倾听你的内心才叫权利 没有人有权利对你的内心说不
It’s your right to listen to your gut. It’s nobody’s right to say no…
在你嬴取自己的权利后 你可以当你想当的人 做你想做的
…after you earn the right to be what you wanna be or do what you wanna do!
我年纪越大 我就会遗留更多东西 这就是生活
The older I get, the more things I gotta leave behind. That’s life.
我叫你们留在桌上的唯一的东西 是正确的
The only thing I’m asking you guys to leave on the table is what’s right.
伙计 看了今天的报纸了吗
Yo! Have you seen the paper today?
第一行 第一行
Front row. Front row.
That is so great.
-好的 好的 -去吃点东西吧 吃东西
-All right, all right. -Let’s go get some food. Food.
-去喝啤酒吧 来啊 -来啊
-Let’s get a beer. Come on. -Come on.
The last two pay-per-views were in the toilet.
You’re not making heavyweight-championship money.
外面不出名的人多得是 小梅
There’s a bunch of nobodies out there, Mase.
I wanna talk to you about an opportunity we should run with.
看着我 你听说洛奇·巴尔博亚申请并拿到了执照吗?
Look at me. You heard Rocky Balboa applied for a license and got one?
-是 我听说了 别管他 -听我说 听我说
-I heard. Forget about him. -Hear me out.
You want me to fight a guy I can beat with both hands tied behind my back.
人人都知道你能打趴下他 但这不是关键
Everybody knows you could beat him sitting down. That’s not what it’s about.
关键是赚钱 我们要把那虚拟化的比赛变成资本
It’s about making money. We gotta capitalize on that computer fight.
这是上百万的买♥♥卖♥♥ 给你就有1500或2000W
This could do a million buys. That’s 15, 20 million to you.
-忘了吧 -你到底想干什么 因为没人会再挤破门
-Forget it. -No one’s beating the door down…
-来看你比赛了 -听着 老大 我们需要有保证的比赛
…to watch you fight anymore. -We got guaranteed fights.
没什么有保证的比赛 你想在你朋友面前比赛吗 我们来吧
You wanna do this now in front of your friends, we’ll do it now.
我们什么也没有 所有的你想参与的比赛都被拒绝了
We got nothing. All the pay-per-view fights you come up with got rejected.
You know why?
外面到处都是无家可归的流浪者 没人关心他们
They’re all bums out there. Nobody cares about them.
没有市场价值了 但是巴尔博亚的这件事很有意思
There’s no marquee value. But this Balboa thing is interesting.
-我不想干 -听我说
-I don’t wanna do it. -Listen to me.
It’s a has-been, never-gonna-be world.
你可以称之为怀旧 或无论什么
Call it nostalgia, whatever you want…
但人们总是和那有联♥系♥ 这不会损失什么 挺好的
…but people relate to that stuff. This is a no-lose. It’s all good.
-对谁好 -你! 不是我! 你!
-Good for who? -For you! Not for me! For you!
等下 也许你不明白 人们不喜欢你了
Maybe you don’t understand. People don’t like you no more.
他们不再追捧你了 他们不再支持你了 明白不
They don’t follow you. They’re not supporting you anymore. Understand?
Don’t look at me like I’m messing with your legacy.
Every jock now thinks they got a legacy.
传统是你能赚到钱而不是如何花钱 这就叫传统
A legacy is what you get instead of getting paid. That’s a legacy.
-哥们 别跟我说话好像我傻似的 -没 没 我不说了
-Don’t talk to me like I’m stupid. -I’m not no more.
人人都知道你能海扁这老家伙 但你没有
Everybody knows you could kick this old man’s ass. But you don’t.
给他稍稍留点尊严 人们就会说
Leave him with a little dignity, so they say:
梅森·迪克逊真有同情心 真是好样的 好人
“Mason Dixon’s got compassion. He’s a decent guy, he’s a nice guy.”
你就会有新的追随者 我们可以把我的钱翻倍
You get a whole new audience, we’ll double your money.
你想有个新的形象吗 那你就这么做吧
You want a new image? That’s how you get it.
To replace the one that you two made?
等等 我们给你铺的路 是你自己搞的
Whoa, wait. We made your world green. You made the rest.
都是你 你导致那些垃圾事发生的
This is you. You made all this junk happen.
I’ve had it up to here with this mess.
是时候做些改变了 我要去马丁的体育馆
Time for me to make changes. I’m going to Martin’s gym.
-我们一会再谈吧 -忘了这些废话吧
-We’ll talk about it. -Forget this crap.
我想马丁 回来 没什么可谈的了
I want Martin back. There’s nothing to talk about.
-你好啊? -真是惊喜
-How you doing? -Hey, what a surprise.
我开车到附近 然后我想
I was driving around the neighborhood, I thought…
-为什么我不开车过来打个招呼呢 -想进来吗
…why not drive by and say hello? -You wanna come inside?
不了 狗狗得锻炼下 你想散散步吗
No, the dog needs some exercise. You wanna take a little walk?
-恩 恩 好的 -户外很好
-Yeah, yeah. All right. -It’s nice outside.
-好的 -舒服又凉快
-All right. -Nice and brisk.
When did you get a dog?
We picked up Punchy a couple of days back.
-小爆头? -恩
-Punchy? -Yeah.
You named your dog Punchy?
Your kid come up with the name.
啊? 我想这有点失礼了
Oh, yeah? I think that’s disrespectful.
不 不 挺好 真的
Oh, no, no. It’s fine, really.
不 很容易记 挺好的 你要知道
No, it’s easy to remember and it’s all that, you know.
听着 来饭店你认为怎么样
Listen, what do you think about coming over to the restaurant?
-干什么? -那个 你知道 来 好像…
-What for? -Well, you know, for, like…
上班 女服务员要生孩子了 你会做的很好的
For work. The hostess is gonna be having a kid. You’d do good.
-我不确定 -我来告诉你 你会做的很好的
-I don’t know. -I’m telling you, you’d do so good.
我很感激你为我儿子做事 但是我不能
I appreciate what you’re doing for my kid, but I can’t.
听着 我认为你会喜欢的
Hey, listen, I think you’d like it a lot.
那环境很好 很让人舒心
It’s a nice environment, it’s very pleasant.
好吧 我们能不谈吗?
Yeah, can we drop it?
What’s bothering you?
没 挺好的 那个 我要回去了
Nothing. It’s all right. Listen, I gotta get back.
-不 不好 -哦 算了
-No, it ain’t all right. -Oh, come on.
-怎么? -我将是人们进来…
-What? -I’m gonna be the first person…
-…看见的第一个人? -你发递菜单就行
…people see when they walk in? – You give out menus.
说”欢迎光临” 给客人找座
You say, “Hello, how are you?” You sit people down.
你看 假如我能做 人人都可以做
Look, if I can do it, anybody can do it.
You could find 10 better people, a hundred better people for this job.
试下吧 就2周
Give it a try, like two weeks.
I don’t wanna try.
-谁给你装进了这思想? -没人
-Who put this stuff in your head? -Nobody.
Well, it just don’t get in there by itself.
Thanks for coming by.
你最后一次跳舞是什么时候? 有一段时间了吗?
Yo, when was the last time you went dancing? Has it been a while?
-为什么这么问? -是因为你和这些难题可以跳舞
-Why are you asking? -I’m asking because…
…you dance around these problems, you might as well dance with me.
我也许跳的不太好 但怎么也比熊强吧
I ain’t that good, but I’m better than the average bear.
这出自哪 我忘了
Where that came from, I don’t know.
-你疯了 -有点
-You’re crazy. -A little bit.
但是你想和谈话的方式 也有点疯狂
But the way you’re thinking and talking, it’s a little crazy too.
来吧 你挺好的 真的 过来吧
Come on, you deserve better. Really. Come on over.
我需要你来把我地方分分类 费城需要你
I need you to class my place up. Philly needs you.
假如你再要说”X 你, 人♥渣♥”我完全理解
And if you say, “Screw you, creepo” again, I totally understand.
但是我警告你 我要站在…
But I’m warning you, I’m gonna put myself…
…in the middle of the street here…
…我和小爆头 朝第一辆共车喊:
…and stand here, me and Punchy, and wave to the first bus, say:
“过来 碾碎我吧!
“Come on over here and mash me!
Little Marie turned down the job at the restaurant.
She thinks she’s better than us.”
真的? 呵呵 这已经20年没公车了
Oh, yeah? Well, there hasn’t been a bus down here in 20 years.
-真的? -恩
-Yeah? -No.
That was a close call.
真的 来吧 会好的
Listen, seriously. Come on over. It’d be nice.
All right.
抱歉 保利
Sorry, Paulie.
你好? 把我的不寻常的东西放这儿
How are you? Get my unusual up there.
不好意思 快递放后面
Excuse me. Deliveries are in the back.
I’m not a delivery guy.
那 你定座了吗?
Well, do you have a reservation?
Do I look like a freaking Indian?
洛克 洛奇?
Hey, Rock? Rocky?
I think we’ve got a little bit of a problem with this guy.
麻烦? 不 不 他是熟人
Problem? No, no, he’s just a relative.
Oh, okay.
Yo, Paulie.
-你眼睛怎么了? -我打的
-What happened to your eye? -I hit it.
-为什么? -必须打
-Why? -Needed to.
What happened?
-我庆祝呢 洛克 -怎么了?
-I’m celebrating, Rock. -Why?
-光荣退休 -退休?
-I retired. -Retired?
So when did they start giving retired people meat…
…而不是表 保利?
…instead of watches, Paulie?
I don’t need a watch.
我有表! 你给我了一块表!
I got a watch! You gave me a watch!
I don’t need no goddamn watch.
-保利. -我有一块表!
-Yo, Paulie. -I got a watch!
