
rancor (RANK or) This noun means “bitter, long-lasting anger or resent-ment” and comes from the Latin word meaning “to stink” or “be rotten” (see #10). The adjective form is “rancorous.”

  • Gwendolyn’s rancor at her sister was so intense that she agreed to go to her party but refused to wish her a happy birthday.
  • Ben’s rancorous remarks drove his wife to seek a marriage counsellor who could help him learn the art of gentle criticism.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
rancor(RANK or)这个名词的意思是“苦涩、持久的愤怒或怨恨”,来自拉丁语单词,意思是“发臭”或“腐烂”(见#10)。形容词的形式是“充满敌意”
