你知道 它真的和其他任何一件
You know, it’s really no different than the skull…
on any other Skull Squadron flight suit.
啊 好吧 在你身上看上去特别好
Ah… Well, it looks especially good on you.
你说对了 也许不久后你将有幸戴上一个
You’re right, maybe one of these days you’ll be lucky enough to wear one.
重要的是 如果你真的足够优秀
That is, if you’re good enough.
哇哦 她很强悍
Whoa, she’s a tough one.
可爱 但很强悍
Cute, but tough.
I like your “skull”?
什么啊 伙计
What was that, buddy?
我只想到了那个 你没救了
– It’s all I could think of. – You’re hopeless.
野狼三号♥ 你可以起飞了
Wolf Three, you’re clear to launch.
收到 指挥台
Roger that, Control.
好了 罗西上尉 开始了
OK, Lieutenant Rush, this is it.
Let’s go out there and win this one for Mars Division.
是 长官 指挥官泰勒
Yes, sir, Commander Taylor.
玛琳 斯科特 这一仗是为你们而战
Marlene, Scott… This one’s for you…
Invid approaching at Vector 3-2-Niner.
同步加农炮 准备开火
Synchro Cannons, prepare to fire.
All systems activate Shadow Devices and proceed to attack coordinates.
Shadow systems activated.
嘿 现在整个舰队都装备了暗影技术
Hey, now that the whole fleet is equipped with Shadow technology,
the Invid don’t stand a chance!
是的 可是就算他们看不到我们 可并不意味着他们打不到我们
Yeah, but even if they can’t see us, that still doesn’t mean they can’t hit us.
嘿 没门伙计 没人能打到我
Hey, no way buddy, no one’s going to hit me!
Invid deploying at Q Vector Theta.
攻击12区 前去拦截
Attack Division 12, move to intercept!
野狼领队呼叫野狼中队 所有单位 出发
Wolf Leader to Wolf Squadron. All units, engage!
哦 耶 一击干掉六架敌机 有本事就超过我 亚历克斯
Oh, yeah! Six bogies down in a single pass, try and top that, Alex!
马库斯 注意背后 什么
– Marcus, behind you! – What?
Holy sh…
甭担心 我来
Relax, I got it.

谢了 我欠你一个
Thanks, I owe you one.
一个 在我看来最少24个 不过 谁数了吗
One? Looks more like twenty-four to me… but, whose counting?
哇哦 她真牛
Wow, she’s some pilot.
是啊 好吧这帮我们测试了一下导弹
Yeah, well it helps when you’ve got a Beta full of missiles!
灭了它 为什么如此的舰对还没有拿下反射点
Blast it! Why in heaven’s name haven’t those troops taken out Reflex Point yet!
长官 第2第3和第5区报告极为严重的损失
Sir, the 2nd, 3rd and 5th Divisions have reported extremely heavy losses…
and I can’t raise the 14th at all.
啊 这种情况下我们将无法持续
Agh… at this rate we won’t be able to hold out against them…
for more than a few hours or so.
立刻联♥系♥地球上的第一梯队 给我接通哈灵顿上校
Contact Attack Group One on Earth now, get me Captain Harrington!
没有回应 长官 雷诺兹指挥官
– Not responding, sir. – Commander Reynolds?
嗯 他妈的 找个人来
Well, damn it! Find somebody,
anybody down there who can tell us what the hell is going on!
这里是第一指挥官呼叫第一攻击梯队 请回答 任何单位请回应
This is Command One to Attack Group One. Come in, please! Any unit please respond!
第一指挥官 这里是指挥官斯科特·伯纳德上尉
Command One, this is Lieutenant Commander Scott Bernard,
21st Combat Squadron, Mars Division.
谁 火星基地
Who? Mars Division!
查到了 长官 他在地球领导了一支反抗组织
I have it here, sir. He’s been leading a resistance group on Earth.
They’ve joined up with us to attack Reflex Point.
伯纳德指挥官 第一攻击梯队的情况如何
Commander Bernard, what’s the status of the First Attack Group?
Have you taken Reflex Point yet?
没有 长官 我们遭到了非常强的抵抗
No, sir. We’ve encourntered very heavy resistance.
因维人已经击退了我们的总攻 建议我们暂行撤退后重组
The Invid have repulsed our main attack. Recommend we fall back and regroup.
We’re sending down a squadron of Shadow Fighters to assist.
We need to kill all the damned Invid!
杀掉他们所有 那意味着我需要找到
Kill them all? That means I need to find…
There she is!
Why is she going back into the Hive?
What are you doing here?
斯科特 尽管我们曾在一起过 我现在知道我是谁了
Scott, despite all we have been through together, I know who I am now.
我是阿丽尔 皇后之女 因维人的公主
I am Ariel, daughter of the Regess and Princess of the Invid.
Ariel, it doesn’t matter to me whether you’re human or Invid.
这很重要 斯科特 只有我能劝服皇后 停止这场毫无意义的冲突
It does matter, Scott. Only I can convince the Regess to stop this senseless conflict.
你和我 我们能够证明人类和因维人是可以和平共存的
You and I, we’re proof that humans and Invid can co-exist peacefully.
The Regess doesn’t believe that.
斯科特 我感觉有些事情也许可以改变她的主意 可我必须在一切都太晚了之前去
Scott, I sense something that may change her mind, but I must go before it’s too late.
Then let me go with you!
皇后对人类可并不怎么温柔 斯科特 我需要自己去劝服她
The Regess isn’t very fond of humans, Scott, and I’ll need to convince her myself.
那就快去吧 我们没多少时间了
Then hurry, we don’t have much time!
That’s going to take some getting used to…
嗯 阿丽尔 我看你已经接受了你的因维人形态并且选择和我一起进入核心
So, Ariel, I see you have accepted your Invid form and chosen to join me in the Core.
是的 母亲皇后 我只恳求您结束这场纷争
Yes, Mother Regess, but only to implore you to end this struggle.
The Invid and humans can co-exist.
Your exposure to the humans has clouded your mind.
这个世界是所有史前文明的起源 是生命之花怒放的世界
This world is where the Flower of Life, the source of all Protoculture, blooms.
This world would have sustained our people.
But the Protoculture on this world can sustain many people.
Fighting these humans makes us no better than the Children of the Shadow…
who drove us from our homeworld.
The humans have aligned themselves with the Children of the Shadow.
Observe their new technology.
Their vehicles are now invisible to our sensors.
不 与人类共存是不可能的
No, co-existence with the humans is not possible.
This planet too strongly retains the malignant spirit of the Robotech Masters.
Whether one race or the other emerges victorious is of little meaning.
Such hatred can only breed more hatred.
Are you saying it will never end?
我的孩子 这场战争将会席卷一代又一代人
My child… this conflict will rage from generation to generation.
It is not what we seek.
I shall proceed to the world that even now calls to me.
我们将耗尽所有的史前文明 并将我们提升到更高的层次
We shall consume all the Protoculture and rise to a higher plane.
可是人类把史前文明作为一种能源 一点不留将使他们陷入绝境啊
But the humans use Protoculture as an energy source, taking it would leave them helpless!
My decision has been made.
史前文明是我们生命之血 它是属于我们的
The Protoculture is our life’s blood. It belongs to us.
We shall not leave it behind!
仍然没有来自伊卡洛斯或SDF-3的联络 长官
Still no word from the Icarus or the SDF-3, sir.
我们已经等得够久了 第三攻击梯队前进
We’ve waited long enough, move in Attack Group Three.
是 长官
Yes, sir.
I never should have sent Grant on that damned rescue mission.
We’re going to need every ship we’ve got!
第三攻击波 前进
Attack Wave Three, move out!
长官 我探测到奇怪的重力指数
Sir, I’m picking up strange gravitational readings.
Recommend we adjust re-entry point to Omicron J-Vector Theta.
收到 舰长 现在开始停止折叠飞行
On it, Captain. Commencing de-fold operation now!
A black hole!
导航计算机上没有这个 长官
This wasn’t on the navigational computer, sir!
别管了 记住 我们在执行救援行动
Never mind that! We’re the rescue mission, remember.
现在 推进器全开
Now, full thrusters!
是 是 推进器全开
Aye, aye, full thrusters now!
没有效果 长官 我们被困在重力场里了
It’s no use, sir. We’re stuck in the gravity field!
我们能不能折叠出去 舰长
Can we fold out, Captain?
在如此强的重力作用下 无法计算出我们将会折叠到什么地方
With that strong a gravitational pull, there’s no way to calculate where we’d end up.
可是 如果我们构建起一个”折叠球”
However, if we create a “fold sphere”…
utilizing the Shadow Device’s dimensional shift field…
We may be able to escape the black hole’s gravitational field.
好 船员们 让我们来干一把
OK, crew. Let’s give it a shot.
舵手 按照尼克斯博士计算的文字做
Helmsman, follow Dr. Nichols’ calculations to the letter.
事实上 那都是些数字 没有文字
Actually, there all numbers, there aren’t any letters.
全部就绪 长官
All set, sir!
听我的口令 准备执行尼克斯操作
On my mark! Execute the Nichols manuever!
Fold sphere losing integrity!
Shadow dimensional field at 30%.
长官 我们几乎就要出来了
Sir, we’re almost out!
