
[noun] shrewdness and practical knowledge; the ability to make good judgments
[名词] 精明和实际知识;做出正确判断的能力


Savvy 一词本是个西印度群岛洋泾浜语,借用自法语 savez vous? (你知道吗?),主要用于美式口语,作动词表示“懂、知晓”。该用法在《加勒比海盗》系列电影中经常出现,参见下方影视用例。

用作名词时, savvy 则表示懂得的“实际知识、见识、技能”以及由此而来的“精明、智慧、头脑”,主要指对某个事物具有很好的了解或实际知识,以及从而拥有的做出正确判断或成功处理各种状况的能力,比如:

  • 政治头脑
    political savvy
  • 营销技能
    marketing savvy

从这个概念出发,到了1905年后, savvy 开始用作形容词相应指人“有实际知识的、有见识的、有经验的、精明的”,即在实际事务中有着很好的感知力、理解力或精明劲,比如:

  • 这位超然的作曲家是个见过世面的漂亮女人。
    The aloof composer was a pretty savvy woman.
  • 这些演讲老手有一些秘诀可供新手参考。
    These savvy speakers have some tips for novice speakers.


– Kill the brother, savvy?
– No, I do not savvy.

出自2017年上映的奇幻历险电影加勒比海盗系列的第五部《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales)。


  • But insurers fear that without equal access to such information, they will lose out to savvy customers.
  • The chief executive is presenting the motorsport to an audience savvy about social media.


savvy“(精明,机智)是一个形容词,通常用来描述一个人在某个领域具有专业知识、经验和洞察力,尤其是在处理问题或做出决策方面表现出色。以下是一些包含单词 “savvy” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Business savvy(商业精明)
  2. Financial savvy(财务精明)
  3. Tech savvy(技术精明)
  4. Marketing savvy(营销精明)
  5. Political savvy(政治精明)
  6. Social savvy(社交精明)
  7. Cultural savvy(文化精明)
  8. Street savvy(老练机智)
  9. Media savvy(媒体精明)
  10. Fashion savvy(时尚精明)
  11. Legal savvy(法律精明)
  12. Leadership savvy(领导力机智)
  13. Negotiation savvy(谈判机智)
  14. Entrepreneurial savvy(创业机智)
  15. Consumer savvy(消费者机智)
  16. Management savvy(管理机智)
  17. Communication savvy(沟通机智)
  18. Networking savvy(人脉机智)
  19. Digital savvy(数字精明)
  20. Cultural savvy(文化洞察)
  21. Business savvy(商业眼光)
  22. Fashion savvy(时尚触觉)
  23. Media savvy(媒体敏感)
  24. Tech savvy(科技洞察)
  25. Political savvy(政治敏感)
  26. Social savvy(社交洞察)
  27. Leadership savvy(领导力敏锐)
  28. Financial savvy(财务洞察)
  29. Negotiation savvy(谈判眼光)
  30. Entrepreneurial savvy(创业洞察)
  31. Consumer savvy(消费者敏锐)
  32. Management savvy(管理眼光)
  33. Communication savvy(沟通敏锐)
  34. Networking savvy(人脉敏感)
  35. Digital savvy(数字敏锐)
  36. Cultural savvy(文化敏感)
  37. Business savvy(商业慧眼)
  38. Fashion savvy(时尚慧眼)
  39. Media savvy(媒体慧眼)
  40. Tech savvy(科技敏感)
  41. Political savvy(政治敏锐)
  42. Social savvy(社交敏感)
  43. Leadership savvy(领导力敏感)
  44. Financial savvy(财务敏锐)
  45. Negotiation savvy(谈判敏锐)
  46. Entrepreneurial savvy(创业敏锐)
  47. Consumer savvy(消费者敏感)
  48. Management savvy(管理敏锐)
  49. Communication savvy(沟通洞察)
  50. Networking savvy(人脉洞察)


savvy (SAV ee) This adjective may well be the only word in the English lan-guage with a double “v.” It comes from the Old Spanish for “to know” and from the Latin for “to be wise,” but it means more than “smart.” Someone who is “savvy,” is “well-informed and perceptive.” There is even a touch of shrewdness in the word’s connotation.

  • A savvy investor, Herb made a fortune in the corn futures market by study-ing weather conditions in the Midwest and reading The Farmer’s Almanac.
  • Having worked as a buyer for several clothing boutiques and department stores, Anne was a savvy shopper; she knew where to shop for the newest fashions at the lowest prices.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
精明(SAV-ee)这个形容词很可能是英语中唯一一个带有双“v”的词。它来自古西班牙语中的“to know”和拉丁语中的“be wise”,但它的意思不仅仅是“smart”。“精明”的人是“见多识广和有洞察力”。这个词的内涵甚至有点精明。


acuity: sharpness or keenness of thought, vision, or hearing

acumen: the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain

shrewdness: the quality of having or showing good powers of judgement
