Yes, sir, I know that.
是的 这个我知道
I thought we should get together and talk.
I think it might be in your best interests to meet me.
I’m at the Bonaventure. How about tonight at 8:30?
我住在 “好旅途” 饭店 今晚8点半如何?
Tomorrow you’ll meet Dr. Marston, who’s in charge of Raymond’s evaluation.
你明天早上将见到马森大夫 他将负责评估雷蒙的精神状态
Yeah, I know. I gave him boxes of files on Raymond.
我知道 我给了他许多关于雷蒙的资科
Good luck. This isn’t a close call.
祝你好运了 这可不是儿戏
It’s a formality. Your brother’s a very disabled individual.
这可是正式的 你哥哥是个无法自己照顾自己的人
Are you trying to tell me that Marston’s gonna rule against me?
No, I’m telling you it’s always been a lost cause.
不 我只是想告诉你 你将有可能败诉
Then why did you call me? Let me tell you something.
那你打电♥话♥约我出来做什么? 我告诉你好了
Your father put me in charge of all the money.
It doesn’t matter whether or not you win custody of Raymond.
I won’t have to pay you a dime. It’s at my discretion.
我都不必付给你一毛钱 所以我们最好还是别上法庭
So you can’t lose? I can lose Raymond.
怎么? 你输不起? 我可以输掉雷蒙
I care about your brother’s life and the treatment he receives.
但我关心你哥哥的一生 以及他所需的治疗
I made a commitment to your father some 20 years ago…
and I’m not willing to gamble with that.
What is this?
It’s a very big check.
And no strings attached. Just walk away, Charlie.
没有任何附带条件 只要你放手就行了 查理
This isn’t about you and me.
你知道 这事并非关系着你和我
It’s not about winning or losing.
I asked you a week ago, why didn’t anyone ever tell me I had a brother?
我一个礼拜前问过你 怎么从没有人告诉我还有一个哥哥
You didn’t have an answer.
I don’t know.
I just realized I’m not pissed off anymore…
真奇怪 我现在才明白 我已经不再为我父亲
my father cut me out of his will.
You probably knew he tried to contact me over the years.
你或许也知道 他那么多年来一直想和我联络
I never called him back. I was a prick.
我从不曾给他回电♥话♥ 我是个混♥蛋♥
If he was my son and didn’t return my calls, I’d have written him out.
如果他是我的儿子的话 我也会将他从我的遗嘱里去掉
But it’s not about the money anymore.
You know, I just don’t understand.
你知道 我…我就是不明白
Why didn’t he tell me I had a brother?
他为何不曾告诉我 我有个哥哥
Why didn’t anyone ever tell me that I had a brother?
Because it’d have been nice to know him for more than just the past six days.
Ray! Come on.
雷 来吧
It stopped. It’s all right.
已经停止了 没事了
Vern. Vern.
拂恩 拂恩…
My main man, Vern.
好伙计 我的好伙计 拂恩
VERN 拂恩…
My main man, Vern.
我的好伙计 拂恩
V-E-R-N. Vern, my main man.
VERN 拂恩…拂恩
They got raspberry, blueberry…
这里有覆盆子 草莓
whole wheat, peachy keen, beer nut, rocky road, buckwheat.
蓝莓 粉红凯迪 全麦 桃子 啤酒果 岩石路 乔麦
How about buckwheat? What kind of pancakes you want, Ray?
Pancakes. What kind?
煎饼 是那一种的?
Pancakes. Of course.
煎饼 好吧
The maple syrup is supposed to be on the table before the pan…
Charlie Babbitt made a joke.
I made a joke, Ray. Yeah.
我表演了一个笑话 是啊
Step back a little bit.
退后一点 雷
Why don’t you go sit down over there?
雷 你何不过去坐在那边?
This is not a legal proceeding, so there’s no judge present…
这不算是个法律的诉讼案件 没有律师和法官在场
just the people who care about Raymond.
Raymond, have a seat over there. Mr. Babbitt, other side of the table.
雷蒙 请你坐那边 巴比特先生 请你坐桌子的另一边
Raymond, right here. How about this seat?
雷蒙 这边 坐这张椅子如何?
Take this seat. Put your knapsack on the floor.
雷蒙 坐这里 把袋子放在地板上
This is a good opportunity to be honest with one another.
我认为这是一个很好的机会 大家在一起坦白地把话说清楚
Ray, the TV? On the floor. I’m sorry.
还有那电视 雷 放在地板上 抱歉
I don’t know an easy way to say this, Mr. Babbitt…
我不知有什么较容易的方法来说 巴比特先生…
Have I lost already?
说什么? 我已经输了?
No, you haven’t lost. I’m not the judge and jury.
不 你还没有输 我又不是法官
I’m just making a recommendation to a court.
我只是个医生 为法庭做评估报告而已
I must tell you that Dr. Bruner is a very respected professional.
我得告诉你 布鲁诺大夫是个很受尊敬的专业人员
Raymond’s case has been meticulously documented over the years…
and Wallbrook is one of the finest institutions in this country.
而当然 华布鲁克可说是我们国内这类机构最好的之一
You’ve made up your mind. I’ll see you in court.
如果你们已经先做好决定 我们就在法庭上见了
My brother came further with me than he did with you in 20 years.
It’s not necessary to… You don’t know anything about us.
我不认为有必要… 这些都是你不知道的
It’s not necessary to challenge him. I’m sorry.
我不认为你有必要指责 抱歉
Exactly what happened this past week, Raymond?
在过去这礼拜都发生了什么 雷蒙?
We got to know each other. I was asking Raymond.
我们彼此都明白 我们…我是在问雷蒙
Raymond, what happened this past week?
雷蒙 过去这礼拜发生了什么?
What did you do? Counted cards.
你都做了什么? 算牌
Counted cards? Counted cards in Las Vegas.
算牌? 在拉斯维加斯算牌
Your brother took you to Las Vegas? Lost $3,000 on the wheel of fortune.
你弟弟带你去拉斯维加斯? 玩幸运输掉了3千块
Gave you $3,000 to gamble with?
Lost $3,000 on pitiful 20.
赌20号♥ 结果输了3千块
And what else did you do? Bet on number 20.
你还做了些什么? 赌20号♥
What else did you do? Danced with Charlie Babbitt.
你还做了些什么? 和查理·巴比特跳舞
Danced with your brother? He wanted to learn.
和你弟弟跳舞? 他想学跳舞 所以我教他
Danced in the elevator with Susanna. Kissed Susanna.
和苏珊娜在电梯里跳舞 吻苏珊娜
You kissed Susanna? Yeah, in the elevator.
吻苏珊娜? 是的 在电梯里
Did you enjoy kissing a woman? I don’t know.
你喜欢吻一个女人? 我不知道
How did it feel? It felt wet.
有什么感觉? 觉得湿湿的
Wet? Yeah.
湿湿的? 是的
Quite a trip, huh? Yeah.
很有意思的一次旅程? 是啊
Did you enjoy being on the road? I’m an excellent driver.
你喜欢旅行吗? 我开车的技术很高明
You drove? Yeah.
你开车了? 是的
Your brother let you drive the highway? Slow on the driveway.
你弟弟让你在州际公路上开车? 是的 在慢车道开
He didn’t drive on the highway.
Did he have any emotional outbursts? What do you mean?
他有没有任何突发的情绪激动? 你是指什么?
Well, things they tend to do when… Inflict bodily harm on themselves.
那些他习惯做的…比方说 伤害他自己的身体…
Yeah, a couple of times. A couple of times?
好…有几次 有好几次?
He had what you call an outburst at the airport because he didn’t wanna fly.
他在机场时发生所谓突发♥情♥绪激动 因为他不想坐飞机
So we didn’t fly. When was his last outburst?
所以我们就没搭飞机 最近一次是什么时候?
This morning when… This morning?
今天早上… 今天早上?
This is bullshit, because I could tell you anything or tell you nothing.
这简直是狗屎 我可以随便告诉你 乱编些故事
You’d never know the difference. This morning the smoke alarm went off.
你根本就分别不出来 今天早上警报器响了
He got nervous, but he’s fine now.
他有点紧张 但他现在没事了
Don’t feel as I’m placing any blame.
We went out for pancakes. He’s fine.
You don’t have to be defensive. I’m just being honest with you.
你大可不必为自己辩护 我又没责怪你 我只是照实说
You’re missing the point. I’m being truthful about this.
我认为你弄错了重点 我一切都很坦白
I’m not placing any blame…
我只是想说 我无责怪你的意思
I had a father I hardly knew, a mother I didn’t know at all.
我有一个几乎不认识的父亲 一个完全不认识的母亲
I find out now that I have a brother, and I’m supposed to give him up?
几天前我发现我还有个哥哥 你要我放弃他?
No one is saying anything.
没有人指责你什么 不必生气
I didn’t hurt him, he’s not hurting me, we’re not hurting you.
我没伤害他 他也没伤害我 我们又没碍到你
Why are you interfering? I’m not interfering.
为什么要干涉我们的事? 我没有干涉
This is my family. I understand that.
这是我的家事你明白吗? 我明白
Your brother is not capable of having a relationship with you.
That’s your opinion. Did you spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week with him?
那是你的看法 你曾经有7天的时间24小时都和他在一起过吗?
You cannot care for your brother without professional guidance.
你若缺乏专业的知识 就无法负责起照顾你哥哥的责任
That’s your opinion. Yes, it’s my opinion.
那是你的看法 是的 这是我的看法
There’s some things I’d like to go over.
Dr. Bruner states a week ago you stole Raymond out of the institution…
布鲁诺大夫说一个礼拜前 你将雷蒙从医院里 “偷” 了出来
and were willing to trade him for $1.5 million, correct?
然后打算以他来交换一百五十万 这是不是真的?
My father died. I was upset.
当时我父亲过世了 我很难过
That was wrong.
Last week you were upset, and this week you’ve found a devotion to him…
所以上个礼拜你很难过 然后这个礼拜你突然觉得
and you want to take care of him.
需要为你哥哥尽些心力 所以你打算一辈子来照顾他?
From the beginning it was like a kidnapping.
所以在开始时就像是件 绑♥架♥
Kidnapping. That’s very strong. I didn’t kidnap my brother.
“绑♥架♥” 这个字眼太过强烈了 我并没有绑♥架♥我哥哥…
