A stunning knockout.
可要记住了 比赛场上毫无人性可言
Keep in mind, this is taking the human factor out of it.
-电脑显示巴尔博亚 -漂亮
-The computer says Balboa… -Beautiful.
会取得胜利 13秒完胜 下面是这次比赛的余波
…would be triumphant, KO 13. And here’s some of the fallout:
What started as a simple form of entertainment…
…has become a rallying cry for people who think…
…an old-school athlete like Balboa could actually be better.
电脑技术创造了些不可能的事 那只是毫不负责任的表现
Computer technology has to create what isn’t. That’s just not responsible.
去看看医生吧 你
Get therapy, will you?
你认为巴尔博亚与迪克逊交战 结果会如何呢
How do you think Balboa would have done against Dixon?
很难看 我个人认为 巴尔博亚 被过分高估了
Badly. Personally, I think Balboa was completely overrated.
He owns a restaurant in South Philly.
那里有什么看点 被砸碎的鸡肉?
What’s the specialty, pounded chicken?
总而言之 我会付钱看的 下一个话题 钠斯汽车联赛
Anyway, I would have paid to see the fight. Next topic, NAS CAR…
…and the controversy that won’t go away.
Let’s go back to Sunday’s race…
伙计 开心点
Hey, hey, hey, cheer up.
这可是免费宣传 别太在意 肉店叫我回去了
It’s free advertisement. Come on. Meat house calls.
你好 罗伯特
Yo, Robert.
这么晚了 你还在外面干什么
What are you doing out so late?
我打电♥话♥给你了 但没人接
I tried calling, but nothing was picking up.
-有什么事吗 -我只是经过
-Is something wrong? -I just wanted to come by…
-想见见你本人 -想进去吗
…and see you in person. – Wanna come inside?
不 我只想听听你的意见
No. I just wanna get your opinion on something.
好的 什么意见
Sure. Opinion on what?
You know, they say you only go around once, right?
-是的 我听过 -那么
-Yeah, I’ve heard that. -Well…
…I think I wanna, like, do something.
-什么 -打一打
-Like what? -Fight.
你也知道 不是很正规的 只是小打小闹
You know, nothing big. Small stuff, like locally. You know.
Don’t you think you’re too, you know, old?
You think you ought to stop trying things…
放弃尝试 我不是那样的人
…because you had a few too many birthdays? I do not.
People will think you’re crazy.
真正疯狂的是与对手站在赛场上 然后说我准备好了
What’s crazy about standing toe to toe saying, “I am,” you know?
That’s just ego talking.
你想向别人证明点什么 老爸
What are you trying to prove to other people, Pop?
证明?听着 我的思维模式
Prove? Listen, I stopped thinking…
…the way other people think a long time ago.
You gotta think like you think.
-这是事实 -真的吗 太好了
-I do. -Do you? Good.
你要面对现实啊 好吗 现在世界变了
You gotta face reality, okay? It’s a different world now.
Only the clothes is different.
I really don’t know what you want from me.
我只是想进入你的世界 你也知道 像家人
I just wanted us to get involved. You know, like, home team.
无论你在想什么 你在经历什么 总会过去的
Look, whatever it is, whatever you’re going through, it’ll pass.
是的 你可能说对了
Yeah, you’re probably right.
Time is gonna catch up to all of us.
-特别是当你站得稳的时候 -别担心了
-Especially if you’re standing still. -Hey, come on.
听着 我早上打电♥话♥给你好吗
Look, I’m gonna call you in the morning.
-你告诉你孩子这些东西了吗 顺便问问 -是的
-Did you tell this to your kid? -Yeah, I did.
-他怎么想 你是疯子 对吧 -是的
-What’d he think, you’re nuts, right? -Yeah.
他不相信你吗 欢迎来到我的世界 伙计
Oh, well, he don’t believe in you? Welcome to my world, buddy.
小洛 没有人给你头衔
Rocko, nobody’s giving you no title shot.
我知道 我不想要
I know that. I don’t want one.
So this isn’t a mental disturbance?
你生气了 是因为他们贬低你的社会地位
You’re mad because they took down your statue?
讲真的 不是
Not really, no.
如果这是关于钱的 你在脖子上挂张牌 说 来打我
If it’s about money, just hang a sign around your neck saying, “Punch me.”
五美元一次 你会赚到大钱的
Five dollars, you’ll make big money.
怎么了 你还没到达人生的高♥潮♥吗
What? You haven’t peaked yet?
-高♥潮♥? -是的 高♥潮♥
-Peaked? -Yeah, peaked.
我不知道怎么讲 在底下还有点东西
I don’t know. There’s still some stuff in the basement.
-什么底下 -心底
-What basement? -In here.
Tell me about the stuff.
-这个怎么样 -跟我说说
-What about it? -Tell me about the stuff inside.
-是生气吗 -生气?
-Is it angry? -Angry?
Are you mad because Adrian left you?
她不是离开了 保利 她死了
She didn’t leave, Paulie. She died.
好的 好的 好的
Okay. Okay, okay, okay.
你知道吗 有时候 连呼吸都困难
You know, sometimes it’s hard to breathe.
你知道吗 我觉得有 一只野兽在我心里
You know, I feel, like, this beast inside me.
没事的 小洛 没事的 好吗
It’s okay, Rocko. Please, it’s okay.
真的 没关系吗
Is it okay?
我只是从来没想过 没有她日子会那么困难
I just never knew it was supposed to be this hard.
不应该是这样的 保利 你知道吗
It wasn’t supposed to be like this, Paulie. You know, it…
So you wanna come by and help me train?
I got a job here.
I understand.
你记得你说过 在一个地方待久了
Remember you said if you stay one place long enough…
…you become that place?
小洛 这就是我目前想做的
Rocko, this is all I got.
我理解 保利 我很理解
I understand, Paulie. I do.
假如你有空来看我训练的话 我会很感激你的
If you get time and come down and see me train, I’d appreciate it.
那当然 小洛
Of course, Rocko.
再见 保利
Bye, Paulie.
再见 小洛
Goodbye, Rocko.
再见 小洛
Goodbye, Rocko.
保重 小洛
Take care, Rocko.
本次宾夕法尼亚州 运动委员会全体委员出席的会议
This plenary session of the Pennsylvania Athletic Commission…
…is convened in order to consider the application of Rocky Balboa…
…for the issuance of a discretionary professional boxing license…
…due to his ineligibility to be licensed as a matter of right.
巴尔博亚先生 欢迎你 由于代表自己来凌汛
Mr. Balboa, you’re welcome here. Since you’re representing yourself…
…we invite you to make an opening statement, if you’d like to.
不了 我只是好奇而已
No, I was just curious how I did, that’s all.
好的 药物测试局已经通知我们
All right, well, the Medical Advisory Board has informed us…
…that the battery of tests to which you’ve been subjected…
都通过了 而且很出色
…you’ve passed these tests with flying colors.
And we congratulate you for that.
-谢谢 -然而 我们这席人
-Thanks. -However, this commission…
出于好意 并不推荐你拿执照
…in good conscience, cannot recommend you for a license…
…and we therefore deny your application.
-我不是做了你们要求的吗 -是的 你做到了
-Didn’t I do what you asked? -Yes, you did.
So I should get a license, right?
Not exactly.
So why did you give me all
them tests if you was never passing me?
We’ve gotta stand by our decision here…
…and we have to deny your request for a license at this time.
Yo, don’t I got some rights?
What rights do you think you’re referring to?
Like in that official paper they wrote down the street?
-那是权利和自♥由♥法案规定的东西 -权利和自♥由♥法案
-That’s the Bill of Rights. -Bill of Rights.
Don’t it say something about going after what makes you happy?
不 那只是追求幸福 不是法律范围 你的论点是什么
No, that’s “the pursuit of happiness.” But what’s your point?
我的论点是我在追求些东西 没有人支持我
My point is I’m pursuing something, and nobody looks too happy about it.
But we’re just looking out for your interests.
那谢谢了 或许你为自己着想得多一些
I appreciate that, but maybe you’re looking out for your interests more.
你不应该叫申请人到这里 交了款 递交了测试
You shouldn’t ask people to come here and pay the freight on something.
还不行 你们觉得这样做对吗
They pay, it still ain’t good enough. You think that’s right?
或许这是你的工作 但你为什么要阻止我的工作
Maybe you’re doing your job, but why you gotta stop me from doing mine?
如果你愿意经受所有考验 去获得你想要的
If you’re willing to go through all the battling to get where you want to get…
…who’s got the right to stop you?
或许你有些事还没完成 一些你想做的事
Maybe you got something you never finished, something you wanna do.
Something you never said to somebody, something!
你被人拒绝 即使在你尽力了之后
And you’re told no, even after you pay your dues.
谁有权利否定你 谁?没有谁!
Who’s got the right to tell you that? Who? Nobody!
