A decade after he exposed Operation Blackbriar (as seen in The Bourne Ultimatum) and disappeared, Jason Bourne has finally recovered from his amnesia, isolating himself from the world and making a living by taking part in savage, bare-knuckle fighting bouts. In Reykjavík, Nicky Parsons, who has been collaborating with a hacktivist group led by Christian Dassault, hacks into the CIA’s mainframe computer server to expose its black ops programs. This alerts Heather Lee, the head of the agency’s cyber security operations division, and CIA director Robert Dewey. In the process, Parsons finds documentation concerning Bourne’s recruitment into Treadstone and his father’s role in the program. She travels to Athens to find and inform him..


十年前,杰森·伯恩(Jason Bourne)揭露了布莱克里亚尔行动(见《伯恩最后通牒》)并失踪。十年后,他终于从失忆症中恢复过来,将自己与世界隔离开来,通过参加野蛮的、赤裸裸的搏斗谋生。在雷克雅未克,尼基·帕森斯(Nicky Parsons)一直在与克里斯蒂安·达索(Christian Dassault)领导的黑客行动主义组织合作,侵入中情局的大型机计算机服务器,暴露其黑色行动计划。这提醒了该机构网络安全行动部门负责人希瑟·李和中央情报局局长罗伯特·杜威。在这个过程中,帕森斯找到了有关伯恩被招募到“踏脚石”的文件,以及他父亲在该项目中的角色。她去雅典寻找并通知他。。

bouts一阵; 一场; 一通,一次; 发作; 发病期; 拳击比赛; bout的复数
has been已经
mainframe computer计算机主机
