
scrutiny 英 [ˈskruːtəni] 美 [ˈskruːtəni]




[noun] critical observation or examination
[名词] 审慎的观察或检查


Scrutiny 一词源自晚期拉丁语 scrutinium (搜查、调查,该词在中古拉丁语中类似小站之前推送过的 ballot 指“无记名的投票方式”),15世纪初进入英语后先是指“在选举过程中进行个人投票”,对应今义指选举新教皇时“红衣主教所投下的一张选票”。

等到了17世纪后, scrutiny 才开始用来表示现在的主要含义,指“仔细检查、认真彻底的审查”,作为正式用语使用,强调密切观察和关注细节,比如:

  • 他那站不住脚的观点经不起认真推敲。
    His feeble argument doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny.
  • 由于通货膨胀问题已经到了极其严重的地步,政府的货币政策近来受到了认真彻底的审查。
    Monetary policy has come under close scrutiny recently since the problem of inflation had reached epic proportions.

此外, scrutiny 也可以单纯用来表示“细看、细阅”这个动作,与 glance (匆匆一看、迅速瞥一眼、扫视)相反,以及引申表示“密切关注”或“监视、监督”,比如:

  • 那个羞怯的女孩觉得有人在仔细打量她,一看原来是她的姐姐。
    The timid girl felt herself under scrutiny and caught her sister’s eyes upon her.
  • 他的私生活受到媒体的密切关注。不过,他的私生活没有爆出过一丁点儿的丑闻。
    His private life came under media scrutiny. However, not a whiff of scandal had ever tainted his private life.

而从 scrutiny 衍生出来的动词 scrutinize 或 scrutinise 则相应表示“仔细察看、认真检查、细致审查”,比如:

  • 她探身向前,端详他们的面容。
    She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.


Excitedly, he envisaged his headless Naseem tingling beneath the scrutiny of his eyes, his thermometer, his stethoscope, his fingers, and trying to build a picture in her mind of him.

出自印裔英国作家萨尔曼·鲁西迪(Salman Rushdie,又译萨尔曼·拉什迪)在1981年出版的长篇小说《午夜之子》(Midnight’s Children)。


  • Powerful companies can be a boon to customers, but they still deserve scrutiny.
  • Ms. Calvery said The Times investigation had been important in raising awareness about problems with shell companies and in convincing the Treasury that more scrutiny of high-end buyers is needed.


scrutiny (SCROO tin ee) From the Middle English for “to take a formal vote,” this noun means “careful examination or study” or “close observa-tion.” On the other hand, something that is “inscrutable,” is “difficult to understand” or “impenetrable.” The verb form is “to scrutinize.”

  • The orthopedist scrutinized Carol’s X-rays in search of a cause for her excruciating shoulder pain, but she could find nothing out of the ordinary in the images.
  • After careful scrutiny of the crime scene, the detective determined that the burglar must have entered through the kitchen door with a key since there were no signs of forced entry.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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仔细检查(SCROO tinee)从中古英语“to take a formal voice”(进行正式投票)开始,这个名词的意思是“仔细检查或研究”或“密切观察”。另一方面,“难以理解”或“无法理解”的东西。动词形式是“仔细观察”


scrutiny” 是一个英语词汇,指的是仔细审查、详细检查。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Intense scrutiny – 强烈的审查
  2. Close scrutiny – 严密的检查
  3. Under scrutiny – 在审查之下
  4. scrutiny process – 审查过程
  5. scrutiny committee – 审查委员会
  6. Thorough scrutiny – 彻底的审查
  7. Judicial scrutiny – 司法审查
  8. Rigorous scrutiny – 严格的审查
  9. Public scrutiny – 公众监督
  10. scrutiny report – 审查报告
  11. scrutiny mechanism – 审查机制
  12. scrutiny panel – 审查小组
  13. scrutiny phase – 审查阶段
  14. scrutiny process – 审查过程
  15. scrutiny standards – 审查标准
  16. scrutiny guidelines – 审查指南
  17. Intensive scrutiny – 密切审查
  18. scrutiny review – 审查审查
  19. scrutiny framework – 审查框架
  20. scrutiny scope – 审查范围
  21. External scrutiny – 外部审查
  22. Regulatory scrutiny – 监管审查
  23. Legislative scrutiny – 立法审查
  24. scrutiny process – 审查流程
  25. scrutiny assessment – 审查评估
  26. scrutiny outcomes – 审查结果
  27. scrutiny criteria – 审查标准
  28. scrutiny methodology – 审查方法论
  29. scrutiny findings – 审查发现
  30. scrutiny parameters – 审查参数
  31. scrutiny conclusion – 审查结论
  32. scrutiny findings – 审查结果
  33. scrutiny practice – 审查实践
  34. scrutiny process – 审查程序
  35. Ongoing scrutiny – 持续审查
  36. scrutiny framework – 审查框架
  37. scrutiny approach – 审查方法
  38. scrutiny guidelines – 审查指引
  39. scrutiny practices – 审查实践
  40. scrutiny process – 审查过程
  41. scrutiny standards – 审查标准
  42. scrutiny evaluation – 审查评估
  43. Comprehensive scrutiny – 全面审查
  44. scrutiny parameters – 审查参数
  45. scrutiny outcomes – 审查结果
  46. scrutiny findings – 审查发现
  47. scrutiny conclusions – 审查结论
  48. Rigorous scrutiny – 严格审查
  49. Close scrutiny – 密切审查
  50. scrutiny phase – 审查阶段


audit: a systematic review or assessment of something
inspection: careful examination or scrutiny
exploration: thorough examination of a subject

前一篇文章ballpark figure
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
