Bill McCabe, a vaguely misogynistic ne’er-do-well who has just been double-crossed by his girlfriend during a heist, is reunited with his younger and more reserved brother Dennis on a quest for their father. Along the way they encounter a lonely bar owner with whom Bill falls in love, an epileptic young woman with a big secret, a psychotic ex-husband, a bitter sheriff, and several other colorful characters. This “road movie with a twist” aims to explore men’s attitudes toward both women and themselves.
—Ethan Straffin <>


比尔-麦凯比,一个在抢劫过程中被女友出卖的隐约厌恶女人的新手,与他的弟弟丹尼斯重逢,寻找他们的父亲。一路上,他们遇到了一个孤独的酒吧老板,比尔爱上了他,一个有大秘密的癫痫少女,一个神经质的前夫,一个痛苦的警长,以及其他几个丰富多彩的人物。这部 “有转折的公路电影 “旨在探讨男人对女人和自己的态度。
埃森-斯特拉芬 <>


ne’er-do-well无用的人; 懒汉; 不中用的;无价值的
double-crossed欺骗; 叛卖; 出卖; double-cross的过去分词和过去式
reunited重逢,再次相聚; 再结合,再联合; reunite的过去分词和过去式
epileptic癫痫; 癫痫病患者; 癫痫的
