♪ That now lies sleeping ♪
♪ 躺下来睡吧 ♪
♪ Softly softly ♪
♪ 静静地 静静地 ♪
♪ Now softly ♪
♪ 现在静静地 ♪
♪ Softly lies sleeping ♪
♪ 静静躺下睡吧 ♪
♪ Sleep ♪
♪ 睡眠 ♪
♪ is a reconciling ♪
♪ 是一种妥协 ♪
♪ A rest fhat peace begets ♪
♪ 休息带来安宁 ♪
♪ Doth not the sun rise smiling ♪
♪ 太阳不再笑着升起 ♪
♪ When fair at even he sets ♪
♪ 即使是在它的集市上 ♪
♪ Rest you then ♪
♪ 那就休息吧 ♪
♪ Rest, sad eyes ♪
♪ 休息吧 忧伤的眼睛 ♪
♪ Melt not in weeping ♪
♪ 不再流泪 ♪
♪ While she lies sleeping ♪
♪ 当她躺下睡着 ♪
♪ Softly, softly ♪
♪ 静静地 静静地 ♪
♪ Now softly ♪
♪ 现在静静地 ♪
♪ Softly lies sleeping ♪
♪ 静静地睡着 ♪
♪ Or scorn or pity ♪
♪ 轻蔑还是遗憾 ♪
♪ On me take ♪
♪ 对我的感觉 ♪
♪ I must ♪
♪ 我必须 ♪
♪ The true relation make ♪
♪ 真正的关系 ♪
♪ I am undone ♪
♪ 我的心情很乱 ♪
♪ Tonight ♪
♪ 今晚 ♪
♪ Love in a subtle dream disguised ♪
♪ 爱在微妙的梦境中掩藏 ♪
♪ Hath both my heart and me surprised ♪
♪ 我的心和我都很讶异 ♪
♪ Whom never yet ♪
♪ 从未有人 ♪
♪ He dofh attempt awake ♪
♪ 他试图保持清醒 ♪
♪ When will he tell me ♪
♪ 当他告诉我 ♪
♪ For whose sake ♪
♪ 因为谁 ♪
Your son has arrived from London, sir

John. John.
约翰 约翰
You will find out soon enough in my will
that the estate of Norland was left to me in such a way
as prevents me from dividing it between my two families.
Calm yourself, Father, this cannot be good for you.
别激动 爸爸 这对你没好处
Norland, in its entirety, is therefore yours by law.
因此 诺兰现在依法归你所有
And I am happy for you and Fanny.
But your stepmother, my wife and daughters,
但你继母 我的太太和你姐♥妹♥们♥
are left only 500 pounds a year.
Barely enough to live on. Nothing for the girls’ dowries.
仅能糊口 你的姐♥妹♥们♥的嫁妆都没有着落
You must help them.
Of course. You must promise to do this.
这当然 你一定要向我保证
I promise, Father.
我保证 父亲
I promise.
Help them? What do you mean, “Help them”?
帮她们 什么意思
Dearest, I mean to give them 3000 pounds.
亲爱的 我想要给她们3千英镑
The interest will provide them with a little extra income.
Such a gift will certainly discharge my promise to my father.
Without question. More than amply.
当然 这就够多了
One had rather, on such occasions,
do too much than too little.
Of course, he did not stipulate a particular sum.
当然 爸又没有指定要给多少
1500 pounds then, what dou you say to 1500 pounds?
What brother would be so kind to his real sisters, let alone half-blood?
别人对亲妹妹都没这么好 更何况是同父异母
They can hardly expect more.
There’s no knowing what they expect. The question is, what can you afford?
他们想要什么没人知道 问题是你能给多少
A hundred pounds a year to their mother, while she lives,
Is that more advisable? It is better than parting with 1,500 all at once.
But if she should live longer than 15 years, we’d be completely taken in.
她若再活15年以上 那我们岂不是亏大了
People always live forever when there is an annuity to be paid them.
Twenty pounds now and then will amply discharge my promise,
you’re quite right. Indeed.
你说得对 就是
Although to say the truth, I’m convinced that your father had no idea of giving them money.
我相信你父亲 也没指望你拿钱给她们
They will have 500 a year as it is. What on earth could four women want for more than that?
反正她们一年会得到5百英镑 她们还奢求什么
Their housekeeping will be nothing at all.
They’ll have no carriage, no horses, hardly any servants, and will keep no company.
既没有马 也没几个仆人 又不交朋友
Only conceive how comfortable they will be.
They will be much more able to give you something.
Marianne, can you play something else?
玛丽安 你可否弹别首曲子
Mama has been weeping since breakfast.
I meant something less mournful, dearest.
我是指比较不悲伤的曲子 亲爱的
Reduced to the condition of visitor in my home.
It is not to be borne, Elinor.
我咽不下这口气 爱琳娜
Consider it, Mama, we have nowhere to go.
妈 我们无处可去
John and Fanny will be descending from London any moment.
Do you expect me to be here to welcome them? Vultures!
别想叫我满脸笑容的欢迎他们 贪得无厌
I will start making enquiries for a new house at once.
Until then, we must try to bear their coming.
在此之前 我们必须要忍♥耐一下
Margaret, are you there? Please come down.
玛格丽特 你在上面吗 快下来
John and Fanny will be here soon.
Why are they coming to live at Norland? They already have a house in London.
他们为什么非得来诺兰住 他们在伦敦有房♥子
Because houses go from father to son, dearest, not from father to daughter.
It is the law.
If come inside. We could play with your atlas.
走 我们去玩你的地图集
It’s not mine anymore, it’s their atlas.
不是我的 是他们的了
Do sit down.
As you know, we are looking for a new home,
And when we leave, we shall be able to retain only Thomas and Betsy.
搬家后 只能雇用汤玛士和贝丝
We’re very sorry to have to leave you all.
But we are certain you will find the new Mrs. Dashwood a fair and generous mistress.
不过我们相信新女主人 戴太太会好好善待各位
My only real concern is how long it will take them to move out.
How is Mrs. Ferrars?
My mother is always in excellent health. Thank you.
家母身体一向很好 谢谢
My brother Robert is with her this season and quite the most popular bachelor in London.
舍弟在伦敦陪她 他可是个万人迷
He has his own barouche.
You have two brothers, have you not?
Indeed, yes. Edward is the elder, and Mama quite depends upon him.
对 大的叫爱德华 妈妈很依赖他
He’s travelling up from Plymouth shortly and will break his journey here.
If that is agreeable to you, of course.
My dear John,
this is your home now.
Fanny wishes to know where the key to the silver cabinet is kept.
Betsy has it. What does Fanny want with the silver?
在 贝丝那 她要干嘛
One can only presume she wants to count it.
What are you doing?
Presents for the servants.
Have you seen Margaret, by the way? I’m worried about her. She’s taken to hiding in odd places.
你有看到玛格丽特吗 我怕她躲到奇怪的地方去了
Fortunate girl. At least she can escape Fanny, which is more than we’re able.
幸运的小女孩 至少她可以躲开芬妮
You do your best. You’ve not said a word to her for a week.
I have. I’ve said yes and no.
我有呀 我有说”是”和”不是”
Good morning, Fanny.
早安 芬妮
Good morning, Miss Marianne.
早安 玛丽安
How did you find the silver? Was it all genuine?
餐具怎么样 都是纯银的吧
Pray, when may we expect the pleasure of your brother’s company?
Edward is due tomorrow.
Oh, and my dear Mrs. Dashwood.
哦 我亲爱的戴夫人
In view of the fact that he will not stay long,
I wonder if Miss Margaret would be prepared to give up her room for him?
The view is quite incomparable from her windows, I should so much like Edward to see Norland at its best.
那房♥间的景致最美 我想让他瞧瞧诺兰之美
Mrs. Dashwood, Miss Dashwood, Miss Marianne.
这位是戴太太 戴小姐 玛丽娜小姐
My brother, Edward Ferrars.
Do sit down.
But where is Margaret?
I declare, I’m beginning to doubt her existence. She must run positively wild.
戴夫人 我不禁开始怀疑她的存在了
Pray forgive us, Mr. Ferrars. My youngest is not to be found. She’s a little shy of strangers at present.
费先生 请您原谅 幺女最近很怕生人
Well, naturally.
嗯 自然地
I am shy of strangers myself, and I have nothing like her excuse.
我自己也怕生人 却不像她有个好理由
How do you like your view, Mr. Ferrars?
还喜欢窗户外的景致吗 费先生
Very much.
Your stables are handsome and beautifully kept, Miss Dashwood.
你们的马厩很漂亮 打理得很好 戴小姐
