
reiterate (re IT er ate) A verb meaning to repeat what you’ve stated earlier. It comes from the Latin for “re-traveling.”

  • Ms. Pappas patiently reiterated the course requirements for careless students who had lost the original handout.
  • Andy braced himself as his father began yet another reiteration of that anecdote about mowing lawns and raking leaves and never asking his dad for spending money.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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repeat(re IT er ate)一个动词,意思是重复你之前说过的话。它来自拉丁语,意思是“再旅行”

  • 女士。帕帕斯耐心地重申了对那些丢失了原始讲义的粗心学生的课程要求。
  • 安迪振作起来,他的父亲又开始重复那个关于修剪草坪和耙树叶的轶事,并且从不向父亲要钱。

