he got a phone call and had to leave suddenly for Thailand.
是的 贾斯廷·理查德被那个项目解雇了 他得去顶替
Yeah, Justin Richards got fired from some project and he had to take over.
What difference does it make?
重要的是 我告诉整个学校
The point is, I told the whole school
I’d get an exclusive with Michael Tinsley!
You were nervous.
你没经验 你喝醉了
You’re inexperienced. You drank.
He’s a charming genius.
But you know, you’re a very attractive, sexy girl.
If you’re going to interview movers and shakers in their hotel rooms,
you better watch out.
Not that I’d mind a roll in the hay with Michael Tinsley.
我放了几条干净的毛巾在你卧室 桑德拉
I’ve put some fresh towels in your bedroom, Sondra.
谢谢 汤普森夫人
Thank you, Mrs. Thompson.
快点 甜心 你要迟到了
Come on, sweetheart. Chop, chop. You’re gonna be late.
-哦 妈妈 -关键是我没拿到新闻
-Oh, Mom. -The point is I didn’t get the story!
我是说 如果我用了女性的魅力
I mean, if I’d used my feminine wiles
就像凯瑟琳·赫本和 罗莎琳德·拉塞尔一样
Iike Katharine Hepburn or Rosalind Russell.
哦 算了吧
Oh, come on.
We’ll go have lunch at The lvy,
and then we’ll take my little brother
to see that show he’s so excited about,
and then we’ll go to that party tonight.
There’ll be loads of gorgeous guys there.
And you’re always saying all the men you meet are complete losers.
你没搞定新闻 但这没什么大不了
So you blew the story. It’s not life or death.
女士们先生们 请准备好
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves
for the astonishing magic
of Splendini!
谢谢 女士们先生们 你们是非常优秀的观众
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, you’re an incredible audience
我是很诚恳的 这话是发自我内心的
and I mean that sincerely. I say that from the bottom of my heart.
You know, every time I come to London, this great city,
I always get a sincere sensation,
因为你们是如此不可思议 如此美丽
because you’re marvelous people, beautiful humans.
And for my next experiment…
我称之为实验 而不是戏法
And I call it an experiment, you see, not a trick.
I’m gonna need a volunteer.
So if you’ll step out and find someone for me.
这实验有点危险 小朋友就算了
This is kind of dangerous stuff so no children here.
I need a grown-up volunteer.
Someone who’s willing to put her life on the line.
-这是你第一次上台 -是的
-Is this your first time on stage? -Yes.
Yes, you’ve never done… Well, you got nothing to be afraid of.
你紧张吗 不要紧张
You nervous? Don’t be nervous.
你叫什么 告诉大家你的名字
What’s your name? Tell them your name.
Sondra Pransky.
原来是同胞啊 美国 太棒了
A landsman! United States! Fantastic!
你从哪来 桑德拉 不 先别告诉我
And where are you from, Sondra? No, don’t tell me,
’cause I got a great ear for that kind of thing.
阿♥拉♥巴马 对吧 对吧
Alabama! Am I right? Am I right?
-接近了 -是吗
-Close. -Yeah?
-我从布鲁克林来的 -不可思议
-I’m from Brooklyn. -Incredible!
上帝保佑你 甜心 我也是从布鲁克林来的
God bless you, sweetheart. I’m from Brooklyn, too.
真奇妙 我从这个女孩身上感到浓浓爱意
That is fantastic. I feel such love coming from this woman.
我没法说出来 那真是…
I can’t tell you. It’s really…
我是真诚的 这是发自我内心的
I say this with all sincerity from the bottom of my heart.
你是个了不起的人 是人类的骄傲
You’re an incredible human being and a credit to your race.
桑德拉 我问你个问题 你是干什么的 告诉大家
Sondra, let me ask you a question. What do you do? Tell them what you do.
I’m a student.
是吗 学生 学什么的
Yeah? A student? And what are you studying?
不 等等 我有能感应到你所学专业的直觉
No. No, wait! I got an instinct for what a person is studying.
For exactly what you’d be right for.
Dental hygienist!
Was I close?
不 我是学新闻的
No, I’m a journalism student.
你学新闻 那如果你…
You study journalism. Well, if you…
Have you ever been dematerialized before?
-没有 -没有 没什么可怕的
-No. -No? Well, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
我只是要激发出一些你体内的分子 然后把它们分开来
I’m just going to agitate some of your molecules and split them apart.
-不会很痛的 -我刚吃完饭 这会不会让我…
-It’s not gonna hurt. -I just ate. Is this gonna make me…
你刚吃过饭 她说…
You just ate. She said she…
桑德拉 玩笑还是都留给我来说
I’ll do the jokes, Sondra.
现在 桑德拉 我要你走进那个盒子
Now, Sondra, I’m going to ask you to step into that box
and I’m gonna have your molecules split up. I’m gonna split ’em up.
一点也不疼 然后我再把你还原回来
It’s gonna be very painless. And I’m gonna put you back together again.
Don’t tickle me.
告诉大家你刚和我说的 你们得听听
Tell them what you just said to me. You got to hear this.
Tell them what you said to me.
-不 快说吧 快说吧 -不
-No, tell them, tell them. -No.
She said, “Don’t tickle me.”
上帝保佑你 甜心
God bless you, sweetheart.
You got a fantastic sense of humor.
You know if more people in the world had a sense of humor,
we would not be in the state we are in today.
I kid you not.
进盒子里吧 进去吧 桑德拉
Get in the box. Get in the box, Sondra. Go ahead.
进去吧 快点
In the box. Go ahead. Get in the box. Get in the box. Hurry up.
我现在要激发分子了 桑德拉·门德尔博母小姐
I’m going to agitate the molecules now. Miss Sondra Mandelbaum.
波兰斯基 门德尔博母…
Pransky, Mandelbaum. What’s the…
我们都是同胞 无所谓的
We take off the same holidays. Doesn’t matter.
进去吧 甜心 别害怕
Get in the box, sweetheart, and don’t be scared.
You in there?
-你是个记者吧 -哦 天啊 你在这干什么
-You’re a journalist, right? -Oh, my God. What are you doing in here?
你是不是记者 是吗
Aren’t you a journalist? Yeah?
我是说 我现在只关心这个问题
I mean, those are the vibrations I’ve been concentrating on.
好了吗 桑德拉
Are you ready, Sondra?
我是乔·斯特劳博 记者 我有近几年难得的
I’m Joe Strombel, reporter, and I have the scoop of the decade
about the Tarot Card murder case.
我是说 如果这消息可靠的话就太棒了
I mean if it pans out, it’ll be fantastic.
这里面什么都有 大人物 谋杀 卖♥♥淫
It’s got everything. Big names, murder, prostitution.
I’m going to start agitating your molecules.
你是个记者 我给你点信息
You’re a journalist. I’ve got some information for you.
重大新闻 惊世骇俗的独家新闻
Big story. Big, big, big scoop.
Peter Lyman…
出来吧 桑德拉 出来吧 甜心
Come on out, Sondra. Come on out, sweetheart. Come on out, sweetheart.
戏法结束了 结束了
The trick’s over. It’s over. It’s over.
她有点晕了 她从没到台上来过
She’s a little stunned. She’s never been on stage before. So, you know…
She’s a little stunned.
你的分子没事吧 感觉还不错吧
Are your molecules okay? Is everything feeling good?
You all in shape? You got all your parts?
That’s fantastic.
好吧 桑德拉 回到座位上吧
Okay, Sondra, take your seat. Go back to your seat. Go back to your seat.
回去吧 她很棒 给她鼓鼓掌 她很棒 去吧
Go ahead. She’s great. Let’s hear it for her. She’s great. Go ahead.
回去吧 回到你座位上去吧
Go ahead. Go back to your seat.
Will you take out the blue light, please?
‘Cause I’m getting a completely
negative vibration from the blue.
It’s not right.
有位女士要见您 先生
There’s a lady to see you, sir.
嘿 门德尔博母 校报派来的吧
Hey, Mandelbaum! From the school newspaper, am I right?
不 我叫波兰斯基
No, Pransky.
听着 我有件很严重的事情要跟您说
Listen, I have to talk to you about something very serious.
When you put me inside that box…
I smell a frivolous lawsuit here.
你是不是要告诉我 你现在头疼眩晕什么的
You going to tell me you’re getting headaches now or something? Dizzy spells?
不 你把我放进那个中式盒子里时
No. No. When you put me inside that Chinese box…
嗯 那是物质消失机
Yeah, the dematerializer.
…a spirit materialized.
