

[verb] express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions
[动词] 对(某人)的行为或行动表示尖锐的反对或批评


Rebuke 一词于14世纪初由英国法语 rebuker (击退)进入英语后,即用来表示“指责、斥责、批评、训斥”,常用被动语态作正式用语使用,主要指对某人的错误行为或行动表示尖锐的反对或批评,特别是上级对下级进行的公开、严正而不宽容的责备,隐含一定权威意味,比如:

  • 我因为迟到而遭到经理的训斥。但那个马屁精没有。
    I was rebuked by my manager for being late. But the toady didn’t.
  • 总统谴责参众两院没有在100天之内通过那些法案。
    The president rebuked the House and Senate for not passing those bills within 100 days.

等到了15世纪初, rebuke 也开始用作名词表示“指责、斥责、批评、训斥”,比如:

  • 她的尖刻批评使他哑口无言。
    He was silenced by her smart rebuke.


When we went in, and I had removed her bonnet and coat, I took her on my knee; kept her there an hour, allowing her to prattle as she liked: not rebuking even some little freedoms and trivialities into which she was apt to stray when much noticed, and which betrayed in her a superficiality of character, inherited probably from her mother, hardly congenial to an English mind.

出自英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)创作的具有自传色彩的长篇小说《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)。


  • In any case, a fear of rebuke is not enough.
  • In a surprising and embarrassing rebuke to the Justice Department, a federal judge rejected the government’s antitrust settlement with Microsoft, the world’s largest computer-software company.



表达批评(Expressing Criticism):

  1. Issue a rebuke – 发出批评:正式地表示批评或责备。
  2. Receive a rebuke – 受到责备:被批评或责备。
  3. Deliver a sharp rebuke – 发出严厉的批评:以尖锐的方式表达批评或责备。
  4. Public rebuke – 公开批评:公开地表示批评或责备。
  5. Rebuke someone for their actions – 因某人的行为而批评:因某人的行为给予批评或责备。

工作和管理(Work and Management):

  1. Rebuke an employee – 批评员工:对员工进行批评或责备。
  2. Rebuke a subordinate – 批评下属:对下属进行批评或责备。
  3. Rebuke a colleague – 批评同事:对同事进行批评或责备。
  4. Rebuke a team member – 批评团队成员:对团队成员进行批评或责备。
  5. Rebuke a student – 批评学生:对学生进行批评或责备。

对行为的反应(Reacting to Behavior):

  1. Rebuke bad behavior – 批评不良行为:对不良行为进行批评或责备。
  2. Rebuke disrespectful behavior – 批评不尊重的行为:对不尊重的行为进行批评或责备。
  3. Rebuke inappropriate behavior – 批评不当行为:对不当行为进行批评或责备。
  4. Rebuke dishonesty – 批评不诚实:对不诚实行为进行批评或责备。
  5. Rebuke laziness – 批评懒惰:对懒惰行为进行批评或责备。

道德或伦理(Morality or Ethics):

  1. Rebuke immoral behavior – 批评不道德行为:对不道德行为进行批评或责备。
  2. Rebuke unethical practices – 批评不道德做法:对不道德的做法进行批评或责备。
  3. Rebuke dishonest actions – 批评不诚实的行动:对不诚实的行动进行批评或责备。
  4. Rebuke offensive remarks – 批评冒犯性言论:对冒犯性的言论进行批评或责备。

家庭和个人关系(Family and Personal Relationships):

  1. Rebuke a child’s misbehavior – 批评孩子的不当行为:对孩子的不当行为进行批评或责备。
  2. Rebuke a family member – 批评家庭成员:对家庭成员进行批评或责备。
  3. Rebuke a friend’s actions – 批评朋友的行为:对朋友的行为进行批评或责备。

其他描述(Other Descriptions):

  1. Stern rebuke – 严厉批评:严厉地表示批评或责备。
  2. Harsh rebuke – 严厉批评:以严厉的方式表达批评或责备。
  3. Gentle rebuke – 温和批评:以温和的方式表达批评或责备。
  4. Public rebuke – 公开批评:公开地表示批评或责备。
  5. Rebuke someone’s words – 批评某人的言论:对某人的言论给予批评或责备。
  6. Rebuke someone’s behavior – 批评某人的行为:对某人的行为给予批评或责备。
  7. Rebuke someone’s attitude – 批评某人的态度:对某人的态度给予批评或责备。
  8. Rebuke someone’s decision – 批评某人的决定:对某人的决定给予批评或责备。


reprimand: rebuke (someone), especially officially
reproach: address (someone) in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment
reprove: reprimand or censure (someone)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
