Well, he’s got a pretty good memory.
He counts toothpicks.
They spilled a box of toothpicks on the floor…
牙签 他们把牙签散了一地
and he took one look and knew exactly how many there were.
他看了看 告诉他们正确数量
He counted ’em in seconds. Ray.
很快的数出来 雷!
Raymond. Yeah.
雷蒙 是
Are you good with numbers?
Yeah. I read about this.
对 我看过这报导
I wanna try somethin’ here. Kmart, 400 Oak Street.
我要试试看 举冠街400号♥ K市场
What’d I tell you? After this.
我告诉你什么? 这里的事完了就去
Ray, can we try somethin’? Yeah.
雷 我们能试试吗? 可以
Do you know how much 312…
times 123 is?
He’s right.
What? He’s right.
什么? 他答对了!
He’s right? Yeah. Ray.
他答对了? 是的 雷
How much is 4,343…
times 1,234?
He’s a genius. That’s right.
他是个天才! 没错
He’s a genius. Ray.
他是个天才 雷
Do you know how much the square root of 2,130 is?
That’s amazing. 2304
太奇妙了 2304
That is amazing. He should work for NASA or something.
是太奇妙了 他该当数学家的
If you had a dollar, and you spent 50 cents…
你若有1块钱 你花了5毛
how much money would you have left?
About 70.
Seventy cents? Seventy cents.
7毛钱? 7毛钱
So much for NASA. We should go to Kmart.
这么多 我们必须去K市场
After this, Ray.

400 Oak Street.
Do you know how much a candy bar costs?
About $100. $100, huh?
大约100元 100元?
You know how much one of those new compact cars costs?
About $100.
In his case, he’s pretty well off. He’s very high-functioning.
在这特殊的病例中他表现得很好 他的功能都有很高的表现
Most autistics can’t speak or communicate.
多数的自闭症患者不会说话 他们不能沟通
Do you know what ‘autistic’ is?
Yeah. You know that word?
是的 你知道那个字
Are you autistic?
I don’t think so.
No. Definitely not.
不 绝对不是
problem with the Lamborghinis.
Let me see if I understand this.
It’s gonna cost me $10,000 additional for each car.
额外支付一万元 为了…
It’s very crowded in here. Ray, please, just one second, okay?
非常的拥挤 这里面很拥挤 雷 很快就好 好吗?
They wanna take out the manifold and the carburetors…
in order to put in a fuel injection system now?
That is nonsense.
What are you doing? Too crowded in here for a backpack.
你在于什么? 这里太挤了
Just leave this on. It’s gonna cost me $40,000 just to meet E.P.A. now.
只管把它背在身上 为达到排放标准要花我4万元
What? No.
什么? 不 不
You give me the number. I’ll call the conversion shop myself.
你只需要把电♥话♥号♥码给我 把号♥码给我 我来打个电♥话♥
That’s my pen. That’s definitely my book.
那是我的笔 绝对是我的笔记本
Taking your book is not a serious injury.
For serious injury, look at the red book. That book is blue.
紧急伤害是在红本子里 那本是蓝色的
Forgive me. I’ve lost my secret decoder ring. 4-5-4-5.
抱歉 我遗失了我的解码薄
You’re already number 18. Got it. 1988, I know.
我们在第18号♥ 我抄好了1988
It’s my book. That’s my pen.
那是我的笔 那是我的本子
12 minutes to Wapner.
It’s definitely very small in here. Small… and safe.
非常的小 小而且安全
You don’t wanna miss the party. What you’re witnessing is real.
那里有个派对 我不敢相信这是真的
Do you know that? There’s a party in your honor, Ray.
你知道为法官大人开派对吗 雷?
When we get to L.A., a custody hearing. My lawyer’s setting it up.
我们回洛杉矶会有听证会 律师现在正在办这件事
You know why there’s a party for you? ‘Cause you’re the 3-million-dollar man.
你知道为何要为你开派对吗? 因为你是有三百万身价的人
What you are witnessing is real. Ken Aldorf.
你说是真的吗? 肯·阿多夫
The participants are not actors. Charlie Babbitt.
这些不是演员 我是查理·巴比特
Fart. Yeah, I’ll hold.
放屁 是的 查理·巴比特 我等
Fart. Did you fart?
放屁了 你放屁了吗?
Fart. Did you fuckin’ fart?
放屁了 你放屁了吗?
Oh, man. Get the smell out.
How can you stand that? I don’t mind it.
你如何能忍♥受? 我不介意
Ken Aldorf. Ten minutes to Wapner.
肯 你好 还有十分钟 要看华波法官
Ken? How are you? This is Charlie Babbitt.
肯 你好 我是查理·巴比特
We’re definitely locked in this box with no TV.
我们绝对被锁在这箱子里 看不到电视了
I just heard about this $10,000 charge for every car.
They’re definitely gonna start… How can this be?
我们永远出不去了 这是怎么一回事?
‘People’s Court’ starts on the… You’re telling me another $40,000.
人♥民♥法庭要开始演了… 你知道你在告诉我要花四万元
They start on the button. They definitely start on the button.
他们按钮就开了 绝对是用按钮
I’ve got a problem. I’ll call you from my next stop.
我现在这里有些问题 我在下一个休息站再打给你
We’re not gonna make it to the program.
是的 下一个休息站
Definitely have to go now. Yes, we’re going, Ray.
我们绝对该走了 是的 我们要走了
Just take it easy. Eight minutes to Wapner.
别激动 离华波法官还剩下8分钟
Where am I gonna find a television around here?
Eight minutes to Wapner. We got eight minutes to Wapner.
离华波法官还剩下8分钟 我们会在8分钟内看到的
Come on. Come on.
来呀 来呀
You wanna get in there and see the show?
Wanna get in and see the show? Listen up.
想进去看那节目吗? 要听清楚
There’s not another farmhouse in sight. This is it.
又看到一座农场了 就这样说 老哥
You act weird, we don’t get in. You listening to me?
你表现怪异我们就进不去 你听到我说话了吗?
Yeah. I want you to look normal.
是 我要你看起来很正常
As normal as possible, all right?
越正常越好 行吗?
Just put your hands down. Don’t rock and moan.
只要把你的手放下来 别发疯了
Four minutes to Wapner. Just shut up and stand there.
还有4分钟就开始了 闭嘴 只管站在那里
Yeah. Uh… Don’t rock and moan.
是 不要再发作了
Put your hands down.
Good afternoon, ma’am. I’m Donald Clemons from the A.C. Nielsen Company.
下午好 我是唐诺·康普曼 由AC尼尔森公♥司♥来的
You’re familiar with our work? You mean the TV ratings?
你对我们的工作熟悉吗? 你是说收视率?
Yes, ma’am. You’ve been selected as a preliminary candidate…
完全正确 女士 你被选为我们
to become our next Nielsen family in the tri-county area.
这三个郡的范围之内 尼尔森收视率调查的家庭之一
My husband’s not home. If selected, you’ll help shape…
我先生不在家 你被挑选成为全国性的调查家庭
television programming viewed by our entire nation…
in return for which you’ll receive a check…
in the amount of $286 each month.
Who’s he?
Mr. Bainbridge, who does sample…
那是我的搭挡班布里奇先生 他负责抽样
That’s it. Oh, boy.
就这样了 就这样了 你自己弄糟的
You’ll miss your program.
It’s finished. One minute to Wapner.
已经结束了 还有一分钟华波法官就开始了
One minute to Wapner.
I had you in there, Ray!
我已经让你进去 雷
Defendants! Plaintiffs! You had it all!
被告 原告 你全都有了
They’re in there making legal history, Ray.
我们在那里创造法律的历史 雷
Legal history. Oh, boy!
法律的历史 天呐
Oh, boy. What is going on out here?
天呐 你们在那里玩什么花样?
I’m sorry, ma’am. I lied to you. That man is my brother.
我很抱歉 女士 我说了谎 那边那个人是我哥哥
If he doesn’t watch ‘People’s Court’ in about 30 seconds…
he’ll have a fit on your porch.
Now, you can help me, or you can stand there and watch it happen.
现在 你可以帮助我 也可以站在那里 看着这件事情的发生
We like to watch cartoons. You think he’d settle for that?
我们想要看卡♥通♥ 你认为他能作出一些让步吗?
and she sees an identical twin.
True, he didn’t have his shirt on the other one did…
but they sure look alike to me.
但是对我而言 他们非常的像
If it got on his chest, even if it didn’t burn or got real cold…
I put my hand on the dry ice. Daddy’s not here now.
我把手放在冰上 爹地现在不在这里
I wanted to take it off quickly because it got very cold.
我想要很快的脱掉它 因为很冷
I also confess, I was afraid I might burn my hand.
If I put it up against a bare chest…
Ken, work with me. I’ll take care of you…
哈瑞 和我一起解决 我会照顾你
You know that song? My judgment is for the defendant.
还记得那首歌♥吗? 所以我的判决是被告无罪
