These are your over-watch positions.
I’ll take them in myself quietly.
一个排战术小队 其余的人五级戒备
One platoon, TRAP team, put everyone else on Ready Five.
My thoughts exactly, Colonel.
妈妈 什么事
What’s wrong, Mommy?
The people are upset about some things, darling.
生爸爸气 – 不是
Are they mad at Daddy? – No, they’re not mad at your daddy.
Why are they yelling?
为了引人注意 希望有人肯听他们的说话
They’re trying to get attention so that people will listen to them.
莫领事 国♥务♥院♥请你评估形势
Sir, state security analysts are asking for an assessment.
还评什么估 我们要尽快溜啊
Assessment? We’re getting the hell out of here. That’s the assessment.
The Sixth Fleet marines are in the air, sir.
我不会死撑 傻佬才死撑
If they think I’m gonna tough this one out, they’re crazy.
叫我太太收拾细软 我们回家去
Tell Mrs. Mourain to start packing. We’re going home.
Shall I indicate we’re ready to evacuate?
Ask them where the hell are those helicopters!
The ambassador wants to know where the choppers are.
听到吗 直升机在哪里
You heard me. Where the hell are the choppers?
装弹 装弹
Lock and load! Lock and load!
装弹 装弹
Lock and load! Lock and load!
We’re gonna take a better look before we go in.
车轮 我是红人 我在使♥馆♥上
Wagon Wheel, this is Red Man. I’m over the embassy.
这不是保姆任务 形势恶劣
This ain ‘t no baby-sit. It’s ugly down there.
Red Man, Wagon Wheel.
知道了 撒离使♥馆♥人员
Roger that. Let’s go for the evac.
降落 我们从北面进去
Put it on deck. We’re going in the north side.
There! Go!
李上尉 – 是
Captain Lee! – Yes, sir!
Nobody comes over those walls or through those gates. Nobody!
A把守所有闸口 T B守墙
One Alpha, secure all entries. Tango and Bravo, on the walls!
快 – 全部抵达
Move, move, move! – Last man! Last man!
退后 退后
Pull back! Pull back!
Take cover!
懂英语吗 – 是的
You speak English? – Yes!
莫领事呢 – 楼上
Where’s the ambassador? – He’s topside! Go topside!
Take that corner! Take that side! Move!
快 快 快
Move, move, move! Go, go!
B2 左边 快
Bravo Two, left! Move, move, move!
有人狙击 伏低
Incoming sniper fire! Stay down! Stay down!
B2 收到
Two blue, clear!
莫太太呢 – 我是莫太太
Who’s Mrs. Mourain? – I’m Mrs. Mourain.
莫领事在哪里 – 在那里 我们是不是离开
Where’s the ambassador? – He’s in there. Are we leaving?
直升机到了 由领事定夺
The helos are outside, ma’am, but that’s up to the ambassador.
Stay away from the windows, please.
Duck! Ow!
上校 帮帮忙
Aah! Colonel! Please!
天啊 直升机来了 为什么这样迟才赶到
My God! Are the helicopters here? What kept you people so long?
随时可以撒离 除非你要留下
We’re ready to evacuate, unless you want to stay and run the embassy.
不留下 我要走 立即走
I want to go right… now! We called hours ago!
好 爬过来 不要慌 爬过来
All right, sir, come to me. Stay calm and come to me.
伏低 爬过来 – 我们成为枪靶
Stay calm. Come to me. Stay low. – We’re like targets!
我们成为枪靶 – 跟班队长走 走
We’re sitting targets! – Follow Sergeant Mac. Go!
伏低 伏低
Come on! Down there! Down there! Right there!
伏低 伏低 伏低
Right there! Down there! Down there!
走吧 太太
Go ahead, ma’am!
走吧 走吧 太太 走吧
Go ahead! Go ahead, ma’am, go ahead!
快走 小朋友 来
Come on, son. Come on!
你叫什么 – 贾斯汀
What’s your name, son? Justin? -Justin.
来 贾斯汀
Come on, Justin! Come on!
里面有什么 – 电筒
Justin, what’s that you got there? – A flashlight.
我们坐直升机走 要带电筒吗
We’re gonna ride in a helicopter. Wanna bring that with you?
快点 快点 – 妈咪
Huh? Come on. Come on! – Mommy!
走 太太
Let’s go, ma’am, go! Go, go, go!
反恐六组 伏低 伏低
All TRAP Unit six, stay low, stay low!
We got crap coming over the walls and sniper fire at 100 meters. Over.
伏低 伏低
Stay low! Sit tight, sit tight, sit tight!
三名队友中枪 一名阵亡
Colonel, we got three marines hit! One is K.I.A.
A1说 示♥威♥者正在冲破闸口
One Alpha says they’re gonna try to breach the front gate!
叫他们待命 – 知道
Tell them to wait out! – Roger that!
莫太太先上 莫领事随后 上吧 领事
Put the missus on board first. Get in there, Mr. Ambassador.
我会亲自表扬你 安全带呢
I’ll personally recommend you… Where’s the belt?
我会亲自表扬 – 等一等
I’ll personally recommend… – Hold it!
到哪里去 上校 上校 不可以再等了
Where are you going? What? Colonel! Colonel, we can’t wait here!
Come on! Let’s get out! Come on!
可以走了 天啊
Let’s go! Christ!
We’re leaving in just a few seconds.
还等什么 还等什么
Let’s go! Why are we sitting here? Why are we sitting here?
莫领事 望著我 镇定点
Sir, please! Look at me. Stay calm.
解开了 上校 走
She’s free, sir! Go!
领事 希望你懂得折叠国旗
Hope you know how to fold this, sir.
谢谢你 上校 我永远不会忘记
Thank you, Colonel. I’ll never forget this.
Krasevitch is hit!
救护员 救护员
Corpsman! Corpsman! Shit!
Goddamn it!
AT6 红人
Six, Red Man.
Engage hostile targets as they appear.
你们可以开火 听到吗
Deadly force is authorized. How copy? Over.
红人 我是AT6 不准开火
Red Man, Trans Six Actual. Negative, negative!
Be advised, I have women and children in my line of fire.
I got snipers in the buildings at 400 meters. How copy? Over.
你是不是不明白命令 李上尉
What is it about this order you don’t understand, Captain Lee?
上校 你命令向人群开枪
Sir, are you ordering me to fire into the crowd? Over.
是 杀掉那些贱♥人♥
Yes, goddamn it! Waste the motherfuckers!
知道 开火 开火
Six out. Engage! Engage!
Open fire!
Cease fire!
Cease fire!
Cease fire!
伏低 提防冷枪
Stay down! There may still be snipers out there.
Cease fire!
他妈的停火呀 – 所有人伏低
Cease fire, goddamn it! – Everybody stay down!
提防冷枪 伏低
There may still be snipers out there. Stay down!
Get down!
麦队长 – 长官
Sergeant Mac. – Sir?
报告指挥站 任务完成
Contact all stations. Mission complete.
救护员出动 死伤者先运走
Launch medevacs. Dead and wounded out first.
是 上校
Aye, Colonel.
指挥站 这是红人 任务完成
All stations, this is RedMan. Mission complete.
派救护员到降落点 听到吗
Move all medevacs to L.Z. Howcopy? Over.
The FBI. investigation shows…
that all the bullet holes in the embassy wall…
came from directly across the way, from the snipers.
Any weapons or ammo found among the dead or wounded?
没有 但情报人员相信
No, sir. Nothing. However, intelligence suggests…
this could have been a terrorist operation.
Any proof?
This is a tape from the embassy security system.
要不要看 – 我不想看什么录影带
Want me to thread it up? – No. I don’t want to watch videos.
I don’t want to hear about ammo casings in some building,
’cause here I got 83 dead people…
unarmed… women, children, old men.
另外 重伤的有百多个
Another hundred or so critically wounded.
祸闯得好大 举世触目
Here I got an international crisis of mega fucking proportions!
Bill, you know there have been regular reports…
of a terrorist plot against this embassy.
This was a regularly scheduled protest. It was every week.
It was the usual bullshit about American presence in the gulf.