I mean, maybe he didn’t wanna wake up the kids, Huh?
或许他计划给你一份惊喜呢 我是说 你的生日快到了吧?
Or he could be planning a surprise for you, I mean, your birthday’s coming up, isn’t it?
In two weeks,
(gasps with relief)
That’s it,
深呼吸 去厨房♥吃一块巧克力饼 什么都别管了 会没事儿的
Take a breath, go get yourself a brownie in the kitchen, just chill, It’s gonna be fine,
– 呕! – 呵-呵-呵!
– Euh! – Ooh-hoo-hoo!
你个大笨蛋 真是
You silly goose, you,
She’ll be divorced by Easter,
(♪ jazz and Latin fusion)
过来 约翰 一起来热热身
Come on, John, Join the warm-up,
– 上帝!抱歉! – 你的脚当心点啊 痉挛啊!
– Jesus! I’m sorry! – Watch your floorcraft, spasmo!
什么啊 你以为一个人在跳啊?明天 我就会红得克萨斯州那么大一块!
What, you think you own this floor? I’ll have a bruise the size of Texas tomorrow!
– 滚! – 滚?你滚巴!
– Go away! – Go away? You go away!
带着你的白♥痴♥音乐一起滚! 不跟你废话了 打扰我跳舞
Take your stupid music with you! I can’t dance to that crap,
You just gonna stand there and let that fat cow insult you?
– 抱歉 你说什么? – 没什么 什么都没说
– I’m sorry, what did you say? – Nothing, She didn’t say anything,
抱歉 这套牙齿是为了跳拉丁舞配的
Sorry, These are the teeth I wear for the Latin,
这让你更易微笑 稍微灿烂点的微笑
It gets your smile out there, Just a little bit bigger smile,
砰!吸引评委的目光 让观众注意
Bam! Gets the judges right in the eye, catches the light,
And then the make-up – you know the make-up,
“时髦的臀部”“富于想象的裤子” “激进的男孩儿”…
“Swish-butt,” “Fancy pants,” “Pinky boy”,,,
所有这些名字 所以这些名字我从八岁就知道了
All these names, all these names I’ve been called ever since I was eight years old
and dancing around to my mother’s rumba records,
You know what the worst of it is? Huh?
我不是同性恋 要我是的话 能想象生活有多么简单吗?
I’m not gay, Can you imagine how much easier my life would be if I were?
我的意思是 一个正常性取向的男人 喜欢佩戴亮片跳舞
I mean, a straight man who likes to dance around in sequins
走一条非常孤独的路 我告诉你的消息
walks a very lonely road, I got news for you,
听着 你别给其他人讲 好吗?
Look, you’re not gonna tell anybody in the office, are you?
不 不 不会的 我绝不乱讲 听着 我们是同一条船上的人 对吧?
No, no, no, I wouldn’t do that, Look, I’m in the same boat, aren’t l?
不 你不是 你不是
No, you’re not, You’re not,
– 为什么? – 因为…像你这样的人
– Why not? – Because,,, people like you,
You know what I mean? You’re charming,
我叫林奇·林克 要是他们发现 我会被送上十字架钉死的
I’m Linky Link, They would crucify me if they found out,
我是运动花边王子 是超级体育迷 知道吗?
I’m the sports trivia king, I’m the super sports fan, you know?
– 你不喜欢足球啊? – 我…你知道
– You don’t like football? – l,,, You know,
跑三码 倒下 叠人墙 跑三码 倒下 叠人墙
Run three yards, fall down, pile up, Run three yards, fall down, pile up,
我的意思是 知道吗 四个月如此 我都快自杀了
I mean, you know, four months of that, I’m ready to put a gun to my head,
– 骗我的 – 我知道 我愚弄了所有人
– Fooled me, – I know, I fooled everybody,
You know what my dream is?
我的梦想…就能够 得意洋洋、自♥由♥自在的跳舞
My dream,,, is to be able to dance free and proud,
以我自己的名义 跳给全世界的人看
Under my own name, For all the world to see,
That’s my dream,
Did I get it all?
嘿 安迪 我是贝弗
Hey, Andy, It’s Bev,
听着 抱歉这么晚给你打电♥话♥ 我只是想问问约翰
Look, I’m sorry to call you so late, I was just trying to find John,
六点给他办公室打了电♥话♥ 贝茨说他已经走了 我就…
Called the office at six and Betsy said that he’d left for the day, and I was just,,,
你五点就回家了?你怎么就能如此 幸运的狗狗?
You got home by five? How did you manage that, you lucky dog?
啊 门响了 好了 再联♥系♥ 拜
Ah, there’s the door, OK, See you, Bye,
抱歉回来晚了 我在办公室逗留了一会儿
Sorry I’m late, I got hung up at the office,
你应该打个电♥话♥回来嘛 我们都等着你的车钥匙用…
I wish you’d call, ’cause we were looking all over for your car keys forever,,,
– 我以为你和珍娜逛街去了 – 那是几周前的事儿了
– I thought you were shopping with Jenna, – That was weeks ago,
我给你办公室打了电♥话♥ 贝茨说你六点就走了
I called the office and Betsy said you left for the day at six,
是的…去吃了个三明治 然后就回来了
Yeah, I did – for a sandwich, Then I came back,
噢 呃 我给你打了好几个电♥话♥都没人接
Oh, Well, I called your private line a few times, nobody picked up,
因为我不在办公室 我在安迪那儿
That’s because I wasn’t working in my office, I was in Andy’s,
噢 安迪怎么样?
Oh, How is Andy?
We’re working on a really big estate plan together,
– 那他也在那儿? – 什么?
– So he was there? – What?
Was Andy there?
Why are you asking me all these questions?
I don’t know,
Anyway, I stopped off for a bite on the way home with Link Peterson,
Remember him? Interesting guy,
Not what you’d think,
– 你怎么样? – 很好
– How was your day? – Great,
一 二 三 四…
(John, quietly) One, two, three, four,,,
一 二 三…
One, two, three,,,
Dad’s acting weird,
They met five years ago in a chat room for gardeners,
He says they’re in love,
He’s moving out Saturday,
他会回来的 他爱他的孩子们
He’ll be back, He loves those kids,
I thought we were happy,
He seemed happy to me,
I didn’t know anything,
I didn’t know,
– Oh,,, – (toilet flushes)

我 呃…午餐时间咨♥询♥免费
I, uh,,, I give free consultations during my lunch hour,
You sure you don’t wanna come in?
So he comes home late on Wednesdays,
and when he comes home his shirts smell like perfume,
他看上去在做一些奇怪的肢体运动 你感觉他有秘密瞒着你
He’s been seen making strange body movements and you feel he has a secret,
– 不错 – 有没有想过去问问他呢?
– That’s correct, – Ever think about just asking him?
– 有 想过… – 克拉克夫人…
– Yes, I’ve thought about it,,, – Mrs, Clark,,,
结婚久了总会发生些事情 这就是上流社会人士而言
things happen in long marriages, To the best of people,
And sometimes the thing that happens doesn’t mean anything,
不需要请侦探 只需一段时间内装作不知晓
Doesn’t need an investigator, just needs somebody to look the other way for a while,
我丈夫是正派人士 迪瓦恩先生 如果他有什么事情 一定是不经意的
My husband is a serious man, Mr, Devine, If he’s having an affair, it is not casual,
这个事情 我知道得越早越好
In which case, the sooner I know, the better,
好吧 给我点时间我给我的同事 哈考特先生打个电♥话♥
All right, Give me a moment while I call in my associate, Mr, Harcourt,
斯科蒂·哈考特 这位是克拉克夫人
Scottie Harcourt, this is Mrs, Clark,
She suspects her husband’s up to no good,
“找到一位丈夫是门艺术 抓住他的心是你的责任”
“To catch a husband is an art, To hold him is a job,”
这是西蒙·德·波伏娃说的 很高兴见到你 克拉克夫人
Simone de Beauvoir said that, It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs, Clark,
Same here,
I think we can start this investigation without too much cost to Mrs, Clark,
好的 跟踪一段时间 拍点照片 看看会怎么样
Yes, Follow that husband around for a few days, take some pictures, see what’s up,
但我要提醒你 如果通过审判来解决会…
But I have to warn you, if it goes to trial it’s gonna be,,,
In the event of a divorce,
But we don’t know if he’s having an affair,
我的意思是 我可能仅仅是卷入了…我不知道…
I mean, he could just be involved with,,, I don’t know,,,
people who get together to invest things,
and,,, and the place that they invest things is,,, filled with potpourri,
然后回家后衬衣上就有香味 这也是可能的
and that’s why his shirts smell so sweet when he comes home, It’s possible,
不错 是有可能 可能的
Yeah, it’s possible, It’s possible,
或许我们可以查到你丈夫 涉足花丛中 搞投资什么的
It’s possible we could find your husband neck-deep in potpourri, investing things,
Not likely,
听着 我们要做的就是
Look, this is what we’ll do,
We start out gently,
We look for the potpourri,
要是找到了 的确是花香 那就支付我2000美元
And if we find it, and it smells like flowers, then 2,000 ought to cover my time,
但如果我们发现了香味的来源 深处还有更为严重污秽的事情
But if we find the potpourri and there’s something big and stinky in the pot,
那我们再商量 好吗?这样应该可以吧?
then you and I renegotiate, OK? That sound good?
– 嘿 – 嗨
– Hey, – Hi,
– 你怎么样? – 很好
– How you doin’? – Good,
– 我可以说 知道吗 – 说什么?
– I can tell, you know, – Tell what?
你一直在跳舞 你的姿势说明了一切
That you’ve been dancing, Your posture, it’s a dead giveaway,
– 开玩笑吧 – 没有
– You’re kidding, – No,
– 你练了多少时间? – 就在课堂上练练
– How much you been practicing, anyway? – Just in class,
不 应该是五倍的时间 五倍课堂上的时间
No, Should be five to one, Five-to-one ratio,
每上一个小时课 就会练习五个小时
Five hours of practice for every one hour of class,
