This Ken Loach film tells the story of a man devoted to his family and his religion. Proud, though poor, Bob wants his little girl to have a beautiful (and costly) brand-new dress for her First Communion. His stubbornness and determination get him into trouble as he turns to more and more questionable measures, in his desperation to raise the needed money. This tragic flaw leads him to risk all that he loves and values, his beloved family, indeed even his immortal soul and salvation, in blind pursuit of that goal.
—Tad Dibbern <>

这部肯·洛奇(Ken Loach)的电影讲述了一个忠于家庭和宗教的男人的故事。鲍勃虽然很穷,但很自豪,他希望他的小女儿在第一次圣餐时穿上一件漂亮(而且昂贵)的全新衣服。他的固执和决心让他陷入了麻烦,因为他在绝望地筹集所需资金时,采取了越来越多有问题的措施。这个悲惨的缺陷导致他冒着他所爱和珍视的一切、他所爱的家庭、甚至他不朽的灵魂和救赎的风险,盲目地追求这个目标。-塔德·迪伯恩<迪伯恩>


Loach洛克; 泥鳅
devoted to贡献给
little girl小妞儿;妞妞;小女子
brand-new崭新的; 簇新的
dress for穿适当的衣服; 穿着…衣服; 装饰,美化
more and more越来越
desperation绝望; 拼命; 铤而走险
all that那么
