



shibboleth /ˈʃɪbəleθ/主要指信仰、习俗或口令,用于辨识说话者是否属于某一特定群体。该词出自《士师记》(Judges )第12章4-6节中记载的圣经故事:在基列人和以法莲人的一次战斗中,基列人占领了约旦河的渡口。当以法莲人试图过河时,基列人就盘问他们是否是以法莲人,如果否认,就得说出shibboleth(希伯来语“溪流”)——因为基列人知道以法莲人无法正确发出音节sh。最后那些发音错误的人都被杀死了。




shibboleth” 是一个名词,它指的是一种特定的言语、习惯或信仰,用来区分或辨别特定群体或社区的成员。

以下是与 “shibboleth” 相关的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Cultural shibboleth: 文化的标志
  2. Political shibboleth: 政治上的口号
  3. Social shibboleth: 社会上的传统
  4. Linguistic shibboleth: 语言上的特征
  5. Religious shibboleth: 宗教上的信条
  6. Traditional shibboleth: 传统的习俗
  7. Ideological shibboleth: 意识形态上的标志
  8. Tribal shibboleth: 部落的标记
  9. Generational shibboleth: 代际之间的区别
  10. Racial shibboleth: 种族的区分
  11. Gender-based shibboleth: 基于性别的区别
  12. Regional shibboleth: 地区特色
  13. Educational shibboleth: 教育上的标准
  14. Professional shibboleth: 职业上的标志
  15. Ethnic shibboleth: 民族的特征
  16. Technological shibboleth: 技术上的标志
  17. Economic shibboleth: 经济上的标志
  18. Fashion shibboleth: 时尚的特征
  19. Intellectual shibboleth: 知识分子的标志
  20. Artistic shibboleth: 艺术上的特征
  21. National shibboleth: 国家的象征
  22. Linguistic shibboleth: 语言上的标志
  23. Cultural shibboleths and customs: 文化的习俗
  24. Ideological shibboleths and beliefs: 意识形态的信仰
  25. Social shibboleths and norms: 社会的规范
  26. Political shibboleths and slogans: 政治的口号
  27. Racial shibboleths and identities: 种族的认同
  28. Religious shibboleths and practices: 宗教的实践
  29. Traditional shibboleths and rituals: 传统的仪式
  30. Generational shibboleths and values: 代际的价值观
  31. Regional shibboleths and dialects: 地区的方言
  32. Cultural shibboleths and customs: 文化的习俗
  33. Technological shibboleths and advancements: 技术的进步
  34. Educational shibboleths and standards: 教育的标准
  35. Professional shibboleths and qualifications: 职业的资格
  36. Ethnic shibboleths and traditions: 民族的传统
  37. Artistic shibboleths and expressions: 艺术的表达
  38. National shibboleths and symbols: 国家的象征
  39. Linguistic shibboleths and accents: 语言的口音
  40. Cultural shibboleths and practices: 文化的实践
  41. Ideological shibboleths and principles: 意识形态的原则
  42. Social shibboleths and etiquettes: 社交的礼仪
  43. Political shibboleths and ideologies: 政治的意识形态
  44. Racial shibboleths and prejudices: 种族的偏见
  45. Religious shibboleths and rituals: 宗教的仪式
  46. Traditional shibboleths and customs: 传统的习俗
  47. Generational shibboleths and perspectives: 代际的观点
  48. Regional shibboleths and traditions: 地区的传统
  49. Cultural shibboleths and values: 文化的价值观
  50. Technological shibboleths and trends: 技术的趋势


shibboleth (SHIB e leth) This noun refers to a password or a distinc-tive pronunciation that shows that a person is or is not an “insider,” a person deserving the name of that group. (The word comes from a passage in the Hebrew scriptures: two tribes were distinguished by the inability of one to give the correct pronunciation of “shibboleth.”) Today the word is also used in a looser sense for a distinctive trait of a certain group.

  • The World War II film depicted the dazed Sgt. Pritchett desperately trying to recall the piece of baseball trivia that was the shibboleth of his unit. Without it, his comrades might think him a spy.
  • The ease with which profane or obscene language is used in public may be the shibboleth of generational difference; older folk grew up with a taboo on so-called four-letter words.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
shibboleth(SHIB e leth)这个名词指的是一个密码或一个独特的发音,表明一个人是或不是“内部人士”,一个值得该群体命名的人。(这个词来自希伯来语经典中的一段话:两个部落的区别在于其中一个无法给出“shibboleth”的正确发音。

  • 这部第二次世界大战的电影描绘了昏迷不醒的普里切特中士拼命回忆起他所在部队的陈词滥调——棒球琐事。如果没有它,他的同志们可能会认为他是间谍
  • 在公共场合轻易使用亵渎或淫秽的语言可能是代际差异的陈词滥调;老年人从小就忌讳所谓的四个字母的单词

