好吧 让我们离开这里吧 好吗
Okay. Let’s get out of here, okay?
That place ain’t changed much from last year.
Are we done?
米克 最近好吗
Hey, how you doing, Mick?
那个牌匾正裂开 保利
That sign is falling apart, Paulie.
整个世界都在分♥裂♥ 瞧瞧我们
The whole world is falling apart. Look at us.
别乱说话 保利
Don’t talk crazy, Paulie.
你知道吗 如果你在某一个地方待久了
You know, I think if you live someplace long enough,
you are that place.
I ain’t no talking building.
快走吧 天开始晚了 小洛
Come on, it’s getting late, Rocko.
I get a headache from this train.
I remember when she was standing there…
很紧张 也很害羞 带着淡淡的笑容
…all nervous and shy, with this little smile.
And all I wanted her to do was trust me.
She did.
-她做到了 -你好了吗
-She did. -You done?
-我们还要在这里待多久 -不会太久的
-How long are we staying here? -Not long.
他们把这溜冰场给拆了 我真高兴
Well, I’m glad they tore this ice rink down.
Come on.
你听到了吗 他们把溜冰场拆了 我很高兴
You heard me. I’m happy they tore it apart.
第一次陪你妹妹滑这溜冰场的时候 当时我们在那边
First time I walked your sister across this ice, we was over there.
她很紧张 我当时也不知道怎么溜冰
She was nervous, but I wasn’t so great on the blades either.
冰最无聊 站在冰块上的人更无聊
Ice is stupid. People standing on ice are more stupid.
And over there, when she was falling…
…and my hand grabbed her…
我从她的大衣中挽住她的手臂 我能感到
…and I got her arm through that coat, I could feel it.
你和去年说的一样 小洛
You said the same thing last year, Rock.
Did I?
-So you better develop your brain.
-你是左撇子 -是的
-You’re left-handed. -Absolutely.
来吧 小洛 咱们走
Come on, Rock. Let’s go.
我们看完了 这地方没地方坐
We’re done. There’s no place to sit down around here.
It’s all right.
有关系 这儿让人沮丧 而且冷得要命
It ain’t all right! It’s depressing and freaking cold!
你是怎么了 保利
What’s the matter with you, Paulie?
你活在过去 小洛
You’re living backwards, Rocko!
把生活的调子调回现在吧 过去也不是太美好
Change the channel from yesterday! Yesterday wasn’t so great!
-这是对我而言的 -不是对我而言
-It was to me. -Not to me!
你对她那么好 你们过了段好日子
You treated her good. You had the good times.
我对她那么差 我不需要回想过去的生活
I treated her bad. I don’t have to think about this.
她永远爱你 保利
She always loved you, Paulie.
对不起 小洛 我不能再干这些事了
Sorry, Rocko, I can’t do this no more.
Can I help you?
不不 我过去常常来这个地方坐
No, no, I used to come down to this place a long time ago.
我只是坐坐 问题不大
I was just looking around. No big deal.
Can I get you a drink?
-好的 那来点酒吧 -马上来
-All right. Maybe just a short beer. -Okay.
去 快去
Go. Go on.
是啊 去 叫他付我们的下一轮的酒钱
Yeah, go on. Get him to buy a round.
Get him to buy a round. Go.
让他付 他有钱 他在花钱
Get him to… He’s got it. He’s spending money.
听着 我不是想了解你的私事
Listen, I don’t mean to cross the line or anything…
…but I read about your wife’s passing a few years back.
是的 是女人才有的癌症
Yeah, it was woman cancer.
是的 我常常听到人说她是个好人
Yeah. I always heard she was a nice person.
是的 最好的人
Yeah, the best.
-我认识你吗 -我们在很久之前见过面
-Do I know you? -We met a long time ago.
We did?
当我还是小孩子的时候 你送我回家
When I was a kid, you walked me home.
-我送你回家吗 -叫我别再抽烟之类的
-I did? -Told me to stop smoking and things.
Stop smoking…
Are you Little Marie that used to hang out at that Atomic Hoagie shop?
是的 说对了
Yeah, that’s right.
太好了 我记起来了 我送过你回家
Yeah, now I remember. I walked you home.
走到家门口的时候 你转过头来 对我说 去死吧 讨厌鬼
When you got there, you turned around and said, “Screw you, creepo.”
-我没那样说吧 -有 你有这样说
-I didn’t say that. -Yeah, you did.
-你确定吗 -特大侮辱会让人难忘的
-You sure? -Great insults last a long time.
是你吗 真的是你吗
Yo! Yo, is that you? Is that really you?
-你最近好吗 -我觉得他想一个人喝酒
-How you doing? -I think he wants to drink alone.
好啊 那么给他想喝的 我又没有阻止你
Well, then give him his drink, then. I ain’t stopping you.
你是怎么了 他是你的男人吗 不 不是 我不那么认为
What’s that, your man or something? No, I don’t think so.
总之 我和我的伙计们 刚好在这喝酒
Anyway, me and my friends, we’re right down there.
我想你可以买♥♥我们下一轮 要喝的酒 就一轮酒
Think you could buy us a round? You got the money. Just one round.
Hey. Thank you.
你在干什么 把我的手用力推开
What are you doing pushing my hand away like that?
-你的名字是什么 -安吉 你知道我的名字有什么用
-What’s your name? -Angie. What do you wanna know for?
-别像个傻子跟着那个人 -一傻子?
-Don’t be playing a fool for that guy. -A fool?
-是的 -一个傻子?
-Yeah. -A fool?
我是傻子? 你才是傻子 我才不是
I’m the fool? You’re the fool, not me!
你误会了 你是傻子 我是一正常人 就和你一样
You got it twisted. You’re the fool. I’m a person, just like you.
You aren’t no better than me.
你现在是一贵客又如何 你什么都不是
You think you’re a big shot now? You’re nothing.
你比我好不了多少 好不了多少
You ain’t no better than me. No better!
Glad you dropped in?
I think the neighborhood is changing a little.
-刚发生了什么 -我也不知道 忘了它吧
-What was that all about? -I don’t know. Forget about it.
我快要关门了 你想下班 我去点账吧
I’m gonna lock up, so if you wanna take off, I’ll tally everything up.
-好的 谢谢 -最近好吗 小洛
-Yeah, thanks. -How you doing, Rock?
我很好 谢谢
I’m good, thanks.
-你住在这里吗 -离这里有八个街区远的地方
-You live around here? -About eight blocks from here.
Eight blocks.
You need a lift?
All right.
Did you ever get married?
-有吧 -有吧?
-Yeah, sort of. -Sort of?
-是的 怎么说呢 他离开我了 -那样就告吹了
-Yeah, well, he took off. -Poof, just like that?
是的 那样就结束了
Yeah, just like that.
-你有孩子的吧 -是的 我有
-You sort of have any kids? -Yeah, I got one kid.
是吗 我也是 我也是 是个很棒的男孩儿
Yeah? Me too. Me too. Wonderful boy.
牛人 你是怎么了 不可以帮我们买♥♥一轮酒喝喝
Hey, tough guy! What’s the matter, you can’t buy a round?
The girl was being nice to your dumb ass.
你拿什么给予我们回报呢 蠢猪
What you doing with that pig?
Think you can disrespect us?
-她只是个会嫉妒的婊♥子♥ -来啊 过来啊
-She ain’t nothing but a jealous bitch! – Come on back!
算了 别听他们的
Hey, don’t listen to them.
Both of youse, you ain’t no better than me.
过来啊 你的头会被我踢破的
Come over here, you’ll get your head kicked in around here.
-你这个酒鬼 笨杂种 -你又不是什么贵客 瞧瞧你自己
-You punch-drunk, goofy bastard. -You ain’t no big shot, look at you.
You ain’t even got a car to take that pig home.
You all right?
你想干吗 别出去 没关系的
What are you doing? Don’t get out. It’s all right.
不 小玛丽 有关系
No, Little Marie. It ain’t all right.
-Yo. -What?
让我告诉你 进去
I’ll tell you what. Get inside.
-进去 你进去 -放开他
-You get inside. Yeah, you. -Hey, leave him alone!
-伙计 -看到了吗
-Yo, man! -See it?
-看那里 看那里 -是的 是的
-You see that? You see that? -Yeah. All right.
-你想说些什么 -对不起 对不起
-What do you say? -I’m sorry. I’m sorry!
Get a job!
That guy sends his apologies.
马丁 马丁
Martin. Martin. Yo, Martin!
I see you still got your key.
是的 我有 你有时间谈谈吗
Yeah, I got a key. You got time to talk?
自从你们炒了我以后 我有很多时间
I got a lot of time since your people let me go.
You know I had nothing to do with that.
