I wear out my suit.
给我一个答复吧 当真的 答复我吧
Give me your answer, I’faith, do;
and so clap hands and a bargain.
你怎么说 公主
How say you, lady?
Sauf votre honneur,
me understand vell.
if you would put me to verses
或是为你跳舞 凯蒂 那你就把我难住了
or to dance for your sake, Kate, why you undid me.
If I could win a lady at leap-frog,
or by vaulting into my saddle with my armour on my back,
I should quickly leap into a wife.
可是 上帝在上
But, before God,
凯蒂 我不会忸忸怩怩也不会滔滔不绝
Kate, I cannot look greenly nor gasp out my eloquence,
nor I have no cunning in protestation.
要是你能爱上这样性子的男人 凯蒂
If thou canst love a fellow of this temper, Kate,
whose face is not worth sunburning.
他自己也从不顾影自怜 要是你能爱上他
that never looks in his glass for love of anything he sees there,
let thine eye be thy cook.
I speak to thee plain soldier.
如果这样你还能够爱我 那么请接受我的爱
If thou canst love me for this, take me.
要是不能够 那么我对你说
If not, to say to thee
that I shall die, is true,
but for thy love,
上帝作证 我不会那样
by the Lord, no.
Yet I love thee too.
亲爱的凯蒂 在你的有生之年
And while thou livest, dear Kate,
take a fellow of plain and uncoined constancy,
for he perforce must do thee right
because he hath not the gift to woo in other places.
A speaker is but a prater,
a rhyme is but a ballad,
再好的腿也会摔倒 挺直的背也会变驼
a good leg will fall, a straight back will stoop,
a black beard will turn white,
a curled pate will grow bald,
a full face will wither,
a fair eye will wax hollow,
但真诚的心 凯蒂 堪比日月
but a good heart, Kate, is the sun and the moon,
或者说就是太阳 而并非月亮
or rather the sun and not the moon,
因为太阳光明灿烂 永不改变
because it shines bright and never changes
but keeps his course truly.
If thou would have such a one,
take me.
答应我 那就是答应了一个军人
And take me, take a soldier.
Take a soldier,
take a King.
Very good.
-凯瑟琳 -怎么
– So, Catherine… – Yes.
如果莎士比亚活到现在 他会是什么样
If Shakespeare were alive today, what would he be?
He would be 452.
No, obviously that’s not quite what I mean.
He was at the forefront of popular culture,
so today he would be…what…
he would be writing for films, he would be writing TV shows…
who are today’s linguistic geniuses?
-我来告诉你 -快告诉我
– Well, I’ll tell you. – Tell me.
在我看来 没有比嘻哈莎士比亚乐团的
In my opinion, who better to answer than Hip-hop Shakespeare
with Akala and Nitin Sawhney?
-是吗 -没错
– Thank you. – Yeah.
阿卡拉 尼汀·索尼 戴恩·赫斯特
*If all the world’s a stage*
*Then light my way*
*熄灭了吧 你短促的烛光却一直照亮*
*Because out, out, your brief candle is not*
*几个世纪过去 我还是没法弄清*
*For centuries past, yet I still cannot grasp*
*That undiscovered country*
*That makes words immortal*
*If the good that men do is interred with their bones*
*Then this precious stone is a beauty too rich*
*Me thinks it’s a jewel in the ear of us all*
*As the wisest words spoken*
*Are spoken by fools*
*明天 又一个明天 我想要承受*
*Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, I want to endure*
*希求这人的渊博 你的渊博*
*Desiring this man’s art that is yours*
*时间在消耗着我 日子在追赶着我*
*Time does waste me, days do chase me*
*血肉会变得苍白 滞后也会变得伟大*
*Flesh goes pasty. Delayed found greatness.*
*What meat and did they feed this Caesar*
*I want to taste the milk even if it is gall*
*Your mortal coil sprang back unbounded*
*And founded the language that is used by us all*
*The ink of your quill is a statue in stone*
*When I think and I feel I have captured your tone*
*我记得诗人 疯子都有相似之处*
*I remember that the poet and the lunatic and one in the same*
*And only sometimes men are masters of our fates*
*余下的日子 余音绕梁*
*The rest of the days the song plays*
*Has lighted our way to dusty death*
*愚人的天堂 梦想的投影*
*A fool’s paradise a shadow of a dream*
*砍掉他的头 我不想成为下一个*
*Off with his head I don’t want to be next*
*Hell and night*
*Guide me to the world is light*
*When I write it could turn this prison cell bright*
*Hell and night*
*Guide me to the world’s light*
*When I write it could turn this prison cell bright*
*Hell and night*
*Guide me to the world is light*
*When I write it could turn this prison cell bright*
*只要一天有人类 或人有眼睛*
*As men can breathe and eyes can see*
*So this gives life to thee*
*When I think there’s not a note of mine worth noting*
*And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries*
*当我无法言语 才思枯竭*
*When I get tongue-tied and my mouth runs dry*
*I remember you spoke of a marriage of the minds*
*I presume to take your place in a nutshell*
*I am king of infinite space*
*可耻浪费 充满罪恶*
*A waste of shame, so full of blame*
*精力耗尽 声名狼藉*
*Expense of my spirit and disgrace in my name*
*I am unking’d again*
*Wish me a pauper*
*从你教给我们的东西中 我一无所获*
*I have not learned from the things that that you taught us*
*Modest doubt is the beacon of the wise*
*美丽荒芜 只剩他独自呼吸在悲伤里*
*He lives in sorrow that virtue dies.*
*So is the music of men’s lives,*
*a battalion of sorrows never coming as single spies.*
*All this, I know well,*
*yet not well enough to shun the heaven that leads me to this hell.*
*地狱天黑黑 指引我找到世界之光*
*Hell and night, guide me to the world’s light,*
*文字在笔下流淌时 连这牢狱也明亮了几分*
*when I write, it could turn this prison cell bright.*
