


scrape [skreɪp] n. 刮掉;擦痕;困境;刮擦声  v. 刮;擦伤;挖成
scrape 擦 ←词中词→ ape 猿
eg. The ape went around the cabin scraping the frost off the windows.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》



  1. scrape off: 刮掉
  2. scrape away: 刮掉
  3. scrape the surface: 刮掉表面
  4. scrape by: 勉强维持生活
  5. scrape together: 勉强凑足
  6. scrape the bottom of the barrel: 把底都刮干净了,仅剩下不好的东西
  7. scrape the ice: 刮冰
  8. scrape a living: 勉强谋生
  9. scrape the mud off: 刮去泥巴
  10. scrape and scrub: 刮擦和擦洗
  11. scrape the residue: 刮除残留物
  12. scrape the paint off: 刮去油漆
  13. scrape the rust off: 刮去锈迹
  14. scrape the plaque off: 刮去牙菌斑
  15. scrape the burnt food off: 刮去烧焦的食物
  16. scrape the gum off: 刮去口香糖
  17. scrape the label off: 刮去标签
  18. scrape the frost off: 刮去霜冻
  19. scrape the dirt off: 刮去污垢
  20. scrape the scum off: 刮去浮渣
  21. scrape the residue off: 刮除残留物
  22. scrape the excess off: 刮去多余的部分
  23. scrape the surface clean: 把表面刮得干净
  24. scrape the barrel clean: 把桶刮得干净
  25. scrape the pan clean: 把锅刮得干净
  26. scrape the plate clean: 把盘子刮得干净
  27. scrape the bowl clean: 把碗刮得干净
  28. scrape the windshield clean: 把挡风玻璃刮得干净
  29. scrape the windows clean: 把窗户刮得干净
  30. scrape the floor clean: 把地板刮得干净
  31. scrape the table clean: 把桌子刮得干净
  32. scrape the counter clean: 把柜台刮得干净
  33. scrape the stove clean: 把炉灶刮得干净
  34. scrape the grill clean: 把烧烤架刮得干净
  35. scrape the tile clean: 把瓷砖刮得干净
  36. scrape the carpet clean: 把地毯刮得干净
  37. scrape the paintwork clean: 把油漆工作刮得干净
  38. scrape the rusted metal clean: 把生锈的金属刮得干净
  39. scrape the old wallpaper off: 把旧壁纸刮掉
  40. scrape the moss off: 把苔藓刮掉
  41. scrape the old varnish off: 把旧清漆刮掉
  42. scrape the old paint off: 把旧油漆刮掉
  43. scrape the old stain off: 把旧污渍刮掉
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
