今晚太好了 过得很愉快
This has been great. A lot of fun.
爸爸 听
Dad, listen.
This is kind of our family theme song.
孩子们 来啊 这儿 快快 拿来…
Kids, come on. Get up there, go, go. Hurry up, get the… You know.
哦 他们会很喜欢这个的
Oh, they’re gonna love this.
可爱的妈妈写了这首歌♥ 编了舞蹈
Little Mommy’s got a whole song-and-dance thing worked out.
-哦 太棒了 -快来 小月 来啊
-Oh, that’s wonderful. -Come on, Moon, come on.
-我站这儿 谢谢 亲爱的 -谢谢
-Here I go. Thank you, darling. -Thank you.
-哦 好 -像排练时那样站好队
-Oh, yeah. -Line up the way we practiced.
这首歌♥我永远都听不腻 上次听到时我一♥丝♥不♥挂♥…
I never grow tired of that song. Last time I heard it I was buck-naked…
-…在野外 手里拿着根信♥号♥♥棒 -爸
…in a field with a road flare. -Dad.
Yes. Big travel day tomorrow.
-你们去哪儿 -离开
-Where y’all headed? -Away.
Mount Watson in Colorado.
-能认识你们真是太好了 -一样
-Just fantastic to have met you both. -Same here.
-希望能再见到你们 -明早一起吃饭怎么样
-Hope we see you again. -How about breakfast tomorrow?
-百吉饼配鹿睾丸 -哦 她真幽默 就像你一样
-Bagels and deer testicles? -Oh, yeah, she’s funny, just like you.
我们想来吃早饭 但我们起得太早
We’d have breakfast, but we’re early risers.
好啊 我们也一样 早上6点 行吧
Well, us too. Six a.m. Work for you?
We’ll be long gone by then.
是啊 相信我们
Yeah, trust us.
鲍勃 鲍勃
Bob? Bob?
-走吧 走吧 鲍勃 -来了 宝贝儿
-Let’s go, let’s go. Bob? -Yeah, baby.
-哦 多友好的一家人啊 -是啊 他们是好人
-Oh, friendly folks. -Yeah, they’re nice people.
-嗨 门罗先生 -嗨 比利 我在…
-Hi, Mr. Munro. -Hi, Billy. I’m just…
-你那东西真不错 -什么
-You sure got a nice one. -What?
That’s a nice laptop.
哦 谢谢 你起来做什么
Oh, thanks. What are you doing up?
我有睡眠失调症 从5岁起我就没睡过觉
I have a sleep disorder. I haven’t slept since I was 5.
So you just wander around the campground.
是啊 我不在乎 这是我唯一能独自一个人的时间
Yeah, I don’t really mind. It’s the only time I have alone.
好吧 再见
Well, see you.
哦 好的
Oh, okay.
没有可用连接 连接失败
-早上好 -早上好门罗先生
-Morning. -Good morning, Mr. Munro.
-快快 我们走 -5:30了
-Come on. Come on, let’s go. -It’s 5:30.
The Gornickes.
鲍勃 帮个忙
Bob, a little help.
帮个忙 卡茜
Little help? Cassie?
有动静 她…她在走动
There’s movement. She… She’s moving.
卡尔 我们走了
Carl, let’s get going.
快开车 快开车 鲍勃 快踩油门
Let’s move it, let’s move it. Bob, gun it.
卡尔 卡茜 情况怎么样
Carl. Cass, what’s our status?
她出门了 她过来了 警报 警报 她来了
She’s out the door. She’s coming. Mayday, mayday, she’s coming!
快 我们走 我们走 走 走 走
Come on. Let’s go, let’s go. Go, go, go!
-快点儿 -挂上档了 可是开不动
-Come on! -It’s in gear, but it’s not moving.
-轮子 -还有那个愚蠢的”膨胀”
-The wheel! -This stupid pop-out thing.
快 妈妈 她来了
Hurry, Mom, she’s coming!
快 快 快
Come on, come on, come on.
Will you move this son of a bi…

They are early risers.
I’m going a whole 12 miles an hour.
Then pass him.
孩子们 别打扰他 他的车技可没那么高
Kids, leave him alone. He’s not that good a driver.
哦 亲爱的 哦 亲爱的
Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
-快 -鲍勃
-Come on. -Bob.
鲍勃 鲍勃 鲍勃
Bob. Bob. Bob.
All right.
-好啊 行啊 -谢谢
-Okay. All right. -Thanks.
-嘿 你猜怎么着 -怎么着
-Hey, guess what. -What?
We need gas.
还有 我必须得上厕所
And I really have to go to the bathroom.
You know we have one of those.
对 但是自从 上次我洗过那不幸的淋浴以后…
Yeah, but after my last little shower of sadness…
好了 好了 做你该做的吧
Okay, okay, do what you have to do.
I’ve got an ICBM coming.
如果有管粪便的仙女姐姐 我就发了
If there’s a poop fairy, I can make a lot of money.
时间可能长一点儿 这油箱能装80加仑呢
I could be a while, baby. It’s an 80-gallon tank.
爸 你在里面么
Dad, you in here?
卡尔 我还需要一分钟
Carl, I just need a minute.
当然 只是房♥车又滑走了
Sure, only the RV’s rolling away.
Be right out.
-嘿 鲍勃 -特拉维斯
-Hey, Bob. -Travis.
是啊 我想你的车可能出了点儿问题
Yeah, I think you’ve got a little problem with your vehicle.
I’m no expert…
…but it’s your parking-gear interlock and your emergency brake.
-How did you…? -It’s a miracle.
我们刚停下 它就开始滑了
We pulled in the second it started rolling away.
是不是说明点儿问题 想不想听听那次…
Isn’t that something? Wanna hear about the time…
…上帝把我们从龙♥卷♥风♥中拯救出来 -太棒了
…Jesus saved us from a tornado? -It’s great.
我很想听 但我刚才在洗手间里…
I’d love to, but I was in the little boys’ room…
…办点儿事儿 但被卡尔打断了…
…taking care of business when Carl interrupted…
…but Jamie would love to hear it.
好吧 那就好像发生在昨天
Well, it seems just like yesterday.
Thank you.
我不想长得块头太大 知道么
I don’t wanna get too big, you know.
-我是说 我不想让自己看上去像个畸形 -不要
-I mean, I don’t want to look freakish. -No.
-这是什么 -这是个地名表…
-What is this? -It’s a list of places…
…between here and Colorado
that sell organic health food.
-我昨晚从网上找到的 -哦 想得真周到
-I got it last night off the Internet. -Oh, that was really thoughtful.
-你在听什么 -没什么
-What are you listening to? -Nothing.
So Billy was blown right out of that tree.
就在他落地之前 不知从哪里…
Right before he hit the ground, from out of nowhere…
…comes this queen-size Simmons mattress…
…slides right under him and cushions his fall.
救了他一命 正巧我们也需要一只床垫
Saved his life. Plus, we needed the mattress.
I have a bad back.
So you folks wanna join us for breakfast?
-We… -Ate.
门罗先生 我刚才还跟厄尔和小月 说起…
Mr. Munro, I was just telling Earl and Moon…
…about that neat laptop you were using.
When were you using a laptop?
工作的时候 一直都用
At work, all the time.
-I was just telling him… -When did he see you?
对了 我们很乐意和你们一起吃早饭
You know, we’d love to join you for breakfast.
-这家伙是练过的 -欢迎光临我的世界
-Somebody’s ripe. -Welcome to my world.
你们去占那张桌子吧 我们也会坐那里
You guys go on in, get that table. We’ll be right there.
好啊 来吧 孩子们
All right. Come on, kids.
-我们这就甩了他们 -那还用说
-We’re ditching them? -Absolutely.
-好吧 -孩子们 快点
-Okay. -Kids, move.
So because you told them we were early risers…
…we had to get up at 5:30…
…to avoid the Gornickes… -Right.
…which we managed not to do anyway…
…这是因为你不肯在 你租的房♥车上用厕所
…because you refused to use the bathroom on the RV that you rented.
你已经认定我们会过得很不开心 对吗
You’re determined to have a bad time, aren’t you?
我们都这么想 爸爸
We all are, Dad.
我可不这么想 我喜欢迎接每一个挑战
Not me. I embrace every challenge.
亲爱的 说不定他们只是接到了 什么坏消息
Honey, maybe they just got some bad news
and had to leave.
你的心肠真好 玛丽乔 我就是爱你这一点
You’re a sweet woman, Mary Jo. It’s what I love about you.
But them folks ditched us.
哦 特拉维斯 停车 快停车
Oh, Trav, honey, pull over. Let’s pull over.
He looks like a folk singer.
-上车吧 -你好
-Climb aboard. -Hello there.
-你好吗伙计 -先生
-How you doing, buddy? -Sir.
