
ruminate (ROO min ate) This verb means “to chew cud,” as cows do, and comes from the Latin word for “throat.” It belongs in this section because it also means “to reflect on carefully” or “to chew over” in the mind, “to meditate upon.”

  • “You look like Rodin’s Thinker,” Juliet said as she watched her father ruminate about the recent events in the Middle East.
  • Albert Camus, the French philosopher, ruminates about the absurdity of the human condition in his famous essay, “The Myth of Sisyphus.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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反刍(ROO min ate)这个动词的意思是“反刍”,就像奶牛一样,来自拉丁语中“喉咙”的意思。它属于这个部分,因为它在头脑中也有“仔细思考”或“咀嚼”的意思,“冥想”
