The reincarnation of a soul travels through time in an exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution. Action, mystery and romance weave dramatically through the story, a time-shifting weave of six interlinking narratives, with diverse settings from the savagery of a Pacific Island in the 1850s to a dystopian Korea of the near future. Based on the best-selling novel Cloud Atlas written by David Mitchell. Featuring an all-star cast led by Halle Berry and Tom Hanks.
—Chris Yako


灵魂的轮回穿越时间,探索个体生命的行为在过去、现在和未来是如何相互影响的,因为一个灵魂从杀手变成了英雄,而一个善良的行为在几个世纪内产生涟漪,激发一场革命。动作、神秘和浪漫在故事中戏剧性地交织在一起,这是一个由六个相互关联的故事组成的时移世易的交织体,背景多种多样,从19世纪50年代太平洋岛屿的野蛮到不久的未来的反乌托邦朝鲜。基于大卫·米切尔(David Mitchell)的畅销小说《云地图集》。由哈莉·贝瑞和汤姆·汉克斯主演的全明星阵容。-Chris Yako

one another彼此; 互相
in the past在过去
near future近期
Based on以……为基础
