When the trio find out that where is rancho? They immediately rush to his house. But got shocked after seeing it’s not the one who they are expecting it’s someone else. The real Rancho. The trio threatened him to tell where is their friend. Finally they found rancho(Amir Khan). And he was living in a lakeside. Being a teacher. Pia runs to him and kissed him and confessed her love. And then then raju and faran also reach there. The hug each other. Then pia ask him his real name. He reply’s “phunsukh wangdoo” the greatest scientist whom chatur is searching desperately. Chatur also reach there and he tells that he is the winner of the bet so he deserves the pen which given to Rancho by Virus. When he was about to go Rancho (phunsukh wangdoo) calls chatur and he realized that who is Rancho. So he except that he (Rancho) is the winner. After they lived happily ever after. ” Study is not always about success or fame. It’s about knowledge. ”

当三人发现兰乔在哪里时?他们立即赶往他的家。但当看到不是他们期待的那个人是另一个人时,我感到震惊。真正的牧场主。三人威胁他要告诉他他们的朋友在哪里。最后他们找到了兰乔(阿米尔·汗)。他住在湖边。当老师。皮娅跑向他,吻了他,并承认了她的爱。然后拉朱和法兰也到了那里。他们互相拥抱。然后皮亚问他真名。他回答说,“phunsukh wangdoo”是查图尔正在拼命寻找的最伟大的科学家。查图尔也到了那里,他说他是赌注的赢家,所以他应该得到通过病毒送给兰乔的笔。当他正要去兰乔(phunsukh wangdoo)时,他打电话给查图尔,意识到谁是兰乔。所以他说他(兰乔)是赢家。他们从此过上了幸福的生活。“学习并不总是关乎成功或名声。它关乎知识。”-加赫瓦雷拉纳


find out找出; 发现; 查明; 查出…行为不轨
rush to掠过; 奔到; 抢救
the one【电影】救世主; 平行歼灭战
someone else别人
confessed公开招认的; 公开认错的; 供认,坦白,承认; 承认; 忏悔; 悔过; 告罪; 告解; confess的过去分词和过去式
And then然后
each other彼此; 互相
real name真名
