He gave me the combination to a safe.
什么保险箱 我也不知道
What safe, I have no idea.
I didn’t see any safe.
除了可能性的怀孕 你还做成过别的什么事吗
Well, did you accomplish anything besides maybe a possible pregnancy?
I’ll tell you what I did see.
他的母亲 埃莉诺女士 就是留着黑色短发
His mother, Lady Eleanor, has short-cut, brunette hair.
是的 但不是妓♥女♥吧
Yeah, but not a hooker?
不 她不是
No, Sidney, she’s not a hooker!
我不相信 她应该很忠诚
I hardly think so. She’s practically royalty.
天啊 你有时真让我吃惊 你的大脑
Christ, you amaze me sometimes. Your brain!
别这样 你越来越心烦
Back off. You know, you’re getting so upset.
I’m just trying to figure out the various ramifications.
I just don’t like this whole thing!
我觉得恶心 很可怕
I feel disgusting, all right, it’s awful.
I don’t like the whole process.
嗯 你想认为他是清白的
Yeah, you want to think he’s innocent.
What’s so bad about that, huh?
天啊 这家伙肯定迷住你了
Jesus, this guy must be some lover, you know.
我是说 突然间你打算放弃整个新闻
I mean, all of a sudden you’re ready to dump the whole story.
I must find out what breakfast cereal he eats.
我在说什么 他有一扇有密♥码♥的门
What am I talking about? There’s a combination on the door
where he keeps his precious musical instruments.
好 那是有密♥码♥的
Okay, so there is a combination!
I just got to get in that room.
Do you have the combination?
我们不能闯进去的 如果这就是你所想的
We’re not gonna break into his room if that’s what you’re thinking.
-你有密♥码♥ 我要进去 -不不
-You gotta have the com… I got to get in there. -No, no.
不 我们不能这样做 那样是犯法的
No, no, we’re not going to do this because it’s not legal… You…
桑德拉 你到底怎么回事
Sondra, what’s wrong with you?
This guy is the son of a Lord!
They’ll take us to the Tower of London and behead us!
-嗨 -你猜怎样
-Hi. -Guess what?
-怎么 -彼得·莱曼给你送花来了
-What? -Peter Lyman sent you flowers.
I assume your name is Jade Spence?
Naturally I accepted for you.
是的 我就是贞德·思朋斯
Yeah, I’m Jade Spence.
-进行得怎样了 -哦 薇薇安…
-What is going on? -Oh, Vivian…

彼得周六举♥行♥派对 他要我参加
Peter’s giving a party on Saturday and he wants me to come.
I… Oh, I guess I’ll have to buy a dress.
Well, he certainly seems smitten with you.
如果他迷上了谁 肯定是贞德·思朋斯
If he’s smitten with anyone, it’s Jade Spence.
Who is Jade Spence?
A would-be investigative reporter
who’s falling in love with the object of her investigation.
当然 没错
Of course we did. Absolutely.
上帝保佑你 我给你看件小东西
God bless you, sir. I’m going to show you a little thing.
我要你想一张牌 想这里面的一张
I want you to think of a card. Just think of one of those cards.
随便哪张都行 想好了吗
Any one you want. You got it?
好了 现在你想的是黑桃7吧
All right, now, are you happening to be thinking of the seven of spades?
太神奇了 你怎样做到的
That’s amazing! How do you do that?
Just a little hobby of mine.
You know, I wish I had more time to practice,
但是 我有油井要管理 所以我从来没有时间
but, what with my oil wells, you know, I never get around to it.
Your daughter’s very beautiful.
-您见过我女儿了 -是的
-You met my daughter? -Yes.
Yes, we’re very proud of her.
她是个很棒的女孩 克服了自身的残疾
She’s a lovely girl. Overcame a great handicap.
Yeah. You know, she was learning disabled.
Her mother and I took her to many specialists, you know.
Now she’s practically normal, you know.
She’s a charmer.
-上帝保佑你 甜心 你是哪个星座的 -水瓶座的
-God bless you, sweetheart. What is your sign? -I’m an Aquarian.
你是水瓶座 你的信条是什么
You’re Aquarian? And what is your persuasion?
-你是说宗教信仰 -对 你的信条
-Do you mean my religion? -Yeah, your persuasion.
我是基♥督♥徒 你呢 你也是吗
I’m a Christian. What are you? Yes, are you?
Me, I was born into the Hebrew persuasion,
but, when I got older, I converted to narcissism.
-爸爸 -嗯
-Dad? -Hmm?
Dad, I need to talk to you right now.
Oh, I was just about to pull some quarters out of Mrs. Quincy’s nose.
就现在 我要和你谈谈
Right now. I need to talk to you.
-真的 -是的
-Really? -Yep.
抱歉 我…
Excuse me. I’ll…
Would you stop doing those nitwit tricks?
你到底怎么了 你应该是个威严的商人
What is wrong with you? You’re supposed to be a dignified businessman.
我说这是我的个人爱好 富商的爱好
I told them it was a hobby. The hobby of a rich merchant.
You know, so…
抱歉 抱歉
Oh, excuse me. Excuse me.
下楼 打开音乐室的门 我来缠住彼得
Go down the stairs, open the music room door. I’ll keep Peter busy.
我过一会下去找你 你带密♥码♥了吗
I’ll meet you down there in a minute. You brought the combination, right?
没有 我忘在另一件大衣的口袋里了
No, I left it in my other jacket.
-什么 -是的 而且…
-What? -Yes. And…
那我们该怎么办 你得回家把密♥码♥拿来
So, what are we gonna do? You gotta go home and get it then.
我不能 那件夹克在洗衣店呢
I can’t get it because the other jacket’s in the cleaners.
-西德尼 -换洗的衣服少就会有这个问题
-Sidney. -This is the problem having a limited wardrobe.
But not to worry.
我有自己的记忆法 我什么都能记住
I have a mnemonic system. I remember everything.
你在这啊 思朋斯先生 玩的还尽兴吗
There you are. Mr. Spence, trust you’re having a good time?
是的 非常尽兴 这让我想起了我们自己的派对
Yes, a great time! This reminds me of our party.
我们今年在棕榈海滩搞了个化妆舞会 简直是太棒了
We threw a masked ball in Palm Beach this year, it was wonderful.
我化妆成小丑 她装扮成猪小妹
I came as a harlequin. She dressed as Petunia Pig.
-亲爱的 我想问你点事 -当然
-Honey, there’s something I wanted to ask you about. -Absolutely.
那是面具吧 只是…我爱她
That was a mask, wasn’t it? Just… I love her.
等一下 好吗
Just a minute, okay?
来点喝的吗 思朋斯先生
Do you need a drink, Mr. Spence?
不了 我很好 谢谢
No, I’m fine, thank you.
It’s eight
蓝色的马 不对 不对 不对
blue horses. No, no, no.
是10 10个旋转小矮人
It’s 10. Ten spinning midgets.
不对 是12 12架喷气式飞机 8个…不对
No, it’s 12. Twelve jet planes and eight… No.
见到你真高兴 好好玩 很高兴见到你
Good to see you. Have a nice time. Nice to meet you.
冷静 别着急 密♥码♥是…是…
Calm down, calm down. It was… It was…
It was…
Eight maids a-milking
and three French hens.
不 不对
No, no.
16 等一下 21架喷气式飞机
Sixteen, wait, 20 jet planes,
12 spinning midgets.
我一会就回来 我要去趟洗手间
I’ll be right back. I’m just gonna use the bathroom.
西德尼 是你吗
Sidney, is that you?
-我被锁在里面了 -哦 天啊…密♥码♥是多少
-I’m locked in! -Oh, Christ… What’s the combination?
For some reason, it’s gone out of my mind.
Did you see Miss Spence?
-我见到她下楼了 -在楼下 好的
-I thought I saw her going downstairs. -Downstairs, right.
It’s 16 blue horses.
It’s 21 jet planes.
And 12 midgets.
Twelve spinning midgets.
哦 谢天谢地
Oh, thank God!
I thought I was gonna turn out to be one of those skeletons
才会发现已经变成骷髅的我 小心门
people find when they sell the house. Check the door.
16 21 12 就这几个数字你都记不住
Sixteen, 21, 12. You couldn’t remember that number?
我的记忆法太叫我失望了 你想叫我怎么说
My mnemonic system failed me. What do you want me to say?
我们究竟要在这里找什么 这些都…
Now exactly what are we looking for in here? This is all…
I’m not really sure.
You’re not sure?
小心点 别打碎东西
