

[noun] a simultaneous discharge of artillery or other guns in a battle
[名词] 在战斗中同时发射火炮或其他枪炮


Salvo 一词源自拉丁语 salve (字面意思“身体健康”,原为古罗马人常用的问候语),16世纪末经意大利语 salva (致敬,齐射)进入英语后也是用来表示礼炮的“齐射、齐鸣”,即同时发射火炮用以致敬。

随后 salvo 便开始用来表示任何枪炮的“齐射、齐投、并发”以及指“齐射的炮火、齐投的炸弹、齐发的火箭等”,也就是在军事行动中同时发射多门炮或开火多支枪,以及从一架或多架飞机上快速连续释放大量武器,比如:

  • 内战的第一阵炮响
    the first salvos of the civil war

从这个概念出发, salvo 进一步用来引申喻指掌声、欢呼声、猛烈攻击等的“一片、一阵、一连串”,即如枪炮齐射那般突然的、有力的或攻击性的(一系列)行为,包括突然发出的一阵巨大的响声、书面或口头的一连串生气的话等,比如:

  • 这位能言善辩的演讲者在开场白中猛烈抨击政府在卫生保健领域的所作所为。
    In his opening salvo the eloquent speaker fiercely attacked the government’s record on healthcare.
  • 那个喜剧演员的每一个笑话都能赢得观众的哄然大笑。他浑身上下每个毛孔都散发着幽默。
    Every joke the comedian made was greeted by a salvo of laughter from the audience. He oozed humour from every pore.

值得注意的是, salvo 的复数有两种写法,既可以拼作 salvos ,也可以拼作 salvoes 。


A hundred years ago, the salvoes of the October Revolution brought Marxism-Leninism to China.



  • The latest American salvo against Huawei is designed to stymie China’s ability to make chips. It may push the industry out of America, too.
  • The administration’s concerns about China’s tech ambitions culminated last week in the unveiling of the most stringent controls by the U.S. government on technology exports to the country in decades — an opening salvo that would ripple through global commerce and could frustrate other governments and companies outside China.


以下是关于 “salvo” 的短语:

  1. Open fire with a salvo: 用齐射开火
  2. Launch a salvo of criticism: 发起一波批评
  3. Respond with a salvo of insults: 以一系列侮辱回应
  4. Exchange salvos of gunfire: 交火
  5. Fire a salvo of questions: 提出一连串问题
  6. Deliver a salvo of punches: 连续出拳
  7. Respond with a salvo of counterarguments: 以一连串反驳回应
  8. Launch a salvo of protests: 发起一系列抗议
  9. Answer with a salvo of laughter: 以一连串笑声回应
  10. Issue a salvo of warnings: 发出一连串警告
  11. Fire a salvo of rockets: 发射一连串火箭
  12. Exchange salvos of accusations: 互相指责
  13. Respond with a salvo of applause: 以一连串掌声回应
  14. Launch a salvo of criticism: 发起一波批评
  15. Fire a salvo of questions: 发出一连串问题
  16. Respond with a salvo of insults: 以一连串侮辱回应
  17. Exchange salvos of gunfire: 交火
  18. Deliver a salvo of punches: 连续出拳
  19. Launch a salvo of complaints: 发起一连串抱怨
  20. Answer with a salvo of laughter: 以一连串笑声回应
  21. Issue a salvo of warnings: 发出一连串警告
  22. Fire a salvo of rockets: 发射一连串火箭
  23. Exchange salvos of accusations: 互相指责
  24. Respond with a salvo of applause: 以一连串掌声回应
  25. Launch a salvo of arguments: 发起一系列争论
  26. Fire a salvo of criticism: 发出一连串批评
  27. Respond with a salvo of insults: 以一系列侮辱回应
  28. Exchange salvos of gunfire: 交火
  29. Deliver a salvo of punches: 连续出拳
  30. Launch a salvo of questions: 发起一连串问题
  31. Answer with a salvo of laughter: 以一连串笑声回应
  32. Issue a salvo of warnings: 发出一连串警告
  33. Fire a salvo of rockets: 发射一连串火箭
  34. Exchange salvos of accusations: 互相指责
  35. Respond with a salvo of applause: 以一连串掌声回应
  36. Launch a salvo of protests: 发起一系列抗议
  37. Fire a salvo of criticisms: 发出一连串批评
  38. Respond with a salvo of insults: 以一连串侮辱回应
  39. Exchange salvos of gunfire: 交火
  40. Deliver a salvo of punches: 连续出拳


barrage: a concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area
blitz: an intensive or sudden military attack
flurry: a number of things arriving or happening suddenly and during the same period

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
