与男孩同车 根据真实故事改编
断崖上刮着大风 他站在那等着
There on a windswept bluff, he stands waiting.
The man of your dreams.
他会一直爱你 矢志不渝
The man who”II love you more than anything the rest of your life.
你们朝对方跑去 你们的身体 嘴唇…
You run to each other. Your bodies, your lips…
靠得越来越近 直到最后…
…they”re coming closer and closer together. Until, finally…
…you kiss.
好了 来吧
Okay, go.
珍妮特 像这样
Janet, like this.
好奇怪 贝弗
I feel weird, Bev.
奇怪 等他把舌头放进你嘴里才奇怪呢
Weird? Wait till he shoves his tongue in your mouth.
1961年 瓦林福德 康恩
安 餐厅里的灯你准备好了吗
Ann, did you get the lights for the dining room?
我正在找呢 特里萨
l”m looking for them, Teresa.
现在是圣诞节 对不对
Now this is Christmas, huh?
-是圣诞节吗 -是啊 很漂亮
-this is Christmas? -Yes, it”s beautiful.
在这 安 让卢过来拿
It’s there,Ann.Have Lou look for them.
我妹妹想等利奥和贝弗回来时 再把灯点亮
My sister wants it up by the time Leo and Bev get back.
I gotta go.
好的 利奥
Okay, Leo.
贝弗莉 安 多诺里奥在等你 你♥爸♥爸要去买♥♥圣诞树
Beverly Ann Donof rio, your father”s waiting to go buy the tree!
好 我马上来 妈妈
l”m coming, Mom!
好 所以这是圣诞歌♥
Okay, so is Christmas.
-不 这首歌♥真让我头疼 -等等 等爸爸回来
-No,This song”s giving me a headache. -Wait. Before you go with Pop.
-什么 -为什么男孩要把舌头放进我嘴里
-what? -Why would a guy put his tongue in my mouth?
A boy does that because he wants you to bite it off.
再见 妈妈
Bye, Mom.
-好了吗 -好了
-You ready? -Yeah.
Let”s go.
-爸爸 大家都在装饰房♥子 -是啊
-Pop, everyone”s decorating the house. -Good.
Janet wanted to come.
等你上学了 就轮到你妹妹了
When you”re in college, it”II be your sister’s turn.
想要温暖吗 和艾佛利兄弟一起做梦吧
Dreaming of warmth? Dream with the Everly Brothers.
-很好 这是我们的歌♥ -太好了 准备好了吗 一二
-Good, that”s our song! -Great! Ready? One, two:
#梦 梦 梦 梦#
#梦 梦 梦#
#when I want you in my arms #
#When I want you and all your charms#
#Whenever I want you#
#只要进入梦乡 梦乡 梦乡 梦乡#
#all I have to do is dream Dream, dream, dream#
爸爸 到了 停车
Pop, this is it! Pull over.
就是这个 那个大树 看到了吗
The big one, there. See?
等我有钱了 我就给你买♥♥那个
l”II buy that for you when l”m rich.
-我相信你会的 -妈妈和妹妹肯定很喜欢
-I bet you will. -Mom and sis would like it.
是啊 说说你圣诞节想要什么
You know what you want for Christmas?
你想要俩自行车 对吧
You want the bike, right?
是自行车 但你说那太贵了
It”s the bike. But you think it”s too expensive.
See, I know how you think.
说吧 要是你什么都不说 那就什么都没有了
Speak up. If you don”t ask for anything, it”s what you get, nothing.
有个男孩叫比利 斯奇纳尔 他很可爱
There”s this guy, Billy Schnar, he”s really cute.
比利 斯奇纳尔吗
Billy Schnar?
We”re the smartest kids in class.
-当然 -你知道他喜欢谁吗 你猜
-of course. -You know who he likes? Guess!
-谁 -梅利莎 托马斯 梅利莎 托马斯
-Who? -Melissa Thomas, Melissa Thomas,
那个戴着牙套 一头红发的丑女
The one with braces and ugly crazy red hair.
She thought Israel was in Europe.
你知道他为什么喜欢她呢 猜猜
You know why he likes her? Guess!
-因为她很傻 -不 因为她有胸
-Because she”s stupid. -No, because she”s got boobs!
或者说她看起来是 实际上她没有
Or it looks like she does, but she really doesn”t.
She wears a bra…
…which squishes her fat together…
…and makes her look like she has big boobs.
爸爸 如果不能嫁给比利 斯奇纳尔 我会死的
Pop, l”m gonna die if I don”t marry Billy Schnar.
l”m gonna die all because Melissa has boobs?
这简直是个悲剧 就算对莎士比亚来说也是
That”s just way too tragic, even for Shakespeare.
好了 爸爸 所以在圣诞节 我想要个胸罩
Okay, Pop, so that”s why for Christmas, l”d like a bra.
To enhance what I got, which is more than Melissa.
-这么跟你说吧 你太年轻了 -爸爸 你不能说的胸小
-You”re too young. -Pop, you can”t negotiate my boobs.
不管小不小 我都有胸
Too young or not, l”ve got them. l”m a woman.
-衣服挡住了而已 -别说了
-It”s hard to see through my clothes. -Quiet!
The answer is no.
好好读书 不要总是谈情说爱
Keep your mind on books, not boys.
所以治疗师很富有 像这样的情况
This is why therapists are wealthy.: moments like this.
为什么他就不能给她买♥♥个胸罩呢 肯定比自行车便宜
Why didn’t he just get her the bra? It’s certainly cheaper than a bicycle.
Parents and the damage they can do.
Sometimes, it’s endless.
不过她还是活下来了 他们这么说
But she survived. y ou know what they say.:
“那不会杀了 却会让你想死”
“That which doesn’t kill you, makes you want to die. ”
??贝弗莉 1986 纽约市
如果她出生在南方 她的生活应该静谧优美
If she was Southern, she’d have turned life into a country song.
不过因为她来自康乃迪克州 她的生活成了一本书 回忆录
but Since she’s from Connecticut, she turned it into a book,memoir.
只要她能解决最后一个问题 就能将这本书出版
AND Someone wants to publish it, if she can clear one last hurdle.
So she called me for help.
所以今天很难熬 因为我要告诉她 我要离开她
That’s why this is a tough day to tell her I’m leaving her.
她紧张时我总能看出来 她会化很浓的妆
I can always tell when she’s nervous. She wears a lot of makeup.
今天 她显得额外紧张
And today, she’s packed on an extra layer of nervous.
迟到了40分钟 我没抱怨
Forty minutes late. l”m not complaining.
-只是真不像你 -抱歉
-It”s just so unlike you. -Sorry.
所以我们一起去解决这个问题 她的问题
所以We went off to solve the problem. Her problem.
Mine would have to wait.
-怎么了 -靠在通风口很冷
-What happened? -You”re cold, lean into the vent.
-谢谢你开车送我去瓦林福德 -没事 不过我们要快点开
-Thanks for driving me to Wallingford. -Just make it fast.
要是雷不签字 他们就不会出版我的书
If Ray doesn”t sign, they won”t publish my book.
He will.
-我知道你不想见雷 -去见雷也没什么啊
-I know seeing Ray is hard for you. -Seeing Ray doesn”t bother me.
你很紧张 我明白
It should. And I understand.
好 我会尽力表现得正常点
OK,I won”t make myself nuts.
-保持冷静 友好的态度 -很好
-l”II stay calm and be positive. -Good.
Did I show you the galleys?
It”s starting to look like a real book.
-你刚才吐口水到手上 然后抹在我头发上了 -是的 只想帮你 抱歉
-Did you just put spit in my hair? -Yeah, l”m fixing it. Sorry.
Just a little–
我有个惊喜给你 我把前言写好了
I have a surprise for you. I finished the dedication.
“我人生中出现了很多男人 终于有一个我信任的了”
“Of the many men who have come into my life, there is finally one I trust.
詹森 这本书为你写的
Jason, this book is for you.”
Don”t take this the wrong way…
…but don”t dedicate the book to me.
就这样吧 不要
Let”s just leave it at that. Just don”t.
好吧 好吧
Fine. Fine. Great.
抱歉 抱歉 我今天也有自己的事
l”m sorry, 抱歉it is possible I have my own stuff going on today.
什么 什么事
What? What is it?
不 没什么
No. It”s nothing.
没事的 不用担心
l”II get over it. Look, don”t worry.
我只是…今天过得不好 糟糕的一天 对吧
我只是…l”m having a bad day. What”s one bad day, right?
一天 开什么玩笑 我之前说过
One day? Are you kidding? Let me quote myself.
“一天可以成就你的生活 也可以毁了你的生活”
“One day can make your life. One day can ruin your life.
人的一生中有五个重要的日子 这些日子改变了一切”
All life is, is four or five big days that change everything.”
斯凯 巴瑞斯特是我的梦中情人
Sky Barrister is my dreamboat!
坐下 你会受伤的 小心
Sit down, you”II hurt yourself. Be caref ul.
-蒂娜 你要再涂点口红 -我这有
-Tina, you need a little more rouge. -I have some right here.
好了 给你一点
??1965年 康涅狄格州 瓦林福德
斯汪森电视晚餐 汽化器修理
贝弗 蒂娜
Hey, Bev! Tina!
-你要去哪 -我们要去参加派对
-Where you going? -We”re going to a party!
-我们能一起吗 -抱歉 不能
