While not amongst the action himself or being discussed by others,
Ludwig Wittgenstein narrates the story of and editorializes about his life. Born in 1889 in Vienna to a family of privilege, he was a precocious child and was considered a prodigy. He was educated in Vienna and Manchester, before settling into a career as a philosopher at Cambridge University, where he had associations with such luminaries as Bertrand Russell and John Maynard Keynes. He is considered one of the greatest philosophers of his time, his work which was largely on the association between philosophy and logic, philosophy and mathematics, and philosophy and language. However, he spent his entire life trying to disentangle himself from his privileged upbringing and education by simplifying his life, as he disliked philosophy as a subject. This mission was largely without success. His story is also told within the context of his homosexuality.


虽然他本人没有参与行动,也没有被其他人讨论,路德维希·维特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein)讲述了他的故事,并发表了关于他的生活的社论。1889年出生于维也纳的一个特权家庭,他是一个早熟的孩子,被认为是神童。他在维也纳和曼彻斯特接受教育,后来在剑桥大学开始了哲学家生涯,在那里他与伯特兰·罗素和约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯等名人有过交往。他被认为是他那个时代最伟大的哲学家之一,他的工作主要是关于哲学与逻辑、哲学与数学、哲学与语言之间的联系。然而,由于他不喜欢哲学作为一门学科,他用了一生的时间试图通过简化自己的生活来摆脱自己优越的教养和教育。这项任务基本上没有成功。他的故事也在他的同性恋背景下讲述。-雨果


editorializes加入意见; 发表社论; editorialize的第三人称单数
educated in在…念书,在…受教育
one of…之一
entire life总寿命,整个期限
