
定义: “Riposte” 是一个名词,用于描述一种机智而迅速的回答或回应,通常是作为对于攻击、挑衅或批评的反击。


  • 战术性回应:
    • “Riposte” 强调回应的机智和迅速,通常用于形容在辩论、口头争论或战斗中的反击或回答。
    • 例句:”She delivered a quick riposte to his insult, leaving him speechless.”(她对他的侮辱作出了迅速的回应,让他哑口无言。)
  • 武术和剑术:
    • 在武术和剑术中,”riposte” 是一种快速的回击动作,用于对抗对手的进攻,并以相同或更大的力量进行回击。
    • 例句:”The fencer parried the opponent’s attack and delivered a precise riposte.”(击剑运动员躲避了对手的进攻,并进行了准确的回击。)
  • 比喻和口语用法:
    • “Riposte” 有时也用作比喻,表示对于言语攻击、嘲讽或挑衅的机智回应。
    • 例句:”His sharp riposte silenced the critics and won the admiration of the audience.”(他锐利的回应使批评者沉默了,并赢得了观众的钦佩。)
  • 辩论和文学:
    • 这个词还可以用于描述辩论或文学作品中的反驳或回应部分,用于回应对方的论点或观点。
    • 例句:”The author’s riposte to the critics was a well-reasoned and persuasive argument.”(作者对批评家的回应是一个有理有据且具有说服力的论证。)



  1. riposte with a quick riposte – 迅速还击
  2. riposte with a clever riposte – 以巧妙的还击
  3. riposte with a witty riposte – 以诙谐的还击
  4. parry and riposte – 招架和反击
  5. deliver a sharp riposte – 发出锐利的反击
  6. respond with a well-timed riposte – 以恰当的时机回应
  7. exchange ripostes – 互相交换还击
  8. engage in verbal ripostes – 进行口头的还击
  9. prepare a clever riposte – 准备一个巧妙的反击
  10. deliver a devastating riposte – 发出毁灭性的反击
  11. respond with a calculated riposte – 以谨慎的反击回应
  12. counter with a swift riposte – 以迅速的反击回应
  13. deliver a cutting riposte – 发出刺人的反击
  14. respond with a witty riposte – 以诙谐的反击回应
  15. exchange verbal ripostes – 交换口头的还击
  16. respond with a sharp riposte – 以锐利的反击回应
  17. anticipate the opponent’s riposte – 预测对手的还击
  18. deliver a well-executed riposte – 发出精巧的反击
  19. respond with a biting riposte – 以尖刻的反击回应
  20. exchange rapid-fire ripostes – 交换迅猛的还击
  21. respond with a skillful riposte – 以熟练的反击回应
  22. prepare a quick riposte – 准备一个快速的反击
  23. deliver a clever riposte – 发出巧妙的反击
  24. respond with a well-crafted riposte – 以精心制作的反击回应
  25. exchange witty ripostes – 交换诙谐的还击
  26. respond with a precise riposte – 以精确的反击回应
  27. anticipate and deflect the opponent’s riposte – 预测并挡开对手的还击
  28. deliver a stinging riposte – 发出刺骨的反击
  29. respond with a cleverly worded riposte – 以巧妙措辞的反击回应
  30. exchange quick ripostes – 交换快速的还击
  31. respond with a well-placed riposte – 以恰到好处的反击回应
  32. prepare a witty riposte – 准备一个诙谐的反击
  33. deliver a powerful riposte – 发出有力的反击
  34. respond with a swift and decisive riposte – 以迅速而果断的反击回应
  35. exchange sharp ripostes – 交换锐利的还击
  36. respond with a skillfully executed riposte – 以熟练执行的反击回应
  37. anticipate and counter the opponent’s riposte – 预测并反制对手的还击
  38. deliver a witty and incisive riposte – 发出诙谐而尖锐的反击
  39. respond with a quick and effective riposte – 以迅速而有效的反击回应
  40. exchange witty and clever ripostes – 交换诙谐而巧妙的还击
  41. respond with a well-timed and devastating riposte – 以恰当时机和毁灭性的反击回应
  42. prepare a sharp and calculated riposte – 准备一个锐利和谨慎的反击
  43. deliver a precise and skillful riposte – 发出精确而熟练的反击
  44. respond with a biting and cutting riposte – 以尖刻和刺人的反击回应
  45. exchange rapid-fire and intense ripostes – 交换迅猛和激烈的还击
  46. respond with a cleverly worded and well-crafted riposte – 以巧妙措辞和精心制作的反击回应
  47. anticipate and deflect the opponent’s riposte with ease – 轻松预测并挡开对手的还击
  48. deliver a stinging and impactful riposte – 发出刺骨和有影响力的反击
  49. respond with a cleverly worded and precise riposte – 以巧妙措辞和精确的反击回应
  50. exchange quick and skillful ripostes – 交换快速和熟练的还击



riposte (rih POST) Used as either a verb or a noun, the word means “quick retort.” In the sport of fencing, it means “a quick thrust given after parry-ing an opponent’s lunge.” It can be used to mean any clever, retaliatory reply—in words or actions.

  • Insulted by his father’s sarcastic remark about his poor table manners, James riposted with a flippant, “It must be in my genes.” (The word “flippant” means “disrespectful levity.”)
  • The flirtatious banter between the countess and the duke was filled with ironic observations, teasing insults, and witty ripostes.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 詹姆斯被父亲对他糟糕的餐桌礼仪的讽刺所侮辱,他轻率地回击道:“这一定是我的基因使然。”(“轻率”一词的意思是“无礼的轻浮”。)
  • 伯爵夫人和公爵之间的调情玩笑充满了讽刺的观察、调侃的侮辱和诙谐的回击


前一篇文章rara avis
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
