You big lug, I love you!
Who loves his big lug?
-我爱你 你这…-我知道 我…
-I love you, you big… -I know, l…
-托德 -有点巧 你说呢 鲍勃
-Todd. -Little dramatic, don’t you think, Bob?
Showing up at the last possible minute.
你的样子糟透了 咱们走吧
You look horrible. Let’s go.
-对不起 -对不起
-I’m sorry. -Sorry?
我想你的担子很重 我本来可以少给你惹点麻烦的
I guess you’re under a lot of pressure and I could have been less trouble.
还有 从你自己那些方面来说 你很酷
And in your own nerdy way you’re kind of cool.
-鲍勃 -嗯
-Bob? -Yeah?
I’m hating this.
-爸爸 -啊
-Dad. -Yeah?
-我明白了 -什么
-I get it. -What?
有时候假如你要成功 就不得不照他们说的做
Sometimes if you wanna succeed, you have to do what they tell you.
-You… -Bob!
这可是大场面 老猫
This is the big one, Bobcat.
-就差一步了 -明白
-Bases loaded. -Got it.
You hit a grand slam on this,
就能中大奖 升职 奖金…
it’s big raise, promotion, bonus…
…我会亲自把莱尔德踢到 底下去当小工
…and I personally push Laird down a flight of stairs.
各位 这是鲍勃 记住 要讲得生动有趣
Everybody, this is Bob. Remember, charming and funny.
大家好 对不起我来晚了…
Hi, everybody. Sorry I’m late…
…我刚从山上下来 下次我会走公路
…I just came down that mountain, and next time I’ll use a road.
I guess you guys didn’t get the memo about extreme casual.
我太喜欢你们这儿的原野了 决定把它穿在身上
I love your wilderness so much, I decided to wear it.
悠着点 托德
Easy, Todd.
It’s been kind of a wild journey getting here.
If you ever wanna really find out about yourself…
…put your family in an RV and drive.
I’ve seen some amazing stuff.
我跟野生浣熊打仗 而且赢了 我到过一片荒漠…
I’ve fought wild raccoons and won. I’ve been in the desert to a place…
…where it’s not the end of the world,
but you can see it from there.
And I met this weird family.
天哪 他们可真奇特
I mean, boy, they were strange.
要知道 每当看到大个子白人 弹班卓琴
You know, whenever a big white man picks up a banjo,
my cheeks tighten.
In the dictionary, under “hootenanny,”
是这么写的 “看 他们”
it says, “See: Them.”
But you know what’s strange about them.
They’re just honest, good people,
and it’s an honor to have them as friends.
加里 拉里…
Garry, Larry…
…你们这家公♥司♥很棒 这是你们的宝宝
…this is a nice company you have here. It’s your baby.
我相信在宝宝出生时你们都有点害怕 对吗
I bet at the birth of your baby you were kind of scared, right?
又兴奋又害怕 你们不知道它会变成什么样
Excited, but scared. You didn’t know how it was gonna turn out.
接着你们就发现 它已经会走路了…
And next thing you know, it’s up and walking…
…and you’re trying to raise it.
You didn’t know what you were doing…
…but you pretended like you did.
接着你们就发现 宝宝长大了
And next thing you know, your baby’s grown.
个头大了 岁数也大了 变复杂了
It’s bigger, older. More complicated.
Difficult to deal with.
But here’s the deal…
…你们还是一样地关心它 因为你们养育了它…
…you care about it just as much, because you nurtured it…
…它身上有着你们的一部分 你们为它感到自豪
…and part of you is in it, and you’re proud of it.
You love it more than ever.
此时此刻 你们得做一个决定…
And right now, you have to make a decision…
…是不是要把你们的家庭 和纯净感应家庭合并
…of whether you wanna merge your family with the Pure Vibe family.
你们的股票会被拆分 你们会赚到很多钱…
Your stocks are gonna split. You’re gonna have money…
…会不知道拿它干什么好 你们的公♥司♥也会成长
…you won’t know what to do with. And your company’s gonna grow.
你们会比迪斯尼乐园里穿紧身短裤的 女人还胖
You’ll be bigger than a woman in bicycle shorts at Disneyland.
You’ll be able to get all that stuff,
比如汽艇 4000美元的自行车…
like the ski boat, a $4000 bike…
…maybe even a Barcalounger…
…一边给你们的屁♥股♥作按♥摩♥ 一边还能冒烟的那种
…that massages your ass and blows smoke at the same time.
关键是这个 加里 拉里
Bottom line here, Garry, Larry.
如果你们打算让高山汽水和纯净感应 合并…
If you wanna merge Alpine and Pure Vibe…
…我向你们保证 这是你们这辈子 最糟糕的决定
…I promise you, you’re making the worst decision of your entire life.
This guy is a disgruntled employee.
竞争不过年轻的人才 瞧他那样 他吃错药了
Couldrt keep up with younger talent. Look at him. He’s off his meds.
完了 她女儿上次还在我家袭击我
Finished. His own daughter assaulted me in my home.
不是我 是我的朋友
I did not. It was my friend,
and she did it because Pure Vibe…
…是同行里环境记录最糟糕的 公♥司♥之一
…has one of the worst environmental records in the industry.
Why are these kids here?
还有 去年你们把工作外包给
Plus, last year you guys outsourced for cheaper labor
to other countries…
放了她 托德
Let her go, Todd.
我放了她 我还要放了你
I’ll let her go. I’ll let you go.
You’re fired.
哟 老弟
Yo, dog.
-卡尔 -我的英雄
-Carl. -My hero.
托德 我辞职了
Todd, I quit.
亲爱的 地上好像有雪
Honey, there seems to be snow on the ground.
宝贝 这是去年冬天的积雪
Babe, it’s left over from last winter.
At 9500 feet…
…它不会融化 这是冰川
…it doesn’t melt. It’s glacial.
独♥立♥山口 雪情报告
-我们没有防滑链 -不需要
-We don’t have chains. -Don’t need them.
那是冬天用的 七月里用不着
They’re for the winter, not July.
哦 我看见雪了
Well, I see snow.
爸爸 我们很穷吗
Hey, Dad, are we poor?
卡尔 衡量一个家庭的财富 有很多标准
Carl, there’s a lot of ways to measure a family’s wealth.
-I think love… -I was talking about money.
-我们是穷光蛋 -把房♥子卖♥♥了
-We’re dirt poor. -Sell the house.
We could all live in the Big Rolling Turd.
我们可以每时每刻都在一起 就像高尼克一家那样
We’ll spend every minute together, just like the Gornickes.
-那敢情好 -哦 耶
-That just sounds fantastic. -Oh, yeah.
-防滑链 四轮驱动车 -谢谢
-Chains. Four-wheel drive. -Thanks.
警官 你好 我知道你想说
Officer, good day. I know what you’re gonna say:
“Where are your chains?”
长官 这可不是一般的房♥车
Well, sir, this is no ordinary RV.
它既是全地形车 又是多用途车
It’s part ATV, part SUV,
and certified by the DMV.
It’s got positraction, Dynaflow,
control traction with me in control.
它还有热处理过的轮缘 希望我有这些东西
It’s got heated rims. Wish I had those.
驾照和登记证 长官
License and registration, sir.
哦 在那儿
Oh, there it is.
I believe that was the rental agreement.
We had a little bit of a mishap at the lake.
我把钱包丢了 我的名字叫鲍勃·门罗
I lost my wallet. My name is Bob Munro.
我们找到他了 就在你们前头
We got him. We’re just ahead of you.
Got me?
警官 我知道这车可能看起来不太安全
Officer, I know she may look unsafe,
but she’s tough.
她喜欢走险路 遭水浸
She likes to be rode hard and put away wet.
在湖里呆了两天 只好把她捞出来
Spent two days in the lake. Had to fish her out.
她对我们意义很大 我们不能放弃它
It means a lot. We couldn’t abandon it.
It’s like a big, ugly pet, really.
你找到他了 谢谢 山姆
You got him. Thanks, Sam.
-我们欠你一笔 -我们一上午都在追你
-We owe you one. -We’ve been chasing you all morning.
I just took one soda.
不 我们只想让你知道 我们要成为全国性公♥司♥
No, we just want you to know we’re going national.
-好啊 祝你们好运 -和你一起
-Well, good luck. -With you.
We want you to join us at Alpine Beverages.
-你们要给我一份工作 -对
-You’re offering me a job? -Yeah.
-好 他会接受的 -她是个很难对付的谈判代表