How do you think I get the kids to school on time?
真可惜 要是有他们的地址 我们可以直接寄过去
What a shame. If we had their address, we could just ship it to them.
啊 我们知道他们要去哪
Well, we do know where they’re headed.
Mount Watson, Colorado.
知道吗 要是你穿得得体一点…
You know, if you wore clothes that fit…
-…你就不会像个十岁的小孩 -我就爱这样
…you wouldn’t look like a 10-year-old. -It’s how I roll.
哦 好棒
Oh, sweet.
你说什么了 小矮子
You say something, Frodo?
我说的是大鲨鱼奥尼尔 怎么把你们赶这儿来了
I was just saying how that guy Shaq’d you there.
-我们打一场二对二 好吗 -你干吗不去找个…
-We got two-on-two, right? -Why don’t you find…
…an under-2-foot league.
Why don’t you trade that thing in on top of your neck for a face.
I’m gonna floss your rear.
-来啊 放马过来 -哟 我的猛子兄弟
-Let’s go, bring it. Come on. -Yo, my mobile homeboys.
-这是在闹什么呢 -这泡大便是你家的
-What’s tripping in the wood? -This termite belong to you?
-不许你叫…-哟 兄弟…有话好好说
-Don’t call… -Yo, my man… Easy.
这是我的人C 他个子挺小 可也挺猛的
This my man, C. He’s small, but ferocious.
可是你们哥几个是硬汉子 你们是哪里人
But you dogs, you’re hardcore. Where you from?
-斯科特斯德 -斯科特斯德 桑那州的
-Scottsdale. -Scottsdale, in the ‘Zona.
That’s a hardcore ‘hood.
But you want to take on my man C, here…
…来吧 放马过来 因为…
…go ahead, because, you know…
…他可猛了 他会直冲你的脸打…
…he’s fierce, he gonna come up in your face…
…he’ll damage you.
你只能撒丫子逃开 没准还瘸了
You gonna walk away, maybe limp.
不过要我说 这时候只能让拳头来说话
But I say talk to the hand, call waiting,
因为他发飚了 这小伙他发飚了
because he’s out. Boy is out.
我可拉不住他 所以我要跟你们说…
I can’t restrains him. Because I’m conversating you right now…
…给他个机会冷静下来 恢复到平常的状态…
…to give him a chance to cool down, to get back to a realistic level…
…就像我们一样 因为我们回家消气也来得及
…as we were. Because we could be chilling in our crib.
何况在这房♥车营地 都是好玩的东西…
Not just on this mobile home thing, representing Malibu…
…和学黑人说话的白小子 你知道
…and Westwood, you know.
咱们都可以好好乐一乐 从男孩转成男人
Malling it, like we all can. Boys to mensch.
拉上我的马子 回头叫上我…
Pimp my Mercedes, call me back…
…让你在边上等着 你们知道我在说什么吗
…put you on hold. You know what I’m saying?
We gotta go.
那样最好 兄弟 别让我把律师叫来 我还会旁听的
You better, man. Don’t make me call my lawyer, because I’ll audit.
看见爸爸来你不高兴吗 他们差点就要踢你的屁♥股♥了
Arert you glad Dad came? They were about to kick your butt.
卡尔 这么说可帮不上忙 卡尔
Carl. That’s not helpful. Carl.
It occurs to me that you and I haven’t had too many…
…7 th Heaven kind of dialogues in the last year.
-你忙得很 -是啊 不过还没有忙到看不出…
-You’re busy a lot. -Yeah, but not too busy to notice…
…that you are sensitive about your size.
我现在就可以和你赌1000美元 赌你会长到比我高
I’ll bet you $ 1000 right now you’ll grow up bigger than me.
我见过你在我这个岁数的照片 你那时候就是大个了
I’ve seen pictures of you when you were my age. You were huge.
You were shaving already.
啊 没错 我是这样的
Yeah, well, that’s my point.
See, I achieved maturity very early.
I stopped growing after the eighth grade.
可你是另一种体质 你和我朋友约翰·维戈什一样
But you have the other body type. You’re like my friend John Vigoshi.
When he was 16, he had a 9-inch summer.
How do you mean that?
他长得非常高 非常快 你也会和他一样
He grew very tall, very quickly, and so will you.
再说你已经在预作准备了 你正在练举重
And you’re being proactive. You’re lifting weights.
等你长成大个了 你猜我们会干什么
And when you grow up big, you know what we’ll do?
We’ll enter father-son extreme-fighting competitions.
-好啊 -到时候你得负责推轮椅
-All right. -You’ll have to push the wheelchair.
But we’ll get them high, and we’ll get them low.
Coming at you a little heat right now.
带一点热气扔回来 一点点热气 一点点辣椒
Give me a little heat there. A little heat. A little pepper there.
接着 好的
Hike! All right.
What’s up?
孩子们 晚饭会稍微晚一点 因为…
Kids, dinner’s gonna be a little late because…
对不起 是误报
Sorry. False alarm.
-这不是我的手♥机♥ -鲍勃
-The buzzing is not me. -Bob.
-喂 -不要再玩挂断电♥话♥的把戏…
-Hello. -Before you hang up on me again…
…we need to talk.
对不起 我听不太清
I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well.
信♥号♥♥不好 不行 不行 对
Signal. No, no. Yeah.
稍等 信♥号♥♥不好
Hold on one second. The signal.
Just a… Can you hear me now?
-托德 你收到提案了吗 -不错
-Hey, Todd. Did you get the proposal? -Not bad.
My Laird didn’t like it very much.
-谁在乎莱尔德怎么想 -我在乎 他还年轻 鲍勃
-Who cares what Laird thinks. -I do. He’s young, Bob.
We’ll talk about it tonight on the plane.
-不行 -不行
-No. -No?
I flew in last night.
这里海拔有一英里 我得先适应一下
It’s a mile high here and I want to get acclimated.
You don’t wanna have a nose bleed in a presentation.
Could be a little embarrassing.
So I’ll see you there. Here.
妈妈 他很痛苦
Mom, he’s suffering.
亲爱的 要我帮忙吗
Honey, can I help?
不了 亲爱的 别过来
No, honey. No, don’t come down here.
啊 我正要想法清掉一点…
Boy, I’m just gonna try and clean up a little…
Don’t use bark.
These are great.
对 就是这个 正合适
Yeah, there it is. That does the trick.
蕨草 天然的扫帚
Ferns. Nature’s broom.
亲爱的 不行 你不能就这么过去 有10英里路呢
Honey, no. You can’t go on like this. It’s 10 miles.
不 我不想扫了你们的兴
No, I don’t wanna spoil it for you guys.
-不会的 我们明天去 -不行
-You won’t. We’ll go tomorrow. -No.
Tomorrow we go to the lake.
这样吧 我留在这里 你们去吧
Listen, I’ll stay here. You go on.
-我不知道…-去吧 会是一次很棒的远足
-I don’t know… -Go. It’s a beautiful hike.
去吧 孩子们
Come on, kids.
好吗 好吧
Yeah? Okay.
I’ll try and make it back to the RV.
我没事的 有蕨草呢
I’m okay. Got my ferns.
没事 我没事
Okay. I’m okay.
去吧 你们去吧 玩得开心
Go on. Go on, you guys. Save yourself. Okay.
欢迎使用公路伴侣 700
Welcome to the RoadMate 700.
嗨 罗拉 我太太不在
Hi, Lola. My wife’s not here.
-你开的是什么玩意 -房♥车中的卡迪拉克 托德
-The hell are you driving? -Cadillac of RVs, Todd.
You know, we should go over… Laird.
对 我决定用莱尔德的演示稿
Yeah, I decided to go with Laird’s presentation.
-不过你也可以旁听 讲几个笑话 -听你的
-But hang around, tell a few jokes. -You got it.
Hi there.
-拉里·莫法因 -加里·莫法因
-Larry Moiphine. -Garry Moiphine.
-好狗 -对 她是个小可爱
-Cute dog. -Oh, yeah. She’s a sweetie.
Oh, yeah, who’s a good girl?
-托德 -不了
-Todd? -No.
-鲍勃 -嗨 鲍勃
-Bob. -Hi, Bob.
-莱尔德 -嗨 莱尔德
-Laird. -Hi, Laird.
拉里 这是莱尔德
Larry. Laird.
各位 我们先吃些点心 然后再听你们的演示吧
So, fellas, we’ll have a little nosh and we’ll hear your presentation.
-泰米还没到 她是我们的助理 -所以我们要慢点吃
-Tammy’s not here yet. Our assistant. -So we’ll eat slow.
-来吧 -先生们
-Come on. -Gentlemen.
嗨 嗨 对不起 我来晚了
Oh, hi. Hi. Sorry I’m late.
You guys have all just got to see the circus before it leaves.
-很好看吗 -妙极了
-It’s good, huh? -It was amazing.
哇 那么…
Wow, so…
哦 对了 我想你们还要给我们做演示
Oh, of course. I believe you folks have a presentation for us.
-是的 莱尔德 -祝你好运
-Yes. Laird. -Good luck.
在1985年 纯净感应饮料公♥司♥ 完成了…
In 1985, Pure Vibe soda completed a friendly takeover…
…of Mr. Twinkle Iced Tea.