Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the gang embark on a road trip with Bonnie and a new toy named Forky. The adventurous journey turns into an unexpected reunion as Woody’s slight detour leads him to his long-lost friend Bo Peep. As Woody and Bo discuss the old days, they soon start to realize that they’re two worlds apart when it comes to what they want from life as a toy.


Woody、Buzz Lightyear和其他帮派成员与Bonnie和一个名为Forky的新玩具开始了一次公路旅行。这次冒险之旅变成了一次意外的重逢,伍迪稍稍绕道找到了失散已久的朋友博·皮普。当伍迪和波讨论过去的日子时,他们很快开始意识到,当他们想要从玩具生活中得到什么时,他们是两个截然不同的世界。-Jwelch5742

embark on着手,开始做某事
old days从前
start to开始
worlds apart大相径庭;迥然不同
when it comes to说到; 当谈到
