these cute nuns.
I’m shooting pool!
她们是慈善家 我们该给她们送钱去
Babe, we should send them money. They’re do-gooders.
…attribute this reach-out philosophy to a new addition to the convent
玛莉 克拉伦斯 可她很害羞不愿上镜头
Sister Mary Clarence, who, unfortunately, is a little camera shy.
我要杀了她 我要亲手杀了她
I’m gonna kill her. I’m gonna kill her myself.
另有消息说 教皇要来访美 我们呆会儿继续报道
In related news, the pope visits the U.S. And we’ll have more on that in a moment.
-早上好 -还是到教堂好
– Good morning, monsignor. – Good morning.
-早上好 阁下 -早上好
– Good to see you. – Good morning.
你是来找我吗 你来这干什么
Hey, hey, you looking for me? What you doing here?
-你怎么上电视了 -可那不是我的错
– How come I saw you on TV? – That was not my fault.
那些记者们突然出现了 可这对修道院有好处呀
These people just showed up. But it’s been really good for the convent.
你忘了你应该藏起来吗 你随时 都可能挨枪子
You’re supposed to be hiding out. Remember? Bullets flying through the air at you?
Ring a bell?
我知道 我不能陪你说话了 五分钟后我要去指挥唱诗班
Yes.But I can’t talk about it now. I have a show in five minutes.
Listen to yourself. This is not a career opportunity.
我知道 在这儿创建不了什么事业
You don’t have to tell me that. This would not be the place to begin a career.
你得保证晚上 不在电视节目里出现 好吗
Hey, just promise me I won’t see you on the Letterman show, okay?
我担心你来着 我不想你出事
Hey, I’m worried about you. I don’t want to see anything happen to you.
好的 来看唱诗班表演吗
Okay. You gonna come to the show?
当然 求之不得
Yeah. I’d love to.
This Sunday’s hymn is…
为了纪念玛莉 麦格达林娜
inspired by the lesson of Mary Magdalene.
玛莉 麦格达林娜是个年轻女子
Now, Mary Magdalene was a young lady with a past.
Oh, yes. And she was no stranger to sin.
She was no stranger to practically anybody.
Many condemned her.
The whole neighbourhood, in fact.
But one man refused to do so.
这个人说 嘿 你停下 等一等
One man said, “Hey, now. Hold on. Wait a minute.
Listen to the girl’s story.”
-欢呼 孩子们 -欢呼 玛莉
– Hail, girls. – Hail, Mary.
-怎么啦 -啊 耶路撒冷真无聊
– What’s up? – Well, Jerusalem’s become a real drag.
-谁都恨我 -啊 除了那个男人
– Everybody hates me. – Not that guy over there.
他 他们都说他与众不同
Who, him? They all say he’s different.
They say he’s really weird.
我们不在乎他们说什么 对我们来说 我们需要他
We don’t care what people say. To us, he’s always there.
Nothing you could say could tear me away from my God
My God
什么都不能 因为我们如胶似漆
Nothing you could do ’cause I’m stuck like glue to my God
-我的上帝 -我的上帝
– My God – My God
贴紧了我的上帝 像邮票贴在了信封上
I’m sticking to my God like a stamp to a letter
Like birds of a feather we stick together
I’m telling you from the start
I can’t be torn apart from my God
你做什么也没有用 都不能改变我的忠诚
Nothing you could do could make me untrue to my God
My God
什么都不能收买♥♥我 我不会说谎
Nothing you could buy could make me tell a lie to my God
My God
I gave my God my word of honor
-我会忠诚于你 -我要忠诚
– To be faithful – And I’m gonna
-你最好想相信我 -不会欺骗你我的上帝
– You best be believing – I won’t be deceiving my God
As a matter of opinion I think He’s tops
My opinion is He’s the cream of the crop
-从趣味上来说 -准确的说
– As a matter of taste – To be exact
-他是我的理想 -事实上
– He’s my ideal – As a matter of fact
-多强壮的男人也不能叫我离开 -我的上帝
– No muscle-bound man could take my hand from my God – My God
多英俊的脸都 不能别想代替我的上帝
No handsome face could ever take the place of my God
My God
He may not be a movie star
But when it comes to being happy
-我们都很幸福 -现在没有一个人
– We are – There’s not a man today
who could take me away from my God
Let’s take it home, ladies.
There’s not a man today who could take me away from my God
Give them some of that deep shoulder action.
There’s not a man today who could take me away from my God
I think Sister Mary Patrick was the best.
姑娘们 你们的演出棒极了
Ladies, ladies, you were fantastic.
-你们的演出棒极了 -哦 真是好激动
– Sisters, you did good. – Oh, I’m so excited.
-我真恨不得下个星期早点来 -我什么都不想干只想唱歌♥
– I can’t wait till Sunday when we sing. – I’d rather sing than do anything.
-这感觉比春天还好 -比冰淇淋还好
– It’s better than ice cream. – It’s better than springtime.
感觉比做♥爱♥还好 不 我是听说的
It’s better than sex. No, I’ve heard, you know.
修女们 真是鼓舞人心啊
Sisters, you’re truly an inspiration.
我听到一条大新闻 大家冷静
And I’ve asked you here because I bear remarkable news. Now, try to remain calm.
What I’m about to say is nothing short of a miracle.
Well, I didn’t believe it myself at first.
主教大人 到底是什么
Monsignor, for goodness’ sake, what is it?
对不起 这事太重大了
Oh, I’m sorry, sister. It’s just that it’s so momentous,
I’m still adjusting to the shock.
The pope, the pope himself, has heard of our choir here at Saint Katherine’s.
And when he visits San Francisco next weekend,
despite his inordinately busy schedule,
可是他还是决定周日 晚上来看我们的表演
he’s requested a special concert here on Sunday night.
我要死了 我要死了
Oh, I’m dying, I’m dying.
修女们 这真是重大消息
Oh, sisters. Oh, sisters, this is indeed glorious news.
我们如此卑微 却蒙受如此恩宠
Oh, monsignor, we’re both humbled and honoured.
And on such a supremely solemn occasion,
我觉得还是 严肃一点的节目更好
I do feel a traditional program would be best.
You mean, traditional like the old way?
我们在谈教皇的神圣 而不是邻居的舞会
We’re speaking of His Holiness, Mary Clarence, not a neighbourhood block party.
The pontiff commands the utmost respect and humility.
你们的唱法太世俗 不合适
Your more secular entertainments would be totally out of place.
院长嬷嬷 我们都喜欢我们的新唱法
But, Reverend Mother, everyone loves our new style.
It’s brought people back to the church.
这也是教皇来访的原因 就是因为我们换了一个新唱法
And that’s why he’s coming, because we’re doing something new and different.
Well, I feel this can be settled by a simple vote.
-表决 -当然 玛莉 克拉伦斯
– A vote? – Of course, Mary Clarence.
A convent is not a police state.
I’m sure the sisters are more than capable of
reaching a mature and dignified consensus.
那么好吧 赞成
Right. Now all those in favour of performing a program of time-honoured, sacred music
传统神圣音乐的 请举手
a truly spiritual repertoire, raise your hands.
现在赞成玛莉 克拉伦斯
All those in favour of allowing Mary Clarence
选择世俗节目的 请举手
to select a more worldly program, however inappropriate, raise your hands.
The majority has spoken.
院长嬷嬷 你跟往常 一样通情达礼 善解人意
Reverend Mother, as always, you’re a true leader. Gracious and understanding.
我们会演得不错的 院长嬷嬷
It’s gonna be wonderful, Reverend Mother. You’ll see.
I’m sure the presentation will be a great success.
祝贺你 玛莉 克拉伦斯
Congratulations, Mary Clarence.
And congratulations to you all.
教皇神圣 我们得忙起来了
His Holiness. Now, we’ve got to get busy.
Come in.
-你叫我 -有电♥话♥找你
– You sent for me? – You have a phone call.
-谁来的 -索瑟中尉
– From who? – Lieutenant Souther.

迪劳丽丝 有好消息 我找了关系
Hey, Deloris, great news. I pulled some strings.
法官同意早点审判 我们几天以后就可以上法庭了
