10-David to R-Commander, we are approaching Hawthorne Airport.
10号♥大卫呼叫中♥央♥指挥室 我们正接近霍索恩机场
Street! How about the claymore? Shit! l’ll be back. Deke!
史具特 用那个地雷怎么样 该死的我马上就回来迪克
10-David to R-Commander.
We have established a perimeter around the airport.
Additional SWAT units are en route.
Van One, Van Two, you have less than five minutes.
一号♥车和二号♥车 你们只剩不到5分钟
Roger that, 10-David. Any word from Hondo’s team?
收到 10号♥大卫 韩兜的队伍有消息吗
70David is still out of radio contact. Hondo, you son of a bitch!
70号♥大卫仍然无法联络上 韩兜 你这个狗♥娘♥养♥的
You sure you know what you’re doing?
Remember when you asked me what l used to do in the SEALs?
Oh, yeah.
All right, clear.
好的 准备
Fire in the hole.
10-David, this is 70-David.
10号♥大卫 这是70号♥大卫
70-David, where the hell are you?
70号♥大卫 你们跑到哪儿去了
We are somewhere around Sixth and Trenton.
We lost communication in the tunnels. Where’s our backup?
我们在管道里失去联络 我们的后援部队呢
Hawthorne Airport. That’s where your friends…
在霍索恩机场 你们的那些老朋友
…Gamble and T.J. McCabe are headed.
甘伯和TJ 就是去了那里
That’s the other side of town! Send a couple units to pick us up.
那在城市的另一边 派人来接我们
Pick you up? For all I know, you’re in on this!
接你 依我所知 这事情你们也有份
I got a good mind to bring you in. Like hell. Come on, let’s go.
我有很好的理由逮捕你们 去他妈的来吧 我们出发
Police! Stop the car! Stop the vehicle!
警♥察♥ 停车 停车
Stop the car! Stop the car!
停车 停车
Stop the car! Exit the car, sir!
停车 下车 先生
You guys have to get out of here. Police emergency.
你们必须得出来 紧急状况
Wait, l just have kids in the car. Well, get them out of there!
等等 只有孩子在车上 嗯 叫他们出来
lt’s us in the gun cage tomorrow. You know how it is, Street.
我们明天就会被调到枪♥械♥室 你知道是怎么一回事的 史具特
Sometimes doing the right thing ain’t doing the right thing.
Last car through. Bridge is locked. Copy that.
最后一辆车过了 桥梁已被封闭 收到
l thought you couldn’t drive. l said l didn’t like to.
我以为你不会开车 我只是说我不喜欢开车
Keep getting into accidents.
Sounds like they’re trying to fly him out of here.
Why would they turn on the lights and warn everybody?
Shit! Gamble’s smarter than that.
该死的 甘伯没有这么笨
There’s a full moon. A rookie could land on a night like this.
今晚月圆 新飞行员都能顺利降落
So why’d they pop up back there? l don’t know.
那他们在那里干嘛 我也不知道
But Fuller’s sending all we got to Hawthorne.
Did they build a new airport in downtown in the past couple of days?
l don’t think so, Sanchez. Why?
我不这么认为 桑切思 为什么这样问
That jet to your right, it’s flying pretty low, and it’s only getting lower.
你左边的飞机飞得很低 而且越来越低
That’s our boy! That’s our boy! He’s setting down.
这就是我们的目标 我们的目标 他要降落
Yeah, but where? l don’t know, but follow that jet.
是的 哪里 我不知道 但是跟着那飞机
How wide is the Sixth Street Bridge? lt’s gotta be four lanes across…
第6街大桥有多宽 有四车道 还有…
…sidewalks. Plane small enough…
…he might be able to set it down, if he’s got the balls.
…只要他胆子够大 也许能在这降落
Reducing speed.
This is 70-David. That plane’s not coming to Hawthorne.
这是70号♥大卫 那飞机不会去霍索恩机场
l gave you a direct order to stand down, sergeant.
我已经命令你中止行动了 警官
And I would have, Tom…
我也许会 但是…
…except l saw a Learjet about to land on the Sixth Street Bridge.
Give me 40 percent flaps. Forty percent flaps, check.
40%后翼上摆动 40%后翼上摆动 确认
Sir, we have reports of a low- flying aircraft in the downtown area.
长官 我们收到报告说 有一部小型飞机在市中心低飞
Where’s the nearest backup? Five, six minutes.
最近的后援队伍在哪儿 需要开56分钟车
l don’t think you’re feeling me on this, Tom. We’re going in.
我想你还是不明白 汤姆 我们要进去了
Oh, God!
Reverse thrust. Roger that. Full brake.
反转机翼 收到 全速刹停
This guy’s worth every penny.
All right, let’s turn this plane around.
好的 把飞机转过来
10-David, we just got a report a plane has landed on the Sixth Street Bridge.
10号♥大卫 我们刚刚接到报告 有飞机在第6街大桥降落
They what?
Let’s mount up!
All right, give me a car downstairs now.
好的 马上给我在楼下准备辆车
What? What’s going on? Just got room for one of you.
什么 怎么回事 我们只有位置载你们其中的一个人
l’m not going without my wife! Well then, don’t.
我不会离开我的妻子的 好 那你别去
No! No, no, no. Richard!
不要 不要 不要 不要 理查德
Jesus Christ! Richard! Richard
天啊 理查德 理查德…
Richard is gone, so sit down and shut up!
理查德已经走了 所以闭上嘴 坐好
Twenty seconds! See you in Margaritaville.
20秒后起飞 在玛格丽塔别♥墅♥见
Come on, come on, come on! Please, just let me go.
快点 快点 快点 求求你 让我走
Please, let me go! Shut her up!
求求你 让我走 让她闭上嘴
Come on! Shut the hell up!
快点 闭上他妈的嘴
Get us in the air.
Yes, sir. Okay, let’s go home.
是的 先生 好吧 让我们回家吧
Oh, look. They’ve got their own airport security.
You’ve got company! Limo broke containment!
有人来了 豪华轿车闯过了护拦
All right, we got you covered, man.
好的 我们帮你搞定
Just keep coming.

Son of a bitch!
What’s this? Well, that’d be a cell phone.
这是什么 这是个电♥话♥
That’s the account where l want the money transferred.
这是我的账号♥ 就把钱存到那里
The bank verifies the transfer, goddamn if you ain’t a free man.
银行确定你的转账 我就保证你的自♥由♥
70-David, be advised there are hostages onboard.
70号♥大卫 注意飞机上有人♥质♥
All right, you heard the man.
你们都听到了 伙计们
Deke! Yo!
迪克 在
They get that plane off the ground, those hostages are dead.
如果飞机起飞了 那些人♥质♥就死定了
l need your A-game, boys and girl.
我需要你们合作 男孩们 还有女孩
What’s going on? Get them off our asses!
怎么回事 快把他们甩掉
Just fly the plane. Open the hatch.
驾驶好飞机 打开机门
Come on! Open the hatch!
快点 打开机门
Hang on! Here’s where watching…
坐稳 伙计们 你们现在所看到的是…
… The World’s Most Exciting Police Chases pays off.
…世界上最惊险的 警♥察♥报复追逐行动
l got no shot!
Get this thing in the air!
Come on!
Shut that goddamn door!
Damn it! l hope you got a plan B, brother.
该死的 我希望你有B计划 兄弟
You stay there. You’re fine.
你就待在这里 就不会有事
Gamble! Let her go! Take a shot, Jimbo!
甘伯 放她走 开枪啊 吉姆
Sanchez is down! Sanchez.
桑切思中枪了 桑切思
Go get him.
Give me more ammo!
Deke! Frog’s running!
迪克 嫌疑犯在逃跑
Are you okay? l’m all right, man.
你没事吧 我没事 伙计
Sorry, ma’am. l gotta go too. No.
对不起 女士 我也要去了 不要
Tell Daddy how you want it.
告诉老子 你是不是想找死
You’re like a goddamn rash!
You might want to get that looked at, brother.
你也许想看看这 兄弟
How’s Boxer? What do you care?
波克士伤势怎么啦 你会在意么
Come on, Hondo. Just give me that.
别这样 韩兜 就告诉我吧
He’s gonna make it.
Just couldn’t resist, could you?
你就是不能抵抗诱惑 是吗
So, what do you want to do?
Goddamn it, sarge.
我该死 队长
There’s one in the chamber, partner.
Come on.
So how’s Boxer? Got word he’s gonna pull through.
波克士的情况怎么样 他们说他会挺过来的
That’s great.
Remind me to buy some shares in KEVLAR.
Good work, Sanchez.
做得好 桑切思
You look like you need a Band-Aid.
Somebody else needs a body bag downstairs.
在下面 有人需要个装尸袋
You okay? Yeah. You?
你没事吧 没事 你呢
Good stuff. Nice job.
好厉害 干得好
Don’t sound so happy.
Still got a problem. He’s still here.
麻烦还没完 他还在这里
Road trip?
