

[verb] throw in various random directions
[动词] 向各种随机方向投掷


在 小词详解 | shatter 中,小站曾提到 scatter 是一个与常见单词 shatter 既形似又含义有所关联的单词,两者都可能源自于最初可能是拟声而来的中古英语 schateren 。

其中, scatter 主要用来表示“撒、撒播”,即向各种随机方向投掷种子、沙子、盐、灰等,常用搭配 scatter sth on/over/around sth 或 scatter sth with sth 表示“撒到……上”,也就是随意投掷或散布某物,并使之散落在某个目标物体或平面上,比如:

  • 在草坪上撒上草籽。
    Scatter the lawn with grass seed.

从这个概念出发,也可以用 scatter 表示“随处放置(place haphazardly)”衣服、纸张、玩具等,以及指“零星出现或发生”,即事物间隔一段时间或距离零散出现、发生或分布,如:

  • 零星小雨
    scattered showers

注:过去分词 scattered 作形容词使用时指“稀稀拉拉的、零零星星的”,强调数量少,而非多得“遍布各处的、到处都是的”

  • 每把椅子上都随手乱放着这个病人的衣服。
    The invalid’s clothes were scattered on every chair.

此外, scatter 还可用来表示“散开、分散”或“驱散、使分散”,侧重指(使)一群人或动物分开并迅速向不同方向移动,比如:

  • 士兵进来把这一大群胆大妄为的歹徒驱散了。
    The soldiers came in and scattered the swarm of audacious bandits.

用作名词时, scatter 相应表示“散落、三三两两、零零星星”,也就是零星散布的东西,常作单数使用,同 scattering ,比如:

  • 稀稀落落的房屋
    a scattering of houses
  • 崭新的桌子上放着一摞书和零落的几份报纸。
    On the pristine table was a pile of books and a scatter of papers.


And today when by chance I light upon them and see thy signature, I find they have lain scattered in the dust mixed with the memory of joys and sorrows of my trivial days forgotten.



  • Since its inception it has attracted more than 100,000 students, scattered around the globe from India to Nigeria.
  • She greeted allies and adversaries, embraced former first ladies, got a thumbs up from former President George W. Bush, and exchanged a warm hello with her old boss, President Barack Obama, all while appearing impervious to the scattered chants of “Lock her up!” coming from the crowd.



  1. Scatter seeds – 撒播种子
  2. Scatter leaves – 散落的树叶
  3. Scatter clouds – 分散的云朵
  4. Scatter flowers – 撒花
  5. Scatter ashes – 撒骨灰
  6. Scatter crumbs – 撒面包屑
  7. Scatter rocks – 散落的岩石
  8. Scatter sand – 撒沙子
  9. Scatter pebbles – 散落的鹅卵石
  10. Scatter dust – 飞扬的灰尘
  11. Scatter petals – 散落的花瓣
  12. Scatter confetti – 撒纸屑
  13. Scatter glitter – 散落的闪光粉
  14. Scatter sparks – 飞溅的火花
  15. Scatter foam – 分散的泡沫
  16. Scatter debris – 散落的碎片
  17. Scatter papers – 分散的文件
  18. Scatter toys – 散落的玩具
  19. Scatter coins – 撒硬币
  20. Scatter petals – 散落的花瓣
  21. Scatter feathers – 散落的羽毛
  22. Scatter leaves – 散落的树叶
  23. Scatter droplets – 飞溅的小水滴
  24. Scatter books – 散落的书籍
  25. Scatter pencils – 散落的铅笔
  26. Scatter paint – 涂抹的颜料
  27. Scatter sparks – 飞溅的火花
  28. Scatter sand – 撒沙子
  29. Scatter confetti – 撒纸屑
  30. Scatter dust – 飞扬的灰尘
  31. Scatter crumbs – 撒面包屑
  32. Scatter leaves – 散落的树叶
  33. Scatter debris – 散落的碎片
  34. Scatter feathers – 散落的羽毛
  35. Scatter rocks – 散落的岩石
  36. Scatter petals – 散落的花瓣
  37. Scatter coins – 撒硬币
  38. Scatter papers – 分散的文件
  39. Scatter toys – 散落的玩具
  40. Scatter pencils – 散落的铅笔


disperse: distribute or spread over a wide area
toss: throw (something) somewhere lightly, easily, or casually
sprinkle: scatter or pour small drops or particles of a substance over (an object or surface)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
