-那是什么玩意儿 -公路伴侣 700
-What’s that? -RoadMate 700.
-我叫她”罗拉” -100英尺后右转
-I call her “Lola.” -Make a right in 100 feet.
谢谢 罗拉
Thank you, Lola.
She’s accurate to within 10 feet.
-一直开 -不 罗拉说要右转
-Go straight. -No, Lola says take a right.
-右转的话商场那儿会堵车 直走 -还有50英尺
-Well, mall traffic. Go straight. -Fifty feet.
-是 但她说右转 -可我现在让你直走
-Yeah, but she said take a right. -Well, I’m telling you to go straight.
Twenty feet.
-选择吧 -宝贝 别这样
-Choose. -Baby, please.
-右转 -你选
-Turn right. -Choose.
-爸 -右转
-Dad! -Turn right.
My bad.
-You are 30 hours and 59 minutes… -Turn her off.
-From your destination.
我说什么来着 老爸 这太有趣儿了
Say, Dad, this is interesting.
“Unsecured items in an unlatched cabinet…
…are a recipe for disaster.” Didrt you read this?
没有 我忙着想用什么方法找乐子来着
No, I was too busy thinking of all the ways we’re gonna have fun.
爸 有人在偷房♥车
Dad, somebody’s stealing the RV.
不 卡尔 没有小偷…
No, Carl. Nobody’s stealing it…
…它在自己向后滑 车上没人
…it’s rolling backwards with no one in it.
哦 是啊 我的错
Oh, yeah. Well, my bad.
好吧 好吧
Yeah, well, yeah.
-谢谢你 索尔 -艾文
-Thanks, Saul. -Irv.
-艾文 -不是”索尔”
-Irv. -Not “Saul.”
I don’t know where I got Saul.
好的 谢谢
Well, thanks.
-好消息 -我被领养了
-Good news. -I’m adopted?
好笑 不是 多亏我丰富的技术知识
Good one. No, thanks to my technically proficient…
…和生动有趣的描述 索尔…
…and charmingly amusing description, Saul…
-艾文 -艾文 是的 那经销商艾文…
-Irv. -Irv, yeah. Irv the dealer…
…说 我们弄坏了手刹的连锁装置 还有紧急刹车
…said we damaged the parking-gear interlock and the emergency brake.
你知道的 你妈在打岔的时候 我们出的小事故…
We had that little mishap, you know, when Mom distracted me…
…we were pulling out of the driveway?
但是脚刹 就是开车时用的那个…
But the driving brakes, the ones we use when we’re moving…
…还没问题 不光是没问题 是好极了
…they’re fine. They’re not just fine, they’re brilliant.
我们所要作的就是 在每次停车的时候…
All we have to do is every time we park…
…we have to put two big blocks under the rear wheel.
那样就没问题了 谢谢帮忙 好了 各位 来吧
We’ll be perfect. Thanks for the help. Okay, everybody, come on.
会很有趣的 我们走 一英里接着一英里
It’ll be fun, let’s go. Miles and smiles.
This is the worst I’ve ever been treated.
-这话等你结婚了再说吧 -谢了
-Wait till you get married. -Thank you.
各位 登上这辆”大粪球”吧
Everybody, let’s get aboard the Big Rolling Turd.
That was easy.
Now what do we do?
嘿 我知道 我们去海边冲浪吧
Hey, I know, let’s go to the beach and go surfing.
等等 我忘了 我们没在夏威夷
Wait a minute, I forgot. We’re not in Hawaii.
We’re where NASA faked the moon landing.
Wait a minute.
看看这个 这叫”膨胀”装置
Wait till you see this. It’s called a “pop-out.”
Hold on.
哇 你在哪儿
Wow, where are you?
-这有多酷啊 -像玛卡雷娜舞一样酷[其实很傻]
-How cool is that? -Macarena cool.
大伙想不想看电影 在哪儿看
You guys want to see a movie? But where?
原谅我的无知 可是…
Forgive my ignorance, but don’t you need to hook up…
…the Big Rolling Turd to the electricity for that?
是 是得通电
Yes, I do.
我得去拉屎 该让屁♥股♥放松一下了
I gotta take a crap. Time to break in the pooper.
You are so disgusting.
爸 马桶塞住了
Dad! The toilet’s backed up!
Carl, what did you eat?
爸 那不是我的
Dad, it’s not mine.
遇到个问题 污水箱满了
There’s the problem, sewage tank is overflowing.
不是我们的污水 上个用户剩下的
And it’s not even our sewage, it’s leftover.
It’s not a national emergency.
We’ll go to where you dump the sewage…
…把污水倒掉 来把 大家都去
…and we’ll dump the dump. Come on, let’s all go.
听起来怪有趣的 不过我还是免了 谢谢
As appealing as that sounds, I think I’m gonna pass. But thank you.
别忘了 你得做晚饭
And don’t forget, you’re making dinner.
当然 我更愿意把别人的屎从房♥车里倒掉…
Sure, I’d love to clean somebody else’s crap out of the RV…
…instead of being in Hawaii.
Can I come?
不光能去 你还能倒污水呢
Not only can you come, you can dump the sewage.
-真的 -是啊
-Really? -Yeah.
伙计 那会是梦想之地
It’s gonna be a regular Field of Dreams moment, buddy.
Piece of cake.
还要一会儿才能弄好吧 先生
Gonna be a while, mister?
哦 那要看情况了
Oh, well, that depends.
If I can get this hose attached to this outlet…
…I’ll be right out of here.
-怎么回事儿 -这伙计得接上软管
-What’s the dealie? -Guy needs to attach a hose.
Doing it.
-怎么了 -试着接软管呢
-What’s up? -Trying to attach a hose.
-这家伙在接管子 -或许可以用喇叭广播一下
-Fella here’s trying to hook up a hose. -Maybe get on the loudspeaker.
用错管子了 是那边那条
That there’s the wrong hose. It’s that there one.
-是的 -是的
-Yeah. -Yeah.
-上面有接头 -对
-It’s got the coupling. -Right.
That one right there.
-行了 -好了
-There you go. -Okay.
You need another hose.
是啊 我想是 但…
Yeah, I guess, but…
够长了 但
It’s long enough, but:
Gotta get one of them bayonet couplings.
-他没有 -他有Y型接口
-He hasn’t got one. -He’s got a Y-coupling right there.
是啊 那也成
Yeah, that’ll do the trick.
A Y-coupling.
哦 在那里 看到了
That’s the Y. Oh, I see.
-接上一头 -好
-One potato. -Alrighty.
Two potato.
-好 等下 哦 -就是这样
-Okay, wait, oh. -There we go.
听着 处理废物我可不是行家…
Listen, I’m no expert in waste management…
…但是粪便什么的 不会从上面的洞出来么
…but won’t the fecal matter come out the top hole there?
不会 你这样举高就行
No, you just gotta hold it up in the air like this:
就着样 再高点儿 就这样
There you go. Little bit higher. There you go.
-哦 要这么高 -就这样
-Oh, like that there. -There you go.
You sure this is gonna work?
肯定成 老兄 基本的水力学问题
Heck, yeah, man. It’s basic hydraulics.
好吧 阿基米德
Okay, Archimedes.
嘿 乔乔
Hey, Joe Joe.
-好吧 -打开
-Okay. -Let her rip.
Turn it off!
-肯定不行 -不行啊
-That sure didn’t work. -No.
-我们需要接管子的东西 -谁有
-We need a hose spreader. -Who’s got one?
高尼克有 我去拿
Gornicke, I think. I’ll get it.
-我去弄点儿音乐 -哦 请不要
-I’ll get some music. -Oh, no, please.
And some of those tortilla chips.
-我们还有点儿剩香肠 -拿来
-We got some leftover sausages. -Bring them.
不 大家没必要搞那么大 我不想给你们添麻烦
No, you folks don’t need to have a parade. I don’t want to impose.
哦 不 不
Oh, no, no.
我们会帮你解决问题的 兄弟
We are gonna get this fixed up for you, buddy.
-这儿有 你来一点 -好
-Right here, you want one? -Yeah.
行了 这会管用的
There we go. That’ll work.
You sure this will hold?
嘿 老兄 他们卖♥♥给你的管子连接器…
Hey, man, why would they sell you a hose spreader…
…if you couldn’t spread the hose?