Coach. I’m out too. I’m not playing for no thief.
别这样 别让我更为难
Don’t do this. Don’t make this any harder for me than it already is.
你走 我也走 我只替你打球
Coach. If you go. I go.I only play for you. Coach Yoast.
Don’t go. Coach.You can’t leave us.
尤教练 尤教练
Coach Yoast! Coach Yoast! Coach Yoast! Coach Yoast! Couch Yoast!
不会有事的 教练
We’ll be all right, Coach.
他们从小就跟着我练球 我算是看着他们长大
I’ve coached most of these boys since they were your age.
I’ve seen them grow up in front of my eyes,almost like they were my own kids.
这时候我怎么能 就这样把他们丢下不管
This is a heck of a time to be abandoning them to look out for themselves. Ain’t it?
So. What are you gonna do?
We gonna play some ball. Y’all.
老黑万岁 老黑万岁
Black inside. Black inside. Black inside. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh!
小皮 这球季你能跑几码
Hey. Yo. Petey. How many yards you figure you gonna get this season. Bro?
我不吹牛 懒鬼 不过我猜至少一千码吧
You know I ain’t one to brag. Big Blue. But I figure on at least a thousand.
“I ain’t one to brag.”
我早就说白小子 才不肯替老黑卖♥♥命咧
Didn’t I tell you how them white boys weren’t gonna play for no brother?
Well. Who needs ’em. Baby? From now on.
The Titans is gonna be powered by soul power. Bro.
He said soul power
Shut up.
Wait. Shh!
Put your hand down.
你在笑吗 -是
You smilin’? -Yes.
叫教练 -是 教练
Yes. Sir. -Yes. Sir.
你干嘛傻笑 -我喜欢橄榄球 很好玩
Why are you smiling? -‘Cause I love football. Football is fun.
叫教练 -是 教练
Fun. Sir. -Fun. Sir.
很好玩 -对
It’s fun? -Yes.
你确定 -我想是吧
You sure?-I think…
现在你会想呢 你一边傻笑一边想
Now you’re thinking. First you smile. Then you’re thinkin’?
你还是觉得打球很好玩 -是
You think football is still fun? -Uh… yes.
叫教练 是 不
Sir. Yes. No…

No?…sir. Sir. Uh…
本来很好玩 现在不好玩 对吧
Well. It was fun. Not anymore. Though. Is it?
对吧 没错
Is it? Not right now.
一点也不好玩 对吧
No. It’s not fun anymore. Not even a little bit.
Uh… no.
快想 到底好不好玩 -不好玩
Make up your mind. Think. -No. No.
Since you thinkin’ now. Go on. Think. Is it fun?
是的 教练 -真的
No. Sir. -No?
是 教练 -当真
No. Sir. -Absolutely not?
绝对不好玩 教练 -听好 我是布恩教练
Zero fun. Sir. All right. -Listen up. I’m Coach Boone.
让我告诉你们 这球季会有多好玩
I’m gonna tell you all about how much “fun” you gonna have this season.
8月I5日7点19分 出发到盖茨堡大学训练营
We leave for camp. Gettysburg College. August 15th. 7:29am.
七点半报到的话这赛季 你就甭想打球 等着坐冷板凳吧
If you report at 7:30. you will not be playing football this season. You will be watching.
You will wear a jacket. Shirt and tie.
没有就去买♥♥ 买♥♥不起就借老爸的
If you don’t have one. Buy one. Can’t afford one. Then borrow one from your old man.
要是没老爸 就去找个酒鬼跟他换
If you don’t have an old man. Then find a drunk. Trade him for his.
‘Cause I can guarantee you there isn’t a bum on the street
that looks as raggedy and ridiculous as what I’m looking at right now.
This is no democracy.
It is a dictatorship.
I am the law.
If you survive camp. You will be on the team.
If you survive.
点名 -点名了
Check ’em in. Coach. -Checkin’ ’em in.
I’m Coach Hinds. Your offensive line coach.
Yell out your name and positions. Starting from the right.
小皮 跑锋 世界最棒的跑锋
Petey Jones. Running back. The running back. Y’all.
才怪 才怪
Whatever. Petey! Get outta here.
杰瑞哈利 四分卫 哈利路亚 牧师
Jerry Harris. Quarterback. Hallelujah! Hallelujah. Rev.
牧师 -只是个绰号♥
Rev? -It’s just a nickname.
And who in the name of heaven might you be?
赖路易 进攻组前锋
I’m Louie Lastik. Offensive lineman.
我老爸是海军 刚搬来不久
Naval family. Just moved here from Bayonne.
我听说有球打就跑来了 大伙儿好
Someone said football. So I come runnin’. What’s going on. Everybody?
要是让他当教练 我们肯定整年都坐冷板凳
With him calling the shots. Ain’t none of us gonna see nothin’ but the bench this year.
他才不配 安啦
He ain’t callin’ the shots. You’ll play.
你不能跑来打断 我球队的第一次集♥合♥
You have just disrupted my first team meeting in an unacceptable fashion.
这是我的球队 你不能接受就别来
This is my team now. Either you’re with that or you’re not.
我不是来了吗 有话好说
I’m here. Ain’t I? Let’s talk football.
说吧 我负责防守组
Let’s talk football. I run the defense…
As a part of my team strategy.
我没听过输了球 谁会怪助理教练
I have never seen an assistant coach’s name in the newspaper for losing a game.
泰洛教练跟了我十年 我不能撇下他
I want a job for Coach Tyrell. He’s been with me for ten years.
I won’t leave him out in the cold. You don’t get me without him.
别把我惹毛 尤教练
You’re overcooking my grits. Coach. All right.
I will allow Coach Tyrell to coach a special team.
But I will have my eye on him…
…and you.
歌♥曲 ”Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band”-“Express Yourself”
“Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band”-“Express Yourself”
早安 两位教练好
Good morning. Good morning. Coaches. How are you?
早 天气真好
Good morning to you. Looks good today. Doesn’t it?
Just wanted to let you know what the offense is doing.
挺薄的嘛 六种战术 三人一组
That’s an awful skinny playbook. Ain’t it? Well. I run six plays. Split veer.
就像打麻针 一打就见效
It’s like Novocain. Just give it time. Always works.
See you on the bus.
别急 会轮到你的
Be patient. Bill. Your time will come.
干活吧 赫曼 干活吧
Herman. Here we go. Here we go.
How can I help you boys?
我是白盖瑞 队上唯一的全美最佳球员
I’m Gerry Bertier. The only all-American you got on this team.
You want any of us to play for you.
You reserve half the open positions for Hammond players.
Half the offense. Half the special teams.
防守组不要老黑 有我们就搞得定
We don’t need any of your people on defense. We’re already set.
Uh-huh. Don’t need none of my people. Mm-hm.
你叫什么名字 杰利吗
What’d you say your name was? Uh. Jerry?
不 你是杰利路易 你就是狄恩马丁
No. You must have said Jerry. Like Lewis. Which would make you Dean Martin. Right?
Ladies and gentlemen. I’ve got an announcement to make.
We got Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin going to camp with us here this year.
杰利负责搞笑 狄恩负责唱歌♥钓马子
Jerry tells the jokes. Dean sings the songs and gets the girl.
Let’s give ’em a round of applause.
你父母呢 你父母来了吗
Where’s your folks. Gerry? Parents. Are they here?
Where are they?
那是我母亲 -你老妈
That’s my mother. -That’s your mama?
Mm-hm. Very nice.
Take a good look at her.
‘Cause once you get on that bus. You ain’t got no mama no more.
You got your brothers on the team. And you got your daddy.
Now you know who your daddy is. Don’t you?
Gerry. If you want to play on this football team. You answer me when I ask you:
Who is your daddy?
你老爸是谁 盖瑞
Who’s your daddy. Gerry?
Who’s your daddy?
你 这是谁的球队
You. Uh-huh. And whose team is this?
Is this your team? Or is this your daddy’s team?
你的 给我上巴士
Yours. Mm-hm. Get on the bus.
Put your jacket on first. And get on the bus.
Uh. Dean.
Fix that tie. Son.
听好 给我下车
All right. Listen up. Listen up. I want everybody off the bus.
快点 跟我来 下车
Let’s go. Follow me. Everybody. Let’s go. Right now.
下车干嘛 怎么回事
Why we gotta get off the bus?What are they doin’. Man?
All right. Everybody off the bus.
Listen up. I don’t care if you’re black. Green. Blue. White or orange.
I want all of my defensive players on this side.
All players going out for offense over here. Right now.
动作快点 快点
Let’s move. Let’s move. Let’s move. Let’s move!
You and you. Offensive bus. Sit together.
你跟你坐防守组巴士 混熟一点