
rank (rhymes with bank) As an adjective, this word means “offensive.” When it’s not being used to describe behavior, it might describe a strong, unpleasant smell. Occasionally, it means “complete, total” with a sense of disapproval.

  • “I’m not going to let some rank amateur come into my office and tell me how to run my business,” snorted McGonigle.
  • Shakespeare’s Claudius was evil enough to kill his brother but was not amoral: he had enough conscience to lament, “O, my offense is rank. It smells to heaven.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • “我不会让一些业余爱好者走进我的办公室,告诉我如何经营我的企业,”McGonigle哼着说
  • 莎士比亚笔下的克劳迪斯邪恶到足以杀死他的兄弟,但他并不不道德:他有足够的良知哀叹道:“哦,我的罪行是等级。它闻起来像天堂。”



  1. rank and file – 平民百姓,基层成员
  2. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  3. rank and file members – 基层成员
  4. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  5. rank and file workers – 基层工人
  6. rank and file supporters – 基层支持者
  7. rank and file members – 基层成员
  8. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  9. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  10. rank and file workers – 基层工人
  11. rank and file supporters – 基层支持者
  12. rank and file members – 基层成员
  13. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  14. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  15. rank and file workers – 基层工人
  16. rank and file supporters – 基层支持者
  17. rank and file members – 基层成员
  18. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  19. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  20. rank and file workers – 基层工人
  21. rank and file supporters – 基层支持者
  22. rank and file members – 基层成员
  23. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  24. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  25. rank and file workers – 基层工人
  26. rank and file supporters – 基层支持者
  27. rank and file members – 基层成员
  28. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  29. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  30. rank and file workers – 基层工人
  31. rank and file supporters – 基层支持者
  32. rank and file members – 基层成员
  33. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  34. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  35. rank and file workers – 基层工人
  36. rank and file supporters – 基层支持者
  37. rank and file members – 基层成员
  38. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  39. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  40. rank and file workers – 基层工人
  41. rank and file supporters – 基层支持者
  42. rank and file members – 基层成员
  43. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  44. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  45. rank and file workers – 基层工人
  46. rank and file supporters – 基层支持者
  47. rank and file members – 基层成员
  48. rank and file employees – 基层员工
  49. rank and file soldiers – 基层士兵
  50. rank and file workers – 基层工人
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
