玛莉 克拉伦斯 你在唱歌♥吗
Mary Clarence, are you with us?
我不会唱这首歌♥ 我想等唱完这首再说
I don’t know this one. I’d better sit this one out.
Excuse me.
院长嬷嬷说玛莉 克拉伦斯以前搞过音乐
Reverend Mother says Mary Clarence has a background in music.
-真的吗 你以前做过唱诗班的指挥 -业余做过
– Really, Mary Clarence? Were you a choir mistress? – Sort of freelance.
业余做过 真的吗
Freelance? Really?
你以为我看不出来吗 你以为我昨天才进修道院
You don’t think I see? You think I took vows yesterday?
I know what you’re up to.
-你和院长嬷嬷 -什么
– You and Reverend Mother. – What?
你不是来唱诗的 她是让你来代替我的
You’re a ringer. She brought you here to replace me.
Out with the old.
帮帮我们吧 玛莉 克拉伦斯
Oh, could you help us, Mary Clarence?
玛莉拉扎勒斯 你真的不错 不过我们真的需要人帮帮
Mary Lazarus, you’re terrific, but we could really use some help.
-你听过我们唱歌♥的 -我们是唱得很差
– Please, you’ve heard us. – We’re terrible.
Please, would you do something for us, please?
Well, there’s a word for this.
玛莉 克拉伦斯 你认为能比我强吗
So, Mary Clarence, you think you can do better?
I believe I’d like to see that.
来吧 修女 让她们唱起来
Go ahead, sister. Make them sing.
好吧 好吧
Okay. Okay.
Where are the basses?
Oh, you should be over here.
And the altos?
你在哪儿 修女 你和她们在一起
Where are you? Sister, why don’t you join them?
And, sopranos, where are you?
啊 你得到这边来
Oh, you’ve got to come down this way.
All right.
Basses, I want you to give me a D.
Altos, I want you to do a third above that. Give me an F sharp.
And sopranos, give me an A.
Let me have Sister Alma play it one time
so we all know what we’re going to do
and we’ll go from there.
阿尔玛修女 请你都弹一遍好吗
Sister, will you give me those notes, please?
好了吗 数到三 1 2 3
Okay? On three. One, two, three.
好了 好了
Okay, okay, okay.
Very, very nice.
修女 你能到这边来吗
Sister, would you come over here, please?
Just slide right in here for me, please. Right here.
-你的嗓音太好了 -谢谢
– That’s a powerful instrument you have. – Thank you.
But I think it’s probably a good idea…
唱的这么高 这么响
if we bring you down out of the rafters.
虽说大家都想离上帝近点 可光靠音量大是不能把人抬起来的
I mean, everybody wants to be close to God. I’m just not sure you can do it vocally.
我现在让你低八度的唱一遍 好吧
Okay? So I need you to sing an octave below where you’ve been singing.
玛莉罗伯特 你可以站到这边来
And Sister Mary Robert, could you come stand over here, please?
Yeah, come on over.
I noticed that you’re moving your mouth, but nothing’s coming out.
So I’d like to just hear you by yourself, if you don’t mind.
阿尔玛 请弹A音
Sister Alma, could you give me an A, please?
Check your battery.
Give me an A, please.
好了 停一停
Okay. Wait.
Try this.
Close your eyes.
设想屋子里坐满了人 都在听你唱
Visualise yourself in a room full of people.
觥筹交错 人们大声的说话
Lots of silverware, people dropping stuff, talking loud, drunks.
女人们边端着盘子边嚷 你想吃什么呀
Women with trays going, “What are you gonna have?”
Your voice has to carry over the din.
You have to get up over all of that to be heard in the back of the room…
一定要唱大点声我才能听见 好吗
…where I’m sitting, listening, straining to hear you. Okay?
Keep that in your mind when we do this.
We call that an A with an attitude.
你们就需要这样 唱歌♥时要投入感情
That’s what you need. You have to put attitude in what you sing.
Have to think about what you’re singing.
唱歌♥是件高兴的事 不是像鸭子在唱
It’s not just quacking. This is rejoicing.
You are singing to the Lord.
咱们来复习一下这几个音调 看能不能把它们给串起来
Let’s review those notes again and see if we can put it together. Sister.
低音 中音 高音
Basses. Altos, sopranos.
数到三 1 2 3
On three. One, two, three.
-我们唱的是合音 -太让人激动了
– Oh, we did it. We actually sang a chord. – That was exciting.
好的 你们唱了两秒钟的合音
Yeah, you sang a chord for two seconds.
The next thing you have to learn how to do is listen to each other.
这点很重要 非常重要
That’s a big key. Big key.
如果你们想一起唱歌♥ 就该互相听点调子
You must listen to each other if you’re going to be a group.
I knew that.
玛莉拉扎勒斯 我一进门就知道你是个行家
Mary Lazarus, as soon as I walked in the door,
I knew that you knew this.
辛勤劳动和严守纪律的人 是吗
Now, you’re somebody who’s into hard work and discipline, aren’t you?
是的 我是个修女
Of course, I’m a nun.
-经过四代教化 -四代 难怪
– Four popes now. – Four?
-她们多长时间排练一次 -一星期两次 练两个小时
– How often do they rehearse? – Twice a week, couple hours.
那不够 你听她们唱就知道 她们需要更多练习
Not enough. I mean, listen to them. They really need a lot of work.
They gotta rehearse every day.
你认为她们能唱得更好吗 她们能行吗
Well, do you think they really could get better?
-她们的确没有经过多少训练 -没经验
– I don’t know. They’re pretty raw. – Wet behind the ears.
请让我们试一试 好吗
Oh, please, let us try.
-这活不容易呀 -这我知道
– This is gonna be hell. – Tell me about it.
欢迎你们来到这里 虽然人不多但你们很忠实
Welcome this Sunday morning, oh, ye few but faithful.
唱诗班选了一名新的指挥叫 玛莉 克拉伦斯
The choir, I’m told, has elected a new director, Sister Mary Clarence,
who will lead them in “Hail, Holy Queen.”
-你觉得会发生什么 -我也说不清楚
– What do you think’s going on up there? – I don’t know, man.
这像什么话 钢琴弹得 像爵士乐 你想搞什么
Girl groups? Boogie-woogie on the piano? What were you thinking?
我在试图模仿拉斯维加斯 合唱队的风格 这样才能吸引人
I was thinking more like Vegas. You know, get some butts in the seats.
接下来是什么 爆米花答谢观众
And what next? Popcorn, curtain calls?
这不是剧院 也不是赌场
This is not a theatre or a casino.
Yeah, but that’s the problem.See,
人们喜欢到戏院 喜欢逛赌场
people like going to theatres and they like going to casinos.
可他们不愿到教堂来 为什么
But they don’t like coming to church, why?
因为教堂没意思 我们可以 改变这一点 让教堂坐满人
Because it’s a drag. But we can change all that. See, we could pack this joint.
通过亵渎来改变吗 你败坏了整个唱诗班
Through blasphemy? You have corrupted the entire choir.
对不起 对不起
Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.
你怎么能这样说呢 我们排练得很辛苦
How can you say that? I worked my butt off with these women!
她们一刻不停的唱 她们唱的很好
They’ve given up their free time to do this and they’re good.
I mean, sister, we could rock this place!
不可能 明天开始
Out of the question. As of tomorrow,
Mary Lazarus resumes her leadership of the choir.
Come in!
院长嬷嬷 我要祝贺你
Reverend Mother, I just wanted to congratulate you.
我有很多年没有这么喜欢做弥撒了 节目编得太好了
I haven’t enjoyed Mass this much in years. What a marvellous program.
有创意 令人鼓舞 你应该受到表扬
Innovative, inspiring. You’re to be commended.
我真恨不得下个礼拜早点到 好再欣赏唱诗班的表演
I can’t wait till next Sunday when the choir performs again.
你注意到了吗 把街上的人都吸引到教堂了
Did you see the people walk in off the street?
That music, that heavenly music. Reverend Mother, it called to them.
-是这样吗 -我要告诉大主教
– It did? – I must tell the archbishop.
我要亲自写封信 告诉他你的努力成果
I’ll send him a personal letter describing your efforts,
your bold new fight to keep your little convent alive.
And you must also include this. This is something she would never tell you herself,
because this is the kind of woman she is.
姐♥妹♥们♥ 她要我们走出教堂 和周围的人见面
Sisters, she wants us to go out into the neighbourhood and meet the people.
-了不起的女人 -哦 真好
– Oh, this woman. – Oh, bless her.
人们有许多问题 我们或许能帮上忙
There are so many problems out there that we could maybe help with.
I mean, that’s why many of us became nuns.
Oh, it’s really marvellous, Reverend Mother.
除了祷告以外 我们还可以做很多事情
There’s a lot we could do for them besides pray, sister.
You’re a pioneer.
阁下 你应该清楚周围可是危险重重
Monsignor, surely you realise how dangerous this neighbourhood is.
