
repertory (REP er tor ee) or repertoire (REP er TWAR) Whether you choose the English or the French version of this noun, you are referring to a collection of plays (or poems or songs) that an acting company or a performer is prepared to enact. Figuratively, the word can refer to any skills or aptitudes of a person or a group.

  • The Whitworth Acting Company not only has all of Shakespeare’s English history plays in its repertory, but during intermissions two of the actors display their fencing skills.
  • When they asked the short order cook at P. D.’s Grill if he could make a special order of lobster thermidor, he smoothly replied, “Sorry, guys, that’s just not in my repertoire.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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剧目(REP er tor ee)或曲目(REP er TWAR)无论你选择这个名词的英文版还是法文版,你指的是表演公司或表演者准备表演的戏剧(或诗歌或歌曲)集。形象地说,这个词可以指一个人或一个群体的任何技能或能力。

  • 惠特沃斯表演公司的剧目中不仅有莎士比亚的所有英国历史剧,而且在中场休息时,其中两名演员展示了他们的击剑技巧
  • 当他们问P.D.’s Grill餐厅的短期厨师是否可以特别点一份龙虾热敏电阻器时,他平静地回答说:“对不起,伙计们,这不在我的菜里。”

