Yet another quick knockout for Mason Dixon,
击倒性胜利 马马虎虎的一场比赛
almost perfunctory.
拳击迷们的反应让他知道 他们不是那么满意
The fans let him know how they feel about it.
把女人和小孩藏起来吧 场面可能会变得混乱
Hide the women and children. This could get ugly.
This crowd does nothing to hide its anger over this latest debacle.
粉丝们都火到不行了 他们不想再经历这样乏味的比赛了
The fans are mad as hell. They don’t want to take it anymore.
They seem to be blaming Dixon,
a good fighter, for the decline…
不只是重量级拳击 而是整个拳击界
…not only of the heavyweight-division guys, but of the entire sport.
They’re actually pelting…
…the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world with ice.
或许这种打从心底的愤怒会促使 拳王迪克逊找一个
Maybe this angry, visceral reaction will pressure Dixon to fight someone…
与自己实力相近的选手 以此换来 新的竞技气氛
…who can fight back for a change. If there’s somebody out there.
整个拳击运动都期盼着一位 能用他的激♥情♥震撼观众心灵的选手
All of boxing is hoping for a warrior who thrills us with his passion.
Time goes by too fast.
是吗 我觉得还不够快
Yeah? Not fast enough.
-你的孩子应该来的 -没关系的
-Your kid should’ve been here. -That’s all right.
-不 有关系 -孩子有时候有点忙
-No, it ain’t all right. -The kid gets a little busy sometimes.
He don’t get that busy.
我们别在这谈了 好吗 你今晚会来吧 是吗
Let’s not talk about it here, okay? You’re coming tonight, right?
我在工作 过去三年我一直在巡历
I’m working. I took the tour the last three years.
我知道 但今晚是周年纪念啊
I know, but it’s the anniversary.
好的 我答应你
Fine. You got my word.
我很感激你的承诺 谢谢你 算我欠你一次 保利
I appreciate it, thank you. I owe you, Paulie.
罗伯特 怎么回事 你去哪了 你迟到了
Yo, Robert. What’s going on? Where have you been? You’re late.
不 我不想真的知道你去哪了 听着 你的工作表现
No. I don’t wanna hear this. Look, your job performance…
…is nowhere near good enough to be pulling this.
我不在乎你老爸是谁 明白吗
I don’t give a damn who your father is. You understand me?
-懂了的话现在就去工作 -好的
-All right. Now get out of here. -Okay.
先生 谢谢你
Thank you, sir.
Yo, Robert. Yo.
-你好 洛奇 -你好
-Hey, Rocky. -Hey.
-最近好吗 -你好
-Hey, how you doing? -Hey.
你好吗 冠军
What’s up, champ?
-你在我没准备的时候找我 -我知道
-You caught me off guard. -I know.
I wanted to catch you before you got busy.
是的 楼上还有很多事要做
Yeah, it gets busy up there.
-最近好吗 -真的很好
-So how you doing? Yeah? -Real good. Yeah.
-洛奇 -你好
-Yo, Rock! -Yeah, how you doing?
是的 真的很好
Yeah, real good.
听着 你想出去喝杯咖啡吗
Listen, you wanna go out and get some coffee?
我要迟到了 或许以后吧
I’m kind of behind. Maybe later?
好的 那也行 你今晚要来餐厅一下
Yeah. That’d be great. You ought to come by the restaurant tonight.
I can have something made special for you.
今晚不行 我有计划了 一群朋友聚在一起
Tonight I can’t. I got plans. A few of the guys get together.
-我是不是做错什么了 -你的意思是?
-Did I do something wrong? -What do you mean?
Well, I don’t know exactly what I mean…
但我在想 我来到这里的时候 你总是不自在
…but I just think, like, when I come here, you don’t feel so comfortable.
当然 我不想让你不自在
And I certainly don’t wanna do that.
-你给我一个很大的阴影 -一个很大的阴影?
-Well, you throw a big shadow. -A big shadow?
你在这里什么都做不了 罗伯特
You’re not gonna get anything done down here, Robert.
好吧 你不打算介绍我的话 我自己来
Well, if you’re not gonna introduce me,
你好 我是 威廉·汤姆逊
I will. Hi, I’m William Tomilson.
-你好 -你儿子很不幸为我工作
-How you doing? -Your son works for me.
-这是一份好工作 -是的
-It’s a good job. -Yeah.
你知道吗 我已经对罗伯特说过二十次要见你了
I’ve told Robert about 20 times that I wanted to meet you.
你真的很忙 这是件好事 是吗
You’re pretty busy, which isn’t a bad thing.
-有些事情阻碍着 -帮我们拍张照片吧 好吗
-I get a little tied up. -Grab a shot, will you?
我可能再也没有这样的机会了 老战友们总是团结在一起的
I may not get this chance again. Old warhorses have to stick together.
-老战友们 是的 -走着瞧吧
-The old horses, yeah. -I’ll tell you.
-还好这不是你的左手 -这个姿势让你受欢迎
-Good thing it’s not your left. -This makes you popular with people.
-一 二 三 -见到你太好了
-One, two, three. -Finally, we get to meet.
我要干活了 能当面见你真的太好了
I gotta get going. It was nice to meet you face to face.
你好好照顾自己 罗伯特 我们晚些再见
You take care of yourself. Robert, I’ll see you later.
我要走了 我会改变今晚的计划
I gotta get going. I’ll change my plans for tonight.
那样就好 我很期待今晚见到你
That’d be great. I’m looking forward to it.
-最近好吧 -还好
-How you doing? -Okay.
-好的 -好
-Okay. -All right.
And do not let those numbers drive you crazy.
-太晚啦 -用橡皮擦把那些数字都抹掉
-Too late. -Use an eraser, get rid of all of them.
-洛奇 -伙计们
-Yo, Rock. -Hey, guys.
-洛奇 -你最近好吗
-Hey, Rock. -Hey, how you doing?
好了 你的
There you go.
-我要10个10号♥的 你们要照顾好自己 -好的
It’ll be about 10 tenths. You guys take care, okay? You got it.
I’ll try a few of these later on.
-这些烤起来很香 -多少钱?
-It’s good for baking. -How much…?
-保罗 这个多少钱 -58.40美金 先生
-Yo, Paul, what’s the cost? -58.40, sir.
好的 从这里面扣吧 我相信你
All right, take it out of that. I trust you.
-最近好吗 -你太大方了
-How you doing? -You’re too generous.
Not a problem.
How you guys doing?
生意还好吧 伊莎贝尔
How we doing, Isabel?
还可以 除了那正看圣经不给钱的家伙
Okay, except for the freebie reading the Bible.
-没关系的 -就因为你以前和他交过手
-He’s okay. -Just because you fought him…
不代表你要养他一辈子 他现在都不像一个拳击手了
…don’t mean you gotta feed him. He doesn’t look like a fighter.
斯拜德·瑞高 还能当拳击手
Spider Rico could hit.
-听着 你的肚子还好吗 -还行
-Listen, how’s your stomach? -It’s okay.
If you keep rubbing olive oil on your stomach…
…your kid’s gonna be born very strong.
-好的 洛奇 随便你怎么说 -不 我是认真的
-Okay, Rocky. Whatever you say. -No, really.
-你还好吗 斯拜德 -上帝保佑你 洛奇
-Yo, how you doing, Spider? -God bless you, Rocky.
How you guys doing?
宙斯 你能帮今晚我来的儿子弄些特别的菜吗
Jose, can you make something special for my kid who’s coming tonight?
No problemo.
好的 感激不尽
Good. I appreciate it.
我在场上走来走去 走来走去 然后互让
Back and forth, back and forth, give and take.
And then I went in there like an animal and threw him into the corner…
…and I unloaded everything I had.
钩拳 钩拳 钩拳 往左往左往左
Hook, hook, hook, left, left, left.
然而克瑞特 他拚命地回击
But Creed, he kept busting me back pretty good…
…and the agony began to pile up.
然后我听到了这一辈子 最动听的铃♥声♥
Then I heard the best sound that I ever heard in my life…
-比赛结束的铃♥声♥ -是的
-The bell. -That’s right, the bell.
我从来都没那么累过 我坐在场角
I ain’t never been so tired, and I’m sitting in my corner.
I’m trying to figure out how to survive the last round…
当米奇靠过来 对着我的耳朵说
…when Mickey leans into my ear and says:
加油 冲出去打那家伙一顿 你这废物
“Come on, get out there and fight this guy hard, you bum.
你一定要拿第一 一定 我说 如果我能的话
You gotta be first. You gotta be first.” I said, “Yo, Mick, if I could…
-我会的 -我会的
-“I would.” …I would.”
The end.
Yet another quick knockout for Mason Dixon,
击倒性胜利 马马虎虎的一场比赛
almost perfunctory.
拳击迷们的反应让他知道 他们不是那么满意
The fans let him know how they feel about it.
They’re actually pelting…
…the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world with ice.
你好 阿吉瑞安餐厅 是吗
Hello, Adrian’s. Yeah?
要我告诉他你不能来了 好的 我会告诉他的
Tell him you can’t make it? Yeah, I’ll give him the message.
I just kept hearing Mickey’s voice in my head over and over again.
我匍匐着身体 在此之前
I just dug down, and before you know it…
当时靠得很近 稍等
…it was toe to toe and it was… Excuse me.
你的儿子说他今晚不能来了 他说他要延期 好吗
Your son said he can’t make it. He said he’ll take a rain check. Okay?
Look at these birds.
它们象不象糖果 会飞的糖果
Don’t these birds look like candy? Flying candy?
小鸟 你想飞回家吗
Hey, birdie, you wanna fly me home?
You need somebody to walk you home?
晚上很冷 在生活里我们需要些欢笑声
It’s a cold night. We need a few laughs in our life.
你觉得呢 也许吗
What do you think? Maybe?
也许 也许?
Maybe? Maybe?
