
risible (RIZ uh bull) This word meaning “relating to laughter” can describe a person who is feeling inclined to laugh, but it is more frequently used to describe remarks or situations that are likely to provoke laughter. (Coming from the Latin for “laugh,” this word is the cheery relative of a negative word, “derisive,” which means laughing at in the sense of “mocking” or “jeering.”) The not very common noun form is “risibility.”

  • On another night Niko would probably have laughed at the stand-up comedian’s jokes, but he was not in a very risible mood the day he learned about his low grade in physics.
  • The cartoonish stereotype of a risible situation is that of a man in a top hat slipping on a banana.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
risible(RIZ uh bull)这个词的意思是“与笑有关”,可以描述一个有笑倾向的人,但它更常用于描述可能引起笑声的言论或情况。(这个词来自拉丁语中“笑”的意思,是否定词“derisive”的愉快亲戚,“derisitive”在“嘲笑”或“嘲笑”的意义上意味着嘲笑。)不太常见的名词形式是“risibility”

  • 在另一个晚上,Niko可能会嘲笑这位单口相声演员的笑话,但当他得知自己的物理成绩很低的那一天,他的心情并不是很可笑
  • 对可笑情况的卡通刻板印象是一个戴礼帽的男人在香蕉上滑倒

