
scintilla (sin TILL ah) This noun means “a tiny amount,” such as “a trace” or a “spark.” In fact, it comes from the Latin word for “spark.” It’s also the root of the word “scintillating,” which means “sparkling” or “fascinating.”

  • “I believe I taste a scintilla of nutmeg in this Sonoma Valley chardonnay,” said the oenologist (see the “What’s My Line” section).
  • “There isn’t a scintilla of kindness in my boss,” whined Geoffrey. “He wouldn’t let me have the day off, even though I told him it was the opening game of the World Series.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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闪烁(sin TILL ah)这个名词的意思是“微量”,如“痕迹”或“火花”。事实上,它来自拉丁语中“火花”的意思。它也是“闪烁”一词的词根,意思是“闪闪发光”或“迷人”

  • 酿酒师说:“我相信我在索诺玛谷霞多丽中尝到了一丝肉豆蔻的味道。”
  • “我的老板一点善意都没有,”杰弗里抱怨道。“他不让我休息一天,尽管我告诉他这是世界大赛的揭幕战。”



  1. scintilla of hope – 一丝希望
  2. scintilla of doubt – 一丝怀疑
  3. scintilla of evidence – 一点证据
  4. scintilla of truth – 一点真相
  5. scintilla of humor – 一丝幽默
  6. scintilla of intelligence – 一点智慧
  7. scintilla of creativity – 一点创造力
  8. scintilla of light – 一丝光芒
  9. scintilla of knowledge – 一点知识
  10. scintilla of happiness – 一丝幸福
  11. scintilla of doubt – 一丝疑虑
  12. scintilla of emotion – 一丝情感
  13. scintilla of interest – 一点兴趣
  14. scintilla of excitement – 一丝激动
  15. scintilla of charm – 一丝魅力
  16. scintilla of beauty – 一点美丽
  17. scintilla of joy – 一丝喜悦
  18. scintilla of doubt – 一丝怀疑
  19. scintilla of evidence – 一点证据
  20. scintilla of truth – 一点真相
  21. scintilla of hope – 一丝希望
  22. scintilla of humor – 一丝幽默
  23. scintilla of intelligence – 一点智慧
  24. scintilla of creativity – 一点创造力
  25. scintilla of light – 一丝光芒
  26. scintilla of knowledge – 一点知识
  27. scintilla of happiness – 一丝幸福
  28. scintilla of doubt – 一丝疑虑
  29. scintilla of emotion – 一丝情感
  30. scintilla of interest – 一点兴趣
  31. scintilla of excitement – 一丝激动
  32. scintilla of charm – 一丝魅力
  33. scintilla of beauty – 一点美丽
  34. scintilla of joy – 一丝喜悦
  35. scintilla of doubt – 一丝怀疑
  36. scintilla of evidence – 一点证据
  37. scintilla of truth – 一点真相
  38. scintilla of hope – 一丝希望
  39. scintilla of humor – 一丝幽默
  40. scintilla of intelligence – 一点智慧
  41. scintilla of creativity – 一点创造力
  42. scintilla of light – 一丝光芒
  43. scintilla of knowledge – 一点知识
  44. scintilla of happiness – 一丝幸福
  45. scintilla of doubt – 一丝疑虑
  46. scintilla of emotion – 一丝情感
  47. scintilla of interest – 一点兴趣
  48. scintilla of excitement – 一丝激动
  49. scintilla of charm – 一丝魅力
  50. scintilla of beauty – 一点美丽
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
