两个选手已经筋疲力尽了 但是他们还在冲刺
Both runners appear utterly drained, but they are sprinting,
willing themselves to the finish line. This is now
a battle of wills… sheer determination.
(radio): Bannon’s starting to move.
Bannon is starting to move.
沃克要是想赢 现在也得加速
Walker’s got to go now, if he has any hope of winning.
班南仍然领先 他奋力的跑向
Bannon still has the lead and is driving furiously
for the line.
约翰·班南 赢得了波士顿马拉松比赛
And John Bannon wins Boston!
约翰·班南 赢得了波士顿马拉松比赛
John Bannon wins the Boston Marathon.
1953年的冠军续写 他的辉煌
The 1953 champion repeats in spectacularfashion.
The laurel wreath is his.
It took 26 miles to decide it,
but we finally have a winner.
噢 上帝
Oh, my Goodness.
I can’t remember a marathon
ever coming down to the wire like this.
You have just been a part of sporting history.
You did us all proud.
I lost.
You made us feel like we were all part of something big.
That doesn’t happen every day.
I believed I was going to win.
拉尔夫·沃克蔑视我 你违抗我
Ralph Walker defied me, and you defied me.
He followed his heart.
沃克 沃克 沃克
Walker, Walker, Walker…
I spoke to the press this morning
about your instrumental role
in Mr. Walker marathoning success.
Probably wouldn’t look too good if I had to tum around
你把圣 马格努斯最出名的学生 开除的话恐怕不好
and tell them you kicked St. Magnus’s most famous student out.
是 当然不好
No, probably not.
I think he may still need my prayers.
我们都需要 神甫
We all do, Father.
We all do.
(Ralph): I still can’t believe you actually did it.
(Ohester): Me either.
我从来没想到我的档案 里会又停学记录
I never thought I’d have a suspension on my permanent record.
Are you all right?
Somehow, I think it all mostly worked out.
虽然我的妈妈还没有 从昏迷中苏醒过来
Even though my mom didn’t come out of her coma.
My mom says we could adopt you.
I’m too old to be adopted, Ohester.
Yeah, I suppose we all eventually pass that point.
谢谢 切斯特
Thanks, Ohester.
You’re welcome. Everything felt wrong
I’m going straight to Hell because of you.
我们可以 -我开玩笑的
We could… – I’m kidding.
爱抚是腐化罪 不是道德败坏
Necking is a venal sin, not a mortal one.
上帝总是很神秘 -是的
God works in mysterious ways. – He does.
(bike bell ringing) – Father Hibbert?
Mr. Walker.
I was wondering what your running plans are for the future.
Well, what are your coaching plans?
That depends.
Well, the Olympics are next year
and I suppose I intend to win them.
如果我们不想创造奇迹 那还有什么意义
Well, if we’re not chasing after miracles, what’s the point, eh?
I couldn’t agree with you more.
♪ I’m looking out across the way to her old abode ♪
♪ It’d sure be good to see her again ♪
♪ Comin’ up the road ♪
♪ Oh, the world cannot defeat us when ♪
♪ got a hand to hold ♪
♪ And how the stars will greet us then ♪
♪ Comin’ up… ♪
♪ Good night Moon ♪
♪ Good night stars ♪
♪ Good night all ♪
♪ Broke down cars ♪
♪ I’m going away ♪
♪ Leaving soon ♪
♪ Good night Darling ♪
♪ Good night Moon ♪
♪ I don’t know ♪
♪ Where I’ll be ♪
♪ I don’t know… ♪
♪ …at the window… ♪
♪ Good night Moon ♪
♪ Good night stars ♪
♪ Good night all ♪
♪ Broke down cars ♪
♪ I’m going away ♪
♪ Leaving soon ♪
♪ Good night Darling ♪
♪ Good night Moon ♪
♪ Good night Darling ♪
♪ Good night Moon ♪
♪ I met this girl ♪
♪ She was walking through my dreams ♪
♪ She kissed my eyes ♪
♪ And everything that she said ♪
♪ Made so much sense ♪
♪ To me ♪
♪ That I still feel like I’m half asleep ♪
♪ My dark Angel ♪
♪ She gave me diamonds for eyes ♪
♪ She walked by ♪
♪ Now I’m hypnotized ♪
♪ By this dream ♪
♪ That just won’t stop ♪
♪ And I feel ♪
♪ Like I’ve always been lost ♪
♪ The Moon’s nothing more ♪
♪ Than the air ♪
♪ Don’t tell me you see faces ♪
♪ Up there ♪
♪ A voice now calling my name ♪
♪ A whisper a yell ♪
♪ It all sounds the same ♪
♪ ’cause they’re the same three words ♪
♪ I’ve prayed before ♪
♪ Only now you’re gone, ♪
♪ I need them more ♪
♪ St. Peters gate keeper stands tall ♪
♪ And I hear God’s soldiers at the wall ♪
♪ At night attempting to hear ♪
♪ The sky holds the song ♪
♪ I can’t voice ♪
♪ The fear ♪
♪ ‘Cause they’re the same three words ♪
♪ I’ve prayed before ♪
♪ Only now you’re gone ♪
♪ I need them more ♪
♪ I’ve heard there was a secret chord ♪
♪ That David played that pleased the Lord ♪
♪ You don’t really care for music ♪
♪ Do ya ♪
♪ It goes like this ♪
♪ The fourth the fifth ♪
♪ The minor fall the major lift ♪
♪ The baffled king composing Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ You faith was strong but you needed proof ♪
♪ You saw her bathing on the roof ♪
♪ Her beauty and her moonlight ♪
♪ Overthrew ya ♪
♪ She tied you to a kitchen chair ♪
♪ She broke your throne and she cut your hair ♪
♪ And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah ♪
♪ …though for the moment the skies are holding, and so… ♪
♪ cool conditions, ripe for a fast time. ♪
♪ They are bunched at the line and Hopkins… ♪
♪ You say I took the name in vain ♪
♪ I don’t even know the name ♪
♪ But if I did well really ♪
♪ What’s it to ya ♪
♪ There’s a blaze of light in every word ♪
♪ It doesn’t matter which you heard ♪
♪ The Holy or the broken ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Not a 3-mile foot race, ♪
♪ though the Boston Irish contingent… ♪
♪ Remember when ♪
♪ I moved in you ♪
♪ The Holy Dove ♪
♪ Was moving too ♪
♪ And every breath we drew ♪
♪ was Hallelujah ♪
♪ I did my best ♪
♪ It wasn’t much ♪
♪ I couldn’t feel ♪
♪ So I tried to touch ♪
♪ I’ve told the truth ♪
♪ I didn’t come ♪
♪ To fool ya ♪
♪ And even though ♪
♪ It all went wrong ♪
♪ I’ll stand before ♪
♪ the Lord of song ♪
♪ With nothing on my tongue ♪
♪ But Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Hallelujah ♪
♪ Until you came along ♪
♪ Until you came along ♪
♪ Until you came along ♪
♪ Until you came along ♪
♪ Until you came along… ♪