晚风中 有你我的梦
拥的那个梦 像一阵风 像一阵风
悠悠爱在风中轻轻送我心的爱 是否你心的梦
明天的我 明天的你
会不会再像那天相拥今晚的风 和明天的梦
借来时间 借来晚风
Evening Breeze
There is a dream of you and me in the evening breeze
Borrowing a little bit of time to embrace tightly in the wind
The dream I embrace is like a gust of wind, like a gust of wind
Leisurely and gently love is being sent in the windIs the love in my heart the dream in yours?
Could we borrow a bridge to connect us?
On this borrowed bridge
Would my and your tomorrow’s selves
Embrace like on that day?Tonight’s wind and tomorrow’s dream
How many traces of them would be in your heart?
Could it be on this night
To borrow some times in the evening breeze
To send my love to your heart?
Submitted by hankeat