我是密茨小姐 我是这家舞蹈学校的所有者
My name is Miss Mitzi, I am the owner of this dancing establishment,
现在我就是你们的老师了 年龄大了点你们会失望吗?
and I am going to be your teacher, Disappointed that I’m older?
是的 我是说 不 我的意思是…
Yes, I mean, no, I mean,,,
嘿 你看上去…经验丰富
Hey, you look,,, experienced,
前 跨 合…后 跨 合
Forward, side, closed,,, Back, side, close,
很好 齐克 是“齐克”还是“希克”?
Very good, Chic, Is it “Chick,” or “Sheek”?
– 哇噢!“齐克” – “齐克”
– Whoa! “Chick,” – “Chick,”
– 对 很好 – 放松
– Yes, Very good, – Easy,
Remember to use the balls of your feet,
等等 弗恩 你的右脚呢?
Wait a minute, Vern, Where is your right foot?
– 在后面 看见了吗? – 看见了 我知道 没动吗?
– It’s right back there, See? – Yes, I know, It hasn’t moved, has it?
Not yet,
– 呃 现在一定感觉很好 – 是的
– Well, now would be a good time, – OK,
– 是吗?合上 – 合…
– OK? Close, – Close,,,
很不错 非常好
Excellent, Very good,
好了 前 跨 合;后 跨 合
All right, Forward, side, close, Back, side, close,
一 二 三 起
One, two, three, rise,
– 嘿 嘿 嘿! – 看到了吗?
– (Chic) Hey, hey, hey! – You guys saw that?
非常好 先生们 非常棒
Excellent, gentlemen, Excellent,
稳住木棍 分身
Keep your sticks up, Promenade,
– 以及… – 反分身
– And,,, – Counter-promenade,
我来看看你们做得如何 啊!
Let me see what you’re doing, Ah!
– 密茨小姐 抱歉 抱歉 – 上帝!上帝啊!
– Miss Mitzi, I’m sorry, Sorry, – God! Jesus!
– 我说过对不起了 – 把棍子放下
– I said I’m sorry, – Put the stick down,
要是你们不会用的话 我们就不再用木棍了
We’re not gonna play with these sticks anymore if you boys won’t behave,
这次稍快一点 开始…
A little faster this time. And…
脚跟 脚尖 脚尖-脚尖 脚尖 脚跟 脚尖-脚尖
Heel, toe, toe-toe, toe, heel, toe-toe,
抱歉 前进时 是脚跟-脚尖还是脚尖…
Excuse me, When we go forward, is it heel-toe or toe,,,
前进是 脚跟 脚尖 脚尖-…
It’s forward, heel, toe, toe-,,,
So it’s back,,, Whoa,,,
看起来容易做起来难 对吗 先生们?
Harder than it looks, isn’t it, gentlemen?
呃 第一堂课你们都做得非常非常好了
Well, you’ve all done very very well for your first lesson,
And before you leave tonight,
I’m gonna give you a little incentive to keep on dancing,
你和弗朗西斯科介意给 我们的新学生做个示范吗?
Would you and Francesco mind giving our new students a little demonstration?
当然可以 密茨小姐
Certainly, Miss Mitzi,
(♪ “Moon River” – instrumental)
谢谢 鲍莉娜
Thank you, Paulina,
Whoo! Whoo!
That was beautiful,
– 你还好吗? – 是的 很好
– You all right? – Yeah, I’m good,
嘿 伙计们 等着 我就来
Hey, guys, wait up, I’m comin’,
太棒了 我们真幸运
(Chic) Great, How lucky for us,
– 嘿 – 我们去哪儿?
– Hey, – Where are we goin’?
– 附近 – 是的 我也不远
– Somewhere close, – Yeah, I haven’t got long,
总之 别去吉姆那儿便是
Anyway, you guys, don’t go to Jim’s.
They got a bad roach problem there around the corner,
课后你们无论去了哪儿 都得回这儿来 好吗?谢谢
You’re gonna go anywhere after class, you come here, OK? Thank you,
Why’d you guys decide to take dance, anyway?
– 我九月要结婚了 – 不错啊
– I’m gettin’ married in September, – Nice,
是的 新娘说要我减掉几镑
Yeah, My bride said she’d like to see me lose a few pounds,
她觉得跳舞会有所帮助 我觉得一点都没有
She thinks the dancing will help, I said it won’t,
– 我觉得你说得对 – 我来上课是为了给夫人们留下印象
– I think you’ll win that argument, – I’m taking classes to impress the ladies,
You know what they say about guys who can dance, right?
– 他们床上功夫很了得 – 不错 宝贝
– That they’re great in bed, – Yeah, baby,
– 你在哪儿听到这么愚昧的鬼话? – 路人皆知 你觉得呢?
– Where do you get that stupid crap? – Everywhere, What do you think?
人人都知道驰骋舞场的男人 在床上也会游刃有余
Everybody knows a guy who can move on the dance floor can move in the sack,
大多数男人 都不会跳舞 而会跳的人 就会倍受青睐
Most guys, they can’t dance at all, Guys who can, they get their pick of the litter,
所以 上完这个班后 美女就会拜倒在我脚下
That’s why, when I’m done with this class, babes will drop at my feet,
They’re gonna be droppin’ dead at your feet,
今天上课时你脱下你的臭鞋 我不得不像窗户狂奔去透气
When you took your shoes off in class today, I had to run to the window for air,
What kind of person says something like that to somebody they don’t even know?
嘿 老兄 我好心好意帮你忙
Hey, man, I’m doin’ you a favor,
我告诉你的不足之处 这些或许你自己都注意不到
I’m telling you something obnoxious about yourself that you might not be aware of,
如果你觉得我有什么不足 你觉得我没注意到的
If there’s something obnoxious about me that you don’t think I’m aware of,
y’all should feel free to say something about it to me,
Shooting fish in a barrel,
– 其它那些女的在哪儿呢? – 我不知道我都在讲些什么
– Where are all the ladies, anyways? – I don’t know what I’m talking about,
那些女的 都去听舞蹈博士的课了…
The ladies, they all go and take the classes down at Doctor Dance –
那好像是 闹市区最时髦的地方 蒂茨·密茨的舞蹈学校日渐衰落
that’s, like, the hip place to go downtown, Ditzy Mitzi’s is only hangin’ on by a thread,
我来这儿的唯一原因 是她随时都让我免费排练
Only reason I go there is she lets me rehearse whenever I want for free,
I’m gonna compete in the Chicago Taittinger Trophy,
Soon as I find a partner,
So,,, that leaves you,
Leaves me? How? What?
留给你是因为你是这儿唯一 没说你为什么来跳舞的人
Leaves you as the only one here who hasn’t said why he’s dancing yet,
噢 呃 我跳舞是为了锻炼 和弗恩一样
Oh, Well, I’m dancing for exercise, like Vern,
因为我在床上很没用 和齐克一样 呃 我说过了
Because I’m lousy in bed, like Chic, There, I’ve said it,
– 胡扯!我从没说过我床上功夫差 – 你不必争辩
– That is bull! I didn’t say I was bad in bed, – You didn’t have to,
拜托 是什么原因啊?
Come on, why?
Is there any pepper here? Could I have some?
That’s what I thought,
她是黑泽进决赛的选手 知道吗
She was a Blackpool finalist, you know,
公主 另一位老师 鲍莉娜
The princess, The other teacher, Paulina,
What’s Blackpool?
Every year, all the best dancers from all over the world
去英国比赛 去年她和她的舞伴也去了那儿…
go to England to compete there, She was there last year with her partner –
据说他虽然是她舞伴 但比她跳得好的多
who they say was much more to her than just her partner,
总之 他不再和她跳了 这就是她来这儿当老师的原因…
Anyway, he dumped her, That’s the only reason she came back here to teach –
对一切都不满 嘘-嘘-嘘别乱讲
mad at the world, boo-hoo-hoo and all that,
– 他为什么不和她跳? – 是的
– Why’d he dump her? – Yeah,
我怎么知道?上帝 有人造谣!天哪!
How the hell should I know? God, they say women gossip! Golly!
Hello? I’m home,
(和珍娜逛街去了 10:00回来)
很好 很好 弗恩 慢点 曼波乐是很缓慢的
Great, Great, Vern, Slow, The mambo is slow,
Slide that hand one inch south of the equator
我就会打烂你的屁♥股♥ 脚尖快动
and I will bust you on your ass, twinkle-toes,
我们把话讲明 我并不喜欢 你的热带区域 知道吗?
Let’s get something straight, I don’t like the tropics any more than you do, OK?
五 六 七 八……
(Miss Mitzi) Five, six, seven, eight…
手臂 基本步 交叉步
Arms. And basic. And crossover.

再来 旋转
One more time, and walk around,
– 基本步 – 注意了
– And basic, – Watch out,
And big ending.
瞧你 约翰!
Look at you, John!
– 非常好啊 – 你真不错
– That was pretty good, – (Miss Mitzi) You were really good,
(voices fade)
嗨 抱歉晚了点 我上去换件衣服
Hey, I’m sorry I’m late, I’m gonna go up and change,

– 爸爸晚上去上班了吗? – 是的 看上去像是
– Dad work late tonight? – Yeah, looks that way,
他最近在忙什么 似乎很来劲
Guess whatever he’s working on, he must like it,
– 为什么这么讲? – 他最近看上去很高兴
– Why do you say that? – He seems happier lately,
Does he?
I called the Halston people in New York,
我们在进一步收♥购♥股份时遇到了麻烦 所有的都会延期支付
We’re gonna have trouble getting more stock in, Everything’s on back-order,
听着 卡罗林 我要你去纽约和他们说点好话
Look, Carolyn, I’m gonna need you to go to New York and sweet-talk them,
– 明天能出发吗? – 不行
– Can you leave tomorrow? – No,
Why not?
My husband is having an affair,
How do you know that?
I picked up the receiver last night to phone a friend,
not knowing that Greg was already on the other line in the den,
He was whispering,
What was he whispering?
I don’t know,
我很害怕就挂了 什么都没听见
I was so scared I hung up before I could hear anything,
呃 他可能有其他的原因才讲悄悄话的啊
Well, there’s lots of other reasons why he could be whispering,
我是说 或许他不想吵醒孩子 嗯?
