Totally. If you can get away with it, more power to ya.
不要做聪明的驴。 – 你在干什么…?什么?
Don’t be a smart ass. – What are you…? What?
No, I’m just saying, you know.
I feel bad for people who count calories. It’s no way to live.
Yeah. But in return they get to be a lot thinner than I am.
你发疯了吗? 你的体重是多少?110,115磅 ?
Are you out of your mind? What do you weigh? 110, 115 pounds?
Which one of my butt cheeks are you talking about?
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Trust me, whatever you’re doin’, it’s working. It is working.
Go on.
Oh, my God! Are you OK?
该死的 – 别动。你的背怎么样?
Goddang it. – Don’t move. Is your back all right?
还好。 – 她没有什么吧?
Yeah. – Is she all right?
Yeah. You gotta get some decent chairs in here, man.
What’s this shit made out of, anyway?
是吗? 你们该把这些弯角的地方焊牢些。
Yeah? Well, you should get it welded better in the corners!
好的。 – 罗斯玛丽,你真的没事吗?
All right. – Rosemary, you sure you’re OK?
没事。我出丑了,但是…这以前也发生过, 以后也会发生的。
Yeah. I’m a little embarrassed, but it’s happened before, it’ll happen again.
哦,天啊 我…
Oh, man. I…
不要不好意思。听着,我很恼火。 每个人都会恼火的。
Don’t be embarrassed. Listen, I beef it. Everybody beefs it.
看来我们来晚了。 东西可能都被吃光了。
Looks like we’re too late. The food’s probably all gone.
你能在这里等一会儿吗? – 哈尔,让它去吧
Listen, can you wait here one second? – Hal, just let it go.
不 不
Nah. Nah.
你们真有意思,因为我有点矮胖就取笑我, 是吗?
You guys are so funny, making fun of me cos I’m a little pudgy, right?
不,我不是在取笑你。我是… – 拜托你们。看看窗子外面。
No, I wasn’t making fun of you. I was… – Do me a favor. Take a look out the window.
你们看到那里的小乖人吗? 那里的小乖乖,她和我在一起。
You see that little fox out there? You see that little number? She’s with me.
你们将和你们出去过的女孩子加起来, 也比不上她。
If you took all the women you two have ever gone out with, they wouldn’t equal one of her.
我们并不否认这个。 – 不
We’re not arguing that. – No.
That’s right. Laugh it up, fellas.
今晚,当你们抱着你们的枕头睡觉的时候, 记住,我和她在一起。
And tonight, when you’re hugging your pillow, remember, I’m with her.
是吗? 会的。
All right? That’s it.
What happened?
Well, let’s just say the score’s Hal two, mall rats zero.
Let me walk you to your car.
好的,谢谢你的午餐,哈尔 – 荣幸之至,Rosie
Well, thanks for lunch, Hal. – My pleasure, Rosie.
我妈妈就叫我Rosie – 是吗?
My mother calls me Rosie. – Really?
先生们,给你们些辣椒煎饼 和半个夹饼,好吗?
Gentlemen, can I interest you in some chili fries and half a burger?
There’s a lot left cos the little guy couldn’t finish his meal.
好,好。 – 小鲜肉
Hey, hey. – Pussy.
你真好心 – 在我看来,你也不错,哈尔
That was nice of you. – Well, you’re all right in my book, too, Hal.
能留给号♥码给我吗? – 什么号♥码?
Can I have your number? – What number?
你的个人身份号♥码 我要你的钱!
Your PIN number. I want your money.
你的电♥话♥号♥码 如何?
Your phone number. What do you think?
你知道的,… 出去 也许,就是,明天
You know, to go out. Maybe, like, tomorrow.
Well, yeah.
我的意思是,我的电♥话♥号♥码在电♥话♥簿的 罗斯玛丽·沙纳罕下面
I mean, sure. It’s in the book under Rosemary Shanahan.
我可以写下来 是S-h-a… – 不,我会记住它的。
I can write it down. It’s S-h-a… – No, I’ll remember it.
我老板的名字就是叫史蒂夫·沙纳罕 – 那是我爸爸
My boss’s name is Steve Shanahan. – That’s my father’s name.
Not JPS Steve Shanahan?
Yeah. Yeah.
你父亲是我的老板。我的意思是, 不是我的老板,是我老板的老板。
Your father is my boss. I mean, not my boss, but he’s my boss’s boss.
我是说,我不认识他, 只是在他办公室旁边见过他。
I mean, I don’t know him, but I see him around the office.
Well, then you won’t forget my name.
哈尔? – 嗯?
Hal? – Yeah?
即使以后没有你的消息了, 我也不会忘了这一切的。
If I don’t hear from you, I appreciate everything anyway.
You sure you don’t want a dog?
Yeah, yeah. I’m tryin’ to lose a couple of LBs.
从什么时候起,你开始关心起你的肠胃的? – 不是这样的,但是…
Since when do you care about your gut? – I don’t really, but…
I am a little nervous because of this girl who’s coming to meet me.
她太美了 – 嗯?
She’s incredible. – Uh-huh?
Like the ones on the dance floor?
更好,伙计 我告诉你,会让你难以想像的
Even better, buddy. I’m telling ya, it’s almost beyond belief.
她风趣,聪明 她教病中的孩子要自尊…
She’s funny, she’s smart, she teaches self-esteem to sick kids…
我从不相信一个漂亮女孩 会有如何高尚的人格。
I would never believe a girl as beautiful could have such a great personality.
丑小鸭综合征 – 什么?
Ugly-duckling syndrome. – What?
高中时,她可能还并不漂亮 人格却不断完善。
She probably wasn’t pretty till high school. The personality developed out of necessity.
你知道什么?我打赌你是对的 她既漂亮又善良。
You know what? I bet you’re right. She’s way too pretty to be so nice.
有时候,她们很丑,但当她们变漂亮时 她们并没有意识到。
Sometimes they’re ugly so long, when they turn pretty, they don’t realize it.
丑的自我形象已经根深蒂固 真是这样的。
The ugly self-image is so well ingrained. That’s a real find.
嗨! – 嗨!
Hey! – Hey!
I’ve been looking for you.
哦,天啦,哦,是琳蒂 有那个脚趾的女孩
Oh, shit. Oh, it’s Lindy. The girl with the toe.
嗨 – 你们还好吗?
Hey. – How ya doing?
还好 你收到我的留言了吗?
Good. Did you get my message?
不,不 我的电♥话♥机坏了 你打电♥话♥了?
No, no. My phone machine’s not really working there. Did you call?
我搞到了甲壳虫重聚的票 – 甲壳虫乐队?
I got tickets for that Beatles reunion. – The Beatles?
是 虽然,不是以前的甲壳虫, 但Paul,George和Ringo都会在
Yeah. Well, not the real Beatles, but Paul, George and Ringo will be there.
由Eric Clapton填补John的空缺 这次只邀请了声乐界的一批人
But Eric Clapton is filling in for John. It’s an invitation-only acoustic set.
只有70个人,都是顶尖人物 – 噢,天啊
Only about 70 people, tops. – Oh, man.
那么你来吗? – 嗯…
So you’re in?
No. Not a Clapton fan.
I think I’ll pass.
OK. Well, I guess I’ll see ya.
好,好 – 再见,琳蒂
Yeah, yeah. – Bye, Lindy.
你看到了那个脚趾吗? – 摩里西奥,我要告诉你,你出问题了
Did you see the toe? – Mauricio, I gotta tell you, you got issues.
别怂恿我了 – 噢,天啊,她在那儿
Don’t even get me started. – Oh, my God. There she is.
There’s Rosemary.
哪里? – 就在那里
Where? – Right there.
在哪里呀? – 正向前走,穿过草地
Right where? – Straight ahead. Across the field.
她在那头犀牛后面吗? – 她就在那里!
Is she behind the rhino? – She’s right there!
Mauricio, I want you to meet someone.
这是罗斯玛丽·沙纳罕 罗斯玛丽,这是 摩里西奥·威尔逊
This is Rosemary Shanahan. Rosemary, Mauricio Wilson.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
圣洁的母牛,我是说,嗯… 嗨
Holy cow. I mean, uh… hi.
这是只有会员才有的夹克衫吗? – 是,是的
Is that a Members Only jacket? – Yes. Yes, it is.
So, what are you, like, the last member?
Oh, man.
独一无二的罗斯玛丽 – (移♥动♥电♥话♥)
One-nothing Rosemary.
Excuse me forjust one second. Hello?
哦,嗨,妈妈 耶,别挂
Oh, hi, Mom. Yeah, hold on.
我走开一会儿好吗? – 想在快餐店吃点什么吗?
Will you guys excuse me? – Want something from the snack bar?
耶,给我一杯啤酒 加料的烤干酪辣味玉米片
Yeah, get me a beer and nachos with all the stuff on it.
You got it.
她吃蛋糕还是什么呢? – 她就吃整个面包店吧,哈尔
Does she take the cake or what? – She takes the whole bakery, Hal.
我告诉过你的 – 是的,你说了,但我还是没有准备好
I told you. – Yes, you did. And yet I wasn’t prepared.
那么,你喜欢什么 ? – 我不知道,我喜欢竞赛
So, what are you up for? – I don’t know. I like the track.
Ah, so she’s a gambler.
Yeah, well, just the dogs.
我不喜欢赛马 太多人参与了,你知道的。
I hate the ponies. There’s too much human involvement, you know?
如果你想公平交易的话 你不要相信任何人
You can’t trust people if you’re looking for a fair deal.
你怎么样?你赌博吗? – 不,没有真的赌
What about you? Do you gamble? – No, not really.
我时不时的押一下职业足球赛, 只是为了使它更激动人心。
I bet on pro football now and then, butjust to make the games more exciting.
我并不在乎输赢 – 哈
I don’t really care if I win. – Huh.
我从来没有读过那本书 – 什么书?
I’ve never read that book. – What book?
Things Losers Say,
嗨,不说这些了? 我要把你介绍给我的一些好朋友。
Hey, why don’t we forget the track, and I’ll introduce you to some good friends of mine?
是吗? – 是的
Yeah? – Yeah.
好的 – 你怎么说?
All right. – What do you say?
我说好 – 你说好?
I say OK. – You say OK?
嗨,伙计们,我想让你们见见 我的一位很好的朋友,好吗?
Hi, guys. I want you to meet a very good friend of mine. OK?
这是哈尔 他真的很风趣
This guy here is Hal. And he’s really funny.
How ya doing? Good to meet ya.